Chapter 10- Chasing Dragons

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---Part of this chapter will be in 3rd person---

Owen grabbed the piece of Indominus's skin that ACU found. He held up the meat to the cages of the Raptors. The first one was Blue, The oldest, the beta. Blue is the most intelligent and the fastest. Blue is mostly known from her dark blue-Green color. Her signature design is the bright blue stripe down from her eye to the tip of her tail. Blue walked up to the mesh wall and started sniffing. He breaths heard from outside strong and loud. The next was Delta. Delta was the second eldest and is almost as intelligent as Blue. Delta is a normal green color with dark stripes running from her neck to her hips. After Delta comes Echo. Echo is a dark tan color with black, brown, yellow, and green stripes. Echo and Blue got into a fight for Alpha when they were smaller. Blue one and Echo was left with a scar on her snout. Charlie is the last. Charlie is a bright green color with Dark green stripes down her body. Charlie is the youngest raptor. Charlie isn't so bright but she looks up to Blue as a role model. Once all the Raptors got a whiff of Indominus they locked on. They all got her scent like a dog to food. The rammed against the doors desperate to get to Indominus. Owen sat on the large black Motorcycle with the private ACU from In-Gen behind in trucks and Motorcycles. He looked up to a new worker and nodded his head. He looked out and the trainer looked at the green button. He slammed his thumb down on the button. A loud buzz sounded and the Raptor cages were opened. The Raptors shot out like missiles with roars. The team followed them from behind.

Back at the truck Claire sat down with the laptop in front of her the Raptors cameras were a night vision green showing as the Raptors ran through the dense jungle. The window behind Claire opened slowly as Zach, Grey, and Jonny popped their heads through to see the cameras.

Blue, Delta, Echo, and Charlie dashed through jumping over dead logs and fallen trees. Their claws digging into the ground pushing them further, faster. A light came from behind and a loud motor sound. Owen rode up behind them. Echo and Charlie on his left, Blue and Delta on his right.
"Your boyfriend's a bad-ass". Zach said seeing everything through the cams. Upon hearing this Claire smiled slightly.

In the Control Room, Hoskins sat with Lowery looking at it on the large blue screen.
"You recording this?" Hoskins asked jokingly as he reached for Lowery's Soda and drank it.

Owen rode driving faster to catch up with the Raptors. Barry and ACU came up behind him. Barry checked his radar on his bike and noticed the Raptors slowing down.
"They're slowing down!" Barry yelled at Owen. Owen pulled his walkie talkie close as he slowed his bike abit.
"They got something!" The Raptors slowed their pace even more as they approached a small clearing. They finally stopped as they looked around with small roars and growls. Owen stopped his bike and signaled the others to stop. ACU and Owen and Barry got off with guns in their hands. They crouched near a fallen tree and waited. Indominus's roars and thundering footsteps getting closer as the Raptors called back. ACU turned on their lasers to focus in on Indominus when she got there. The nearby trees in front of the Raptors began to shake as branches and dead leaves snapped and crunched followed by the thunder of her footsteps. Indominus appeared and looked around growling. The Raptors Charlie and Echo wanted to pounce but Blue stopped them. Indominus looked at Blue and Then began to mimic Raptor calls. Blue talked back as did Delta. Blue Delta and Imdominus started talking in their own Raptor language. Roars, Gekkers, and Growls.
"Something is wrong...Their communicating". Barry told Owen in a low voice. Owen lowered his gun and noticed when Indominus looked up at them.
"I know why they wouldn't tell us what she was made out of." Indominus shook her head, with a quiet growl, at the humans and the raptors turned around with hisses and growls. They outstretched their claws to signal their danger and power.
"That thing is part raptor". The green cameras all had Owen on them as the Raptors got closer ready to pounce. In a sudden flash ACU shot at Indominus as the Raptors scattered in fear. Indominus started running away but a small range missile was shot and exploded into a tree next to her. The force knocking her over. She got up and disappeared into the woods completely quiet. The branches of a few nearby trees were on fire. Owen walked first into the trail Indominus left behind.
"Watch your six. Raptors have a new Alpha". ACU walked cautiously in looking left and right.

~Jonny's P.O.V~

"You know what? No you're not watch this. Closing it!" Claire turned and ignored our protests as she shut the small window. The last thing we saw was the Raptors in front of Indominus. We sat down in silence as i held Zach's hand. Grey got up and slightly opened the window.
"What are you doing?" I mouthed to him in silence.
"So we can at least hear." he sat back down and we heard a sudden burst of Screams and gunshots followed by Raptor roars. Zach and Grey looked through the window. I got up as well. We saw the Cameras sort of shutting off.
"Is everyone dead?" Grey suddenly asked. Clarie rapidly shut the laptop and turned around.
"Oh no no sweetie everyone is fine."
"Don't lie to him!" Zach told her, tensing up.
"He's scared! Its OK to lie when people are scared!"
"I wanna go home." Grey said in a sad tone.
"Oh sweetie you will, tomorrow you will be home and your mother will never let me see you ever agai-"
A hand full of blood slammed into the window, staining it red. We all let out terrified screams.
Zach Grey and I turned at sat down as Claire started the truck. The two back doors were opened. An ACU guard was there telling us to go when a huge Raptor came out of nowhere, jumped on his back and slammed its jaws on his shoulder. He let out a cry of pain as Claire started driving. They both fell off and left the doors open. We saw as the Raptor tore him too shreds, while we drove off.
"The doors!" Grey yelled. I got up and stumbled around trying to get close when I heard Claire scream again. The scream didn't last long but when it was over i saw the body of a Raptor on the floor behind the truck as we sped away.
"Over there!" Zach yelled. I looked up and saw a Raptor sprinting towards us. Then from behind another one appeared. The opened their jaws as they roared. I looked around to see what I could find. I found an oxygen tank and grabbed it. When J tried to throw it out I almost fell over. Zach caught me before I fell. He got the tank and threw it. It hit the floor and busted a bit as Oxygen leaked through. The Raptors easily avoided the tank and got closer. We looked around to see what else we could find. One of the raptors ran to the side of the truck and I felt Claire turn the truck in a sharp turn then back straight suddenly knocking me over. I saw a Raptor tumble around and be left behind but one kept sprinting toward us. Grey grabbed some sort of shocker from the wall.
"Turn it on!" I said as we fumbled around trying to figure out how to work it.
"I'm trying!." Grey yelled. The Raptor roared as it jumped and landed in the truck but its back leg slipped off and it dug its claws into the floor trying to stay on. The shocker turned on with a visible ray of electricity running through the two metal nobs on it. Zach and I lunged it forward striking the Raptor on its chest. It let out a cry and fell off almost paralyzed.

Zach and I hugged and got up.
"I'll close the doors." I smiled up at Zach as he nodded.
"Be careful".
"They're just doors I don't think they would pull me out"
"You know what I mean". I giggled and he gave me a kiss on my forehead. He walked back to Grey and They went up to the window.
(A/n this has two alternate endings cause I couldn't choose one so I am going to post both and let you guys decide which you want this to end in. Please vote for which ending you want and the ending that wins stays and well it will be included in Chapter 10!)
Ending A: I walked close to the edge of the Truck. I reached over to the right door and tried to grab it. The truck suddenly jumped and my leg slipped. I let out a quiet yelp and fell out of the truck. My body hit the floor and tumbled around until my head hit the floor. My body went numb and everything fell into darkness

Ending B: I walked close to the edge of the truck outstretching my arms to shut the doors when the car hit a speed bump and my leg slipped. I let out a small yelp as I fell down then slipped out of the car and onto the cold road. My body tumbled around with the Gravel scratching my arms and Legs. My head hit the floor and everything went into a sharp spiral as I stopped rolling. I lied there still with everything twisting and turning. My head pulsing. Once everything calmed down my body began to hurt. I sat up and looked around in the total darkness, surrounded by forest. I got up and my right leg shot with pain. I let out another squeal as I looked around. I found a broken branch under a tree, illuminated by the moon light. I grabbed it and peeled off the leaves and used the thicker part of it to help me stand. I looked at my leg and found out i was fine so it was just a badly sprained ankle. I looked behind me as I heard the loud and familiar roar of Indominus.

~~please don't hate me I want to make it longer and a bit different from the story cause i realize it's literally just the movie from my characters P.O.V and with an extra person so I want to do this see the it goes...let me know which ending you prefer In the comments below love you vote and share!!~~

-If you made it this far say pizza in your comment

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