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"To love is to recognise yourself in another."

-Eckhart Tolle




Can't wait to see you again ❤️

     Fucking hell Nick! What, was, that? A heart emoji?! I mean, I know you like him, but, slow down!

     His heart raced as the overwhelming feeling of regret washed over him. How can a simple emoji have so much meaning that it does this to the poor boy. Why'd you do that? You idiot! You've probably just ruined any chances of a normal friendship! Like wha-


You too! ❤️

     Nick's eyes widened at the sight of the repeated symbol, a grin immediately playing on his lips. He said it back! That has to mean something! Right?

* * * * * * *

     As promised, 30 minutes later, a familiar doorbell ring ran through the house. Nick shot up from his place on the couch were he had been waiting, not so patiently, for Charlie.

     He wanted to seem not so desperate as to not make a fool of himself, so he casually strode down the hallway and to the front door. He swung the door open, revealing. The. Charlie. Spring.

     As it was the middle of January, it was freezing currently. Therefore, Charlie was wrapped up in a dark green, fleece jacket, buttons sewn on from top to bottom. A wooly hat sat on his head, making his curls stick out from underneath the brim. He had a scarf wrapped around his neck and tucked in to the collar of his coat. Needless to say, to Nick, Charlie looked all in all adorable.

     "Hi" The dark curled boy voiced excitedly, pulling off his hat. He sent a small wave Nick's way.

     "Hey," Nick replied, returning the small gesture, "Should we go? It's just round the corner there." He said, pointing in the direction, and grabbing his coat off of the hook.

     "Yeah." Charlie said as the two made their way down Nick's drive.

     They exchanged small talk on the short journey, giggling when something funny was said. It was an adorable sight, both laughing their heads off and not being able to stop.

     "S-so, this is it," Nick said, still recovering from the previous laugh-attack, "It's just this café kinda chill place, but it's really fun 'cause it's got a TV room with video games too, a library area, and in the summer there's a pool out back in this, like, field kinda area." He explained. This place was practically Nick's childhood and he was excited to share that with Charlie.

     "Nice! This place looks super cool!" He exclaimed in response, and Charlie wasn't wrong, there were colourful lights coating the ceiling, a row of swinging egg chairs lined up against one wall, and even an area of the floor covered in a copious amount of bean-bags. Left to the door, was a café area with a long countertop stretching across. 

     "Do you wanna go get a drink? They do all kinds of stuff here. And food!" Nick questioned. 

     "Yeah, course." Charlie replied, feeling kinda peckish. He was happy that he could recognise when he was hungry now, and full fill it, instead of restricting himself.

* * * * * * *

     The two boys continued making conversation, varying from full on rants to just little shares of opinion, as they each nibbled on their slices of cake. Nick felt so himself with Charlie, like he could just do and say what he wanted and not be judged. That was how they spent the next two hours. Chatting and laughing. It made Nick really happy, and he can only hope Charlie felt the same.

     A ping of Charlie's phone brought a break in their current conversation. He ignored it and carried on talking to Nick. However, after another ping his phone started to vibrate in his pocket, and his RadioHead, No Surprises, ringtone went off. 

     "Sorry, lemme just," Charlie apologised to Nick as he answered the phone, "Mum, what do you ne-" He got cut off by a string of frantic words from the other side of the line. Nick could only piece them together as something along the lines of 'come, now, it's Oliver, accident' and by the concerned and saddened look on Charlie's face, he was right.

     "Uh, yeah, yeah. Okay I'm on my way, I'll be there in like forty minutes," He paused to listen to his mum, "Love you too, bye." With that he hung up.

     Nick's brows furrowed in concern, "Everything okay?" He questioned cautiously as Charlie just sat still, dead pan expression, staring at the black screen.

     "Umm, I'm sorry, I gotta go. It- It's my brother." He stuttered, standing up from his chair, "Some sorta accident." He muttered.

     "Do you want me to drive you? It'll be quicker than waiting for the train." Nick offered, tone filled with empathy. 

     "Yeah ok, thanks." He replied as both of them ran to Nick's house, so they could get in the car.

      Charlie gave Nick the hospital name his mum had said, and they drove off, Probably breaking a few speed limits on the way.

* * * * * * *

     They had narrowed the journey from forty minutes to twenty-five, and Nick was now pulling into the hospitals visitor-drop-off carpark.

     Charlie got out of the car. "Thank you so much, I'll text you later." Charlie promised, waving him off before making a run for the hospital reception doors.

       Nick sat in his car and watched as Charlie walked through the big glass doors. He saw him hug his parents and talk to them through the window, then they all walked further into the hospital, until they were out of Nicks sight. He sighed and sat back in his chair. He felt worried and concerned for Charlie and his family.

     Charlie's mum sounded really panicked on the phone. It must be pretty bad. And the way they rushed further into the hospital. Man, he feels so sorry for them. He just hopes that his little brother, Oliver by the sounds of it, is okay.




Sorry for the sad ending.. and drama.

And sorry about no small talk dialogue. I can't do small irl so writing it would be a nightmare.

But anywayyyyy.. I hoped you liked it!

If you did, Vote, Comment!


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