Chapter 8- Love In the Time of Pterosauria

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Owen and Claire ran ahead of me as we dashes through the trees. I heard Truck and Motors up ahead and ran faster. Owen, Claire, and I got to an opening at a dirt road as people ran around getting into Cars and Four Wheelers. Claire's phone rang but I was too busy looking for a bike I could ride. I found a good enough ATV and hopped on. I tried turning it on and it worked. Owen got on another one and Claire hopped on Behind him. We all began riding them on a road that lead into the back of the park. The wind almost blinded me so I was naturally scared but I don't care I have to find Zach. We arrived through halls of metal which held the park together. Owen stopped and I stopped behind him. We all got off and the screams of people Mixed with Pteranodon screams were heard. I started running for one one of the doors that led to Main Street.
"Jonny!" Claire Yelled. I looked back and she came up to me.
"Go find Zach and Grey they should be close to here! Go!" and with that I turned around and started running through the people and pushed the doors open. The scene was a total mess. People getting attacked and bitten by tiny Dimorphodons or taken up by the giant Pteranodons. The flying monsters were everywhere! People running in all directions. Glass being shattered. Screams and roars and panic. I began to look for Zach and Grey but in the Havoc i didn't see them.

"DON'T JUST STAND THERE!!" I heard in a British accent followed by screaming. I ran a bit forward and looked up to see Zara being tossed around in the air by the Pteranodons. I look down and see Zach in his dark red shirt running to where it was taking her.
"ZACH! ZA-!" At the moment i was about to run I got thrown down by a Dimorphodon. Its huge head and jaw snapping at me as i held it back with my hands. The feathers on its neck scratching my hands as its claws cut my torso and ripped my shirt. I screamed as it roared in my face when suddenly it fell off of me. I looked up and saw Kitty hitting it repeatedly with a chair leg. She finished and picked me up.
"Thanks!" i said and turned around to see the huge Mosasaur clamp its Jaw shut on a Pteranodon and them drag it back into the water.
"That was bad ass" Kitty said behind me.
"Kitty I saw Zach! But i wasn't able to get to him!" Kitty looked confused.
"What do you mean i thought you were with him already?" she asked.
"Long story! But just come on!" I grabbed her arm and started running. Zigzagging through the crowd.
"Whoa! Hey slow down!" she yelled at me. I kept running while trying to avoid the Pteranodons and Dimorphodons.
"We need to get into a store for protection come on!" I said as i dragged her into a nearby store. It was the Gift Shop. I ran inside and she followed me.
"Whats going on here? Why is this happening?". She said in between breaths. The people out side still running by the window.
"The new dinosaur, Indominus, escaped and she killed the Apatosaurus and let these damn things out of the Aviary!"
"How would it know to let them out?" I shrugged my shoulders.
"Beats me!" i looked out the window on my right and saw the familiar white shirt.
"Zach!" I bolted out the door and saw Claire talking with Zach and Grey. Claire then turned around as Owen said something. They were about to leave but i yelled.
"ZACH GREY!" Zach turned around and his face lit up. Grey's did as well. Zach ran up to me with his arms opening up. I ran towards him as well. My heart overwhelming with joy caused a few tears to slip again.
"Jonny!" Zach said as he closed his arms around me I closed my arms around him and we both squeezed each other.
"I was so scared i thought i would loose you!" Zach said as his hand and fingers ran through my hair. The people still running around and Pteranodons and Dimorphodons falling here and there.
"No i wouldn't stop looking for you. God i missed you!" I looked up at him and he down at me. I leaned in and he met me halfway. Our lips touched and he pulled me in closer. At that moment i felt nothing else mattered. My arm rested on his chest and his on my waist. We split apart and just looked at each other while taking deep breaths.
"You guys are so cute! I ship it!" Kitty said and I turned around.
"Kitty!" Zach said and gave her a hug. Grey came over to me with a radiating smile and we hugged as well. I gave him a kiss on the forehead.
"Hey you guys we gotta go!" Owen said. Zach grabbed my hand and Kitty and Grey followed us as we ran with Owen into a gate. Claire brought up her phone and dialed someone.
"Lowery we are on our way call in a chopper" We walked through the doors and into another hall with no roof. Workers running around.
"What?....What do you mean use the Raptors?!"
"Son of a bitch" Owen said as a Helicopter flew by. We turned around and the gate doors began ro shake as something was about to break through.
"Take the kids get them some place safe!" Owen told Claire. Zach put his arm around me and pushed me behind him. Grey behind me and Kitty behind us. Owen turned and ran, We all ran behind him. Owen jumped in a car as the gates flew open. A crowd of people ran through them with a Pteranodon standing on the Spinosaur skeleton was behind them with its wings open and roaring. We all hopped into the car and Owen turned it on.
"GO! Go! YOU CAN DO IT LETS GO BACK UP!" We all yelled at him at once. He backed up as the people followed in front of the car. He drove into a small opening which was doors leading to another part of the park.
"This does not feel safe." Zach said.
"No it does not" Kitty said.
"Can we stay with you?" Grey asked.
"I am never leaving you for as long as i live-" Claire started to say but Zach and Grey interrupted her.
"No no no! With him" Zach said while pointing to Owen. Claire and Owen looked at each other.
"Yea definitely him". Grey said. I elbowed them both.
"Hey!" they said at the same time.
"No no its fine i get it I haven't exactly been Aunt of the Year". Claire said a bit of sadness in her voice.
"But still Claire its fine you did what you could they're just ungrateful I guess". Zach looked at me like as if he couldn't believe I just said that.
"Its not like that" he tried to assure me.
"I know I'm joking". He sighed and then pushed me. I started laughing and so did he.
"I gotta go take care of some business, do you guys wanna come or?" Owen asked us.

"Well i have some place to be but ummm not sure I guess." Kitty said from next to me.

"Who are you again?" Claire asked, turning to see us.

"Oh yea Owen, Claire this is Kitty I met her on the Monorail on our way to the Gyrosphere Valley."
"Hello" she said while waving.

"Hey". Claire and Owen said.

"Okay so do you want me to take you somewhere?" Owen asked Kitty.

"No not really I can tag along and be some help maybe". Owen nodded and started the car.
She looked at me and said.
"I saved you once maybe i can do it again!" I laughed and Zach squeezed my hand. I turned to look at him.
"What?" he shook his head.
"No tell me."
"No its fine."
"Zach, fine we'll talk later."

Owen started driving into some dirt roads. As Grey told me everything that happened. The Indominus killed the Ankylosaurus and destroyed the Gyrosphere. Chased them to the old park and then they fixed the car and drove here. Then Claire wasn't so happy to find out about Zara. I simply held his hand smiling, happy to be able to see and hear him again. Zach looked at me with a smile every few moments. I looked at him as well with a smile.

"You know you two are so cute." Kitty said and I turned around with a smile and she was looking at me smiling too.

"Thank you." I said with one last smile.

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