Chapter 5- Owen me some Info

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The doors of the monorail opened as all the people ran and shoved passed me. I managed to get out of the train as the almost paralyzing panic flowed through my veins. Zach, Grey were the only thing on my mind. I walked with the crowd back to main street. Then I got an Idea. Claire. Maybe if she was in the Innovation Center then she might be able to help me find Zach and Grey. I looked around and found the tall Pyramid like structure behind me. I darted for the building. On the way I got tripped and almost fell but two arms caught me before.
"Woah there," a familiar deep voice rang in my ears as the arms swung me close to the body that was taller than mine. Taller than Zach.
"You have got to stop falling". I looked up and saw the pair of dark brown eyes.
"Oh my god um" I said as I stumbled back out of his grip, taking a few small steps back.
"James, we met on the monorail"
"Right, hi again". I said as i looked behind him, at the Innovation Center. He got in my view again.
"Going somewhere? Or looking for someone? Maybe I can help."
He said with a sly smile.I saw multiple walk in and out the building.
"Um sure I guess I'm just going to the innovation center. I'm looking for the uh, owner? Manager person Claire"
He nodded in understanding and smiled. I pointed to the building.
"Well lets go then" he grabbed my hand and i pulled away. He looked back confused
"I have a boyfriend and he's here on the island, with me" I saw his eyes darken a bit as he simply said,
"Oh I see..."
I nodded awkwardly.
"Well he isn't doing such a good job if you're by yourself. " he said.
"Excuse me but I'm looking for him".
"Oh ok fine then let's go look for him". He said and he turned around and started walking to the center. I followed behind but soon found my way in front of him. I pushed the doors open and the familiar view came in. I looked to my right and saw a woman push a button and up came a hologram of the Velociraptor. Then Claire walked right through a worried expression on her face. She was looking around the room.
"Claire!" I yelled. She looked at me and I saw her get a bit relieved.
"Claire do you know where Zach and Grey are?"
"All I know is that they're at the Gyrosphere Valley, I thought you were with them". She said.
"Well no I couldn't you don't exactly have a three seated Gyroshpere" She was about to say something when a man cut her of.
"Claire!" she turned around and ran towards a tall man in a trainer like outfit.
"Oh Owen I need you" I got up behind her.
"We need you" She corrected herself while pointing to me.
"Ok" he said while looking at both of us.
"My nephews, they're out In the valley and I-" he grabbed her arm and pulled her aside.
"How old are they?" he asked her.
"The older one hes high school age and the younger one he's um..."
"You don't know how old your nephews are?" Owen and I looked at her and she just looked at him.
"You, do you know them?" Owen lookef at me as Claire turned around.
"Yea I know them".
"What are they're names and how old are they?"
"Zach and Grey, Zach he's, 18 years old and Grey he's 13."
"How do you know them?" he asked.
"He's dating Zach". Claire answered for me.
"Please can you help us find them?". He nodded.
"Yea I can. But first we need to get there". Owen started walking out to the back when I remembered James.
"James you Need to stay here" I said and I turned and stopped him. He just looked at me and I nodded.
"Fine" he said I smiled and then turned around and ran out of the back doors. I stopped and started looking around scared that they might have left without me. I heard a whistle behind me and turned to see Owen in a car. I ran to the car and got in the back seat. The car was a type of Merceded four wheeler.
"Okay so where is the valley?" he said.
"Its a bit passed the Gallamimus Valley so just follow that road". She pointed to the right at a dirt road. Owen started the car and drove into it. He was going at a pretty fast speed as i looked out at the green trees rushing by.
"Can one of you call to make sure they're ok?" Owen said.
"I'll call them" Claire got out her phone and dialed Zach's number. She held the phone up to her ear.
"Come on, come on answer" She kept saying. She exhaled and said.
"Nope he didn't answer me. Jonny you try please?"
"I can try to text him" i pulled out my phone and started texting him.
'Zach, where are you guys? Are you guys ok? Please answer me Claire and I are with a guy named Owen. We're on our way to find you guys just stay in one spot'. I hit send and the message was sent.
"Okay I texted" Owen nodded and so did Claire.
"So does anyone want to tell me whats going on? What is this asset out of containment thing?".
"A dinosaur broke out of it's Paddock earlier today and it seems to be going towards the park." Claire said.
"It wasn't in the park already?"
"No it wasn't she was in a paddock in the restricted area. She clawed the wall to make us think she escaped and when I went I with two workers we found out she was still in there." Owen explained.
"Who's the dinosaur?"
"The Indominus Rex, She was supposed to be and its our first genetically modified hybrid."
"Whats it made out of?"
"Well the base genome is a T-rex, we added some Cuttlefish genes and some of a frog, the rest is Classified." my eyes widened.
"Wait she has Cuttlefish and Frog DNA?" Claire nodded.
"And you didn't see her in the cage? Don't you have like thermal sensers?"
"Well somehow she didnt turn up and no we didn't see her but when ACU went to go kill her, we saw her skin change color from green to white."
"It can change color? She hid from thermal scanners" i mutters quietly to my self.
"Do you know something Jonny?" Claire asked.
"Well I think you didnt see her through the thermal scanners because she changed her body heat."
"Isn't stuff like that impossible?"
"Not for a frog. Frogs can somehow change their body temperature according to their surroundings, it's how they live. If the Indominus has this feature she may have used it to hide from the thermal technology." I explained to Claire and Owen.
"What about the camouflage?"
"That could be part of her Cuttlefish DNA."
"Well Cuttlefish have something in their cells called Chromatophores that allow them to change color in order to avoid predators. I guess Indominus learned how to use it to escape."
"How do you know all this?" Owen asked me surprised.
"I love animals so I study them and their anatomy. My only question is why in the hell would you make something like that? What purpose do you have for a Dinosaur that can Camouflage?".
"People weren't being impressed by Dinosaurs any more. They wanted them bigger, louder, and with more teeth. Plus the park needs a new attraction every few years in order to reinvigorate the public's intrest. Corporate felt that Genetic modification was the answer". Claire explained.
"Well I guess it isn't"
"How old are you Jonny?" Owen asked.
"Im 17".
"You're a smart kid. Why dont you have people like him working here?" He asked Claire and she just stayed silent as he continued driving.
"Okay can we just focus on Zach and Grey please?" she said sounding irritated. Owen chuckled and I did to. Owen drove into the Gyroshpere valley and I noticed it was empty. That wasnt a good sign...

~~okay so this one is a bit shorter because i tried to fit in everything that wasnt in the story before like her breakout and her DNA structure. Im sorry if Jonny sounds too smart but he is kind of a nerd. Anyways i hope you enjoyed this chapter if you did please vote and comment on what i can improve on or just comments on like what you guys liked about this and the story i general. If you have any questions please feel free to send me a message and also please check out my other story called Mangroves its a horror story and well i havent started but i will soon. Okay well bye vote share and comment please love you!~~

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