Chapter 6- Into The Jungle

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I hung up my phone in despair as Zach once again didn't answer his phone. I looked up to see a field of green grass, an empty plain landscape with no dinosaurs in sight.
"Are we here?" I asked to a worried Claire and Owen. They didn't say anything but Owen drove a bit slower as we all cautiously looked around. There weren't any Dinosaurs or Gyroshperes. Gyrospheres I knew weren't going to be here because of Code 19 but no Dinosaurs was something strange and alarming.
"What do you think happened here?"
"Im not sure but obviously nothing good". Claire said.
Owen pointed at a large grey metal Perimeter fence.
"Do you think they went in there?". Claire and I lifted and dropped our shoulders.
"Hopefully not but Lowery said that the Gyroshpere was still in the valley. We have to take a chance and check". Before arriving, Owen slowed the car down a bit more. I looked through my side window and saw the grass all messed up and torn apart. The dirt and soil from underneath the ground seemed either pulled out or ripped out with stains of red. The grass was flattened out by some heavy creature, possibly the Indominus. I looked out the front as Owen completely stopped the car.
"Is that?-" I asked quietly as my eyea grew wider.
"Stay in the car".
Owen stepped out and began to walk towards a gigantic Gray body on the floor, of what i think is a dead dinosaur. Claire stepped out and I un-buckled my seatbelt and opened the door. I walked closer as Owen sat on the grass on his knees with his hands slowly caressing the Apatasaur. I looked up and down its body and legs with deep wounds. Scratches deep in its body, with pieces of torn off flesh and bite marks. Blood leaking from its skin and tainting the green grass. The Apatasaur groaned in pain and took in deep breaths. My heart clenched in pain knowing the animal was suffering and close to death. Claire got on her knees and tried to touch the Dino before it lungged its head up alerted, but Owen hushed it and lowered it back down as it let out a pain filled moan.
"Sshh its okay girl, everything is fine". My eyes filled with tears at the sight of the beautiful dinosaur. I was completely breathless by both Pain and Admiration. I sat down and began to carefully pet its neck. The rough scaly skin was cold as a stone. The Apatasaur groaned and took in one last breath as it closed its eyes and finally drifted off to death. I closed my eyes and let a few tears slip past as my mind flooded with images of Zach and Grey getting attacked and eaten by Indominus. I couldnt stand the thought and opened my eyes. Tears rushed out as I let out a shaky sigh. I looked up at claire who was also spilling a few tears. Owen stood up as he looked at the field going into the jungles of Isla Nublar. I stood up and wiped away my tears. My mind focusing on thoughts of Zach and Grey escaping and living. I helped Claire up and she wiped her eyes. We looked at Owen who stood looking out with a gun in his hands. Claire and I got closer and One more Apatasaur appeared far away dead with bleeding wounds. Then one more, then another. Once I fully got next to Owen I saw 5 dead Apatasaurs lying on the grass dead with bird surrounding their bodies. Claire gasped and my heart twisted.
"It didn't eat them, the Indominus. She's killing for sport." My heart that was once filled with sadness, grew cold and turned into anger towards this dinosaur. My thoughts switched from the Apatasaurs to Zach. Once again in my mix of emotions Panic flowed through me.
"Oh my god! What if Zach and Grey were attacked!?!" I said in a voice full of fear.
"Calm down im sure they're fine". Owen said trying to assure me.
"Dont worry we will find them and then we will put a stop to Indominus". Claire said as she turned around and walked back to the car. Owen and I followed behind her. Once we were all in the car Owen started it.
"Hey look! There's a piece of the Gate busted open" I pointed to a far end of the Perimeter fence that was broken down. Owen approached and then we saw the metal bars broken and twisted into malformed shapes.

"Do you think they went in there?"

"We can try and follow this trail. I see flattened out grass up ahead, it must be from their Gyrosphere". Clair told Owen and he began to drive in slowly. The Shade of teh trees completely engulfed and covered the car. Owen followed the trail through trees and bushes. We kept going and up ahead Claire gasped.
"Look at the grass its torn up!".
"It must be from a dinosaur fight?" Owen said unsure. We followed what looked like a literal path of Destruction. I looked up and I gasped and then Claire did the same as we saw the dead body of an Ankylosaur upside down with it's head and stomach missing come into view. My own stomach twisting with sickness at the bloody sight of the incident.
"Oh my god over there!" Claire pointed over between some trees. Owen drove a bit faster and my heart began thumping as I noticed a broken Gyroshpere.
"Is that theirs?" I asked with a shaky voice.
"Lets hope not". Owen stopped the car and we all jumped out. Owen got up to the Gyroshpere as Claire and I looked around. The Gyroshpere was completely torn apart with shards of glass on the floor and metal frames and pipes everywhere. I looked at Owen as he pulled a huge tooth out of one of the metal frames. I looked over to the floor and I gasped and covered my mouth as I ran towards a small object on the muddy floor.
"What is it?". Claire asked as I picked up Zach's phone with shaky hands tears falling from my eyes.
"Its Zach's phone". My own voice breaking.
"No no no no no!". Claire said as she ran up to me and grabbed the phone.
I closed my eyes trying my hardest not to cry.
"Hey don't worry look, they made it out." Owen said.
My eyes darted open as I looked at him and he pointed towards the floor. I looked over my shoulder and saw two sets shoe prints, one bigger than the other, followed my large Dinosaur prints heading out of the jungle. I got up and ran in the direction. The panic leaving my body and being replaced with relief. My eyes glued to the floor, ignoring Owen and Claire's screams and calls. The trail suddenly stopped at a rocky ledge. My ears filled with the sound of rushing water. I looked up and saw a Water fall with a small lake like pond at the bottom. The pond then split up into tiny streams of water. Owen and Claire caught up.
We looked around for any signs that they lived.
"Oh yes they jumped!" Claire said happily as she pointed to the bottom. I looked and saw in a muddy part of the bottom of the pool of water. There were prints but the prints were slightly blurred out.
"Brave kids".
"ZACH GREY!" Claire yelled. Owen immediately shushed her.
"Hey! Im not one of your damn animals!" Claire said angrily towards him.
"Hey those kids are still alive but you, Jonny and I will not be if you continue to scream like that!" Owen told her in a whisper yell.
"Okay so can't you like pick up their scent? Uh Track their footprints?"
"I was with the Navy not the Navajo!" Owen said.
"Okay then what do we do?"

"I will go look for them"

"Excuse me?"

"You two will stay here." He pointed to me.

"Um I'm not leaving my boyfriend out there I'm going with you." I said. Owen nodded then looked at Claire.
"Fine you can go but you, Claire just go back to the control room we'll take it from here"

"Why can't I go?"

"You'll last two minutes in there! Less than those ridiculous shoes!"
Claire looked mad and then unbuttoned her shirt tied it at her waist. Owen looked confused at the sudden action. She then lifted her sleeves up.

"Whats that supposed to mean?"

Owen asked in his normal voice now.

"It means im ready to go" Claire said. Owen got a bit closer.

"Okay but look, if you go both of you are going to do exactly what i say when i say it".

"Excuse me?" Claire said offended.

"Relax its just like taking a stroll in the park, 65 million years ago".

Owen swung the gun over his shoulder and started walking down the hill side of the waterfall. Claire rolled her eyes and looked at me smiling. We both followed behind Owen. The grass and dry leaves crunching beneath the soles of my shoes. I stepped on a rock and almost slipped. A small yelp left my mouth and Owen and Claire both stopped and looked back.

"Sorry" I said in a small whisper. Owen continued walking. All of us carefully hoping from one rock to another. I looked down at Claire's shoes and noticed that they were High Heels. I giggled and shook my head.

"Everything okay?". Claire asked me. I just nodded with a smile.

"Yea sorry everything is fine". We finally made it to the bottom.

"Okay now we cross this small stream". Owen informed us and then Stepped into the rushing water. His shoe submerged. He took more steps ahead and then turned back and held out his hand for Claire. Claire took his hand and he helped her cross. I followed behind. The cold water almost numbing my feet. You wouldn't expect that from a place that's super hot.

"Now what?" I asked as I stood next to Owen.

"Now we head deeper into the jungle hopefully we will find them".

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