Chapter 1- Welcome to Jurassic World.

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I swayed back and forth on my feet as Karen put our bags in the car, or more specifically their bags. Once she was done she sighed. The sun hit my face with its warm rays which felt amazing next to the cold snow on the trees and grass. I snuggled closer into my jacket to keep warm.

"Boys! Lets go!" she yelled to Zach and Grey. She looked at me and smiled.

"You can put your things in the car now if you want I'll go get Zach and Grey okay?" I nodded and picked up my bags as she walked inside her house. I threw them inside the Gray Honda mini van and closed the trunk door. I heard a small wolf whistle and my face instantly lit up in a smile. I turned around to see Zach in a red Tee with black skinny jeans and a grey sweater that looked really thin.

"Zach, its cold out why are you wearing that small sweater?!"
He just chuckled and opened his arms to hug me.

"You do realize we're going to Costa Rica right? Its going to be so hot over there. My question is why the hell are you wearing that big ass Jacket?" I laughed at him as I wrapped my arms around him and lied my head on his chest.

"Once we get to the airport i'll take it off and give it to your mom, don't worry I know where we're going." Grey came out of the house and ran up to us. Zach let go and I smiled widely at Grey my tiny best friend; Zach sighed and looked away as I hugged him, he wasn't such a big fan of our friendship.

"This is going to be so much fun i cant wait to see the park! We're gonna see real life dinosaurs!!" he yelled excitedly and I couldn't help but giggle at him.

"I know whats the dinosaur you're most waiting to see?"

"Well hopefully we get a chance to see their Mosasaur" I giggled again and said

"Well hey a Mosasaur isn't technically a dinosaur its a marine reptile". He just smiled and I ruffled his long curly light brown hair and his green eyes sparkled with joy.

"Zach, Grey, Jonny, get in the car, you don't want to be late!" Their dad, James, said.

Grey ran to the car bubbling with excitement. I turned to grab Zach's hand and he opened the van door for me as i got in and sat between them. Zach sat down and closed to door. I then lied my head on his shoulder while i held his hand. James and Karen looked at us and cooed. I looked at them and smiled, then at Grey as he hurried them up to get to the airport. The whole ride was spent with Karen saying how cute Zach and I are, and Grey and I talking about the Dinosaurs we hope to see. Zach simply listened and smiled at how great I got along with his family.

I remember when we decided to come out to them, he was more terrified than I was. When it happened, his dad was a bit shocked and disappointed, but, Karen told us that it was okay as long as we were happy. Karen was the most accepting out of the two, James, however, took a while to come to terms with it. He had  accepted us a few weeks later and Grey, well when we met he asked if I was Gay or Bisexual and I told him that I was gay and he said that he hoped I'd date his brother, cause he wanted me to stay. That was about a year ago which was on our second month together. Now, I'm part of the family. I mean Karen was talking to me about marriage!

We got to the airport and Grey jumped out and ran to the back to grab his stuff. I waited for Zach and when he got out he held his hand out for me to get off. I stepped off and took my jacket off, grabbing a light flannel and putting that on. James and Karen got out at the same time. Once everything was situated and we got our luggage, we headed to the airport.

"You know I'm so happy you were able to come ." Zach said as we all got in line to get out tickets. The airport was huge and full of people. The park we were going to was named Jurassic World and was located on Isla Nublar, a little island off of Costa Rica, which has it's own little specific station in the airport.

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