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"No one ever told me that grief felt so like fear."

-C.S. Lewis


     Charlie had felt this hurt in his heart ever since the realisation hit him that his brother might not be okay. The drive was silent and, although he appreciated that because he knew if he spoke his voice would break and the tears would fall, he wished he had something to distract him from what may be of his brother at the hospital.

     He had told Nick he'd text him later, that later was now, but he had no intention of reaching out. Oliver had been rushed to surgery, for some unknown reason to Charlie, when he had arrived. No one really knew exactly what was happening, but the doctors had been trying to reassure them that all was well. He had been there for two hours. Still nothing.

     The Spring family were all sitting in a private waiting room. Jane was sitting on one chair, silently weeping, while Julio was consoling her gently, having a few tears fall himself. As for Tori and Charlie, they were both opposite each other, staring at the ground, a fearful feeling running down their spines at a single thought of something happening. Charlie's mind felt.. strange. He couldn't focus on anything apart from the possible impending doom for Oliver, and the anxiety from that was taking up every inch of space he had left in his head, leaving no room for any other wonders he might have.

* * * * * * *

     After two hours and thirty-seven minutes, a sinister yet sympathetic looking doctor entered the room. Charlie snapped his head towards the door and, after studying his face momentarily, he read the light green name pin he had on.

     Dr McWiggan

     Jane immediately rushed over to him, silently begging for answers with her turned up brows and misty eyes, Julio followed with a similar plea. Charlie, nor Tori, moved. They had no motivation, as if they knew what news was coming.

     "I think it would be best, if we all took a seat, then I can explain to you properly what has happened." McWiggan suggested in a calm and gentle tone, and contrastingly the tension in the room grew. 

     As the three sat down to join the two teenagers, Charlie and Tori shared a knowing glance, before finally letting their own tears that had been building up in the pits of their eyes, gently drop down their cheeks.

     "I am very sorry to share, this news with you," The doctor sighed, "But we tried everything we could, until it was no longer under our control. Olivers body shut down on him, due to the internal damage the hit had caused..." The rest was all muffled noise to Charlie, only four words continuing through his brain like a broken record on repeat. His. Brother's. Just. Died.

     He could faintly hear his mothers screams and cries, begging the doctor that it wasn't true. But it was. An arm slung around his shoulders brought Charlie back to reality. He peered over and saw his older sister. Tears were pouring down her face and only then did Charlie realise he was crying too.

     The ringing in Charlie's ears fully stopped when Tori lightly pulled him up, and the Spring family joined together in a big, family, group hug. They all knew their family would never be the same again, but they weren't sure quite how much this would impact them.

* * * * * * *

     At around one thirty in the morning is when Charlie's eyes finally drooped shut and sleep overtook his body. He had been curled up in bed, crying, since they arrived home from the hospital. Everyone else in the family had each gone to their rooms as well, he assumed for some alone time, but it wouldn't be surprising if they were all doing the same as him. 

     He was still fully clothed, teeth unbrushed, only his shoes kicked off at the end of the bed. Charlie was trying to focus on the happy memories of today, with Nick and all, but that only brought him back to the frantic and panicky call from his mother. He then remembered that he assured Nick he would text him, and it had been a good few hours since then. He did feel guilty, but knew if Nick knew what had happened he'd understand. Ping! He awoke from his small and light doze.


Are you ok? Is your brother ok? Sry ik you said you'd reach out but I'm just kinda worried x

     Charlie's mind couldn't even process the kiss at the end, he barely even noticed with his mind so preoccupied. 


He's dead

     He hit send without another thought, just wanting Nick to know and hopefully understand, he did not want to talk about it. Only, typing it out, made the realisation hit again, this time with more pain. A fairly loud sob left his slightly parted lips and he could only hope that no one else heard. The last thing he wanted right now was affection and attention from his hurting family. They were all hurting, so it would be no help any way, and they'd most likely all just turn in to one big, spluttering, mess on the floor. An incomplete family.



I don't really know what to say to this tbh. Sad chapter to write 😞

Butttt... if you liked it Vote, Comment.

I know. I moved on quick. 👀


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