Chapter 13- Costa Rican Standoff

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We entered the lab slowly looking around. All was empty and calm. Claire stepped into a room and we followed. The room was fairly large with tanks enclosing strange animals. There was a desk with a computer showing the Dinosaurs and their DNA strands. Across were the dinosaur embryos. I looked into one of the tanks and saw a two-headed snake. It was white with red eyes and was wrapped around a branch. In another was a Chameleon with feathers. It grabbed a cricket and shoved it into its mouth. Then there was a salamander with a large sail on its back and an elogated tail submerged in water. We heard a case open behind us and we turned around. ACU was puttin tiny capsules into the case that had smoke coming out of it.

"What are you doing?" Claire asked them as they walked away. A large man came out of a nearby room.

"I'm afraid that's above your pay grade." I noticed that it was Hoskins.

The same man from earlier who used the raptors to kill Indominus. Grey scooted sideways and looked at the computer.

"That's not a real dinosaur" He said as a picture of Indominus popped up on the screen.

"No kid it ain't". He replied. Owen and Claire stayed tense and still as Hoskins stepped closer to us.

"Now Imagine this: That dinosaur, a fraction of its size, strong deadly intelligent, able to hide from even the most advanced military technology." He pointed at Indominus before it changed to the Triceratops.

"Now you see these animals have gone through millions of years of evolution. Now what has it taught us?" Owen stayed silent as did I.

"evolution has taught us that we have to-." Suddenly a large green raptor leaped from the door with a small screech. She stood in front of us and approached Hoskins.

"Woah...easy boy easy" he fell back nervously as Delta got closer. He stretched out his arm and held his hand in front of her.

"Come on now we're on the same team...I'm on your side." Delta tilted her head like a puppy in confusion. Owen held us all back protecting us. My hand on Grey's chest.

"I'm on your side." The Raptor looked at him and then snapped her jaws thigh toy on his forearm.

Hoskins let out a painful scream as Owen rushed us out. Delta's tail thrashed around knocking over some bins as she held him down. His screams filling the empty halls. I looked back once more and saw blood splash on the glass window as Hoskin's screams went silent. I turned around and we ran out of the glass doors. We started for the front of the center but then Claire told us to go the other way.

"no no no that way!" She pointed to the back.

We stopped and started running back. Delta leaped through the glass shattering it and sending it across the floor. We stopped, my feet sliding across the tile floor a bit. We turned around and Grey ran in front of me. We ran faster as Delta's footsteps sounded louder. Grey went up to the hologram and pushed a button. I dragged him out of the door. I looked back and saw Delta jump through the hologram of a Dilophosaurs. The doors shut and I turned around almost running into Claire who stood still in front of me. Blue the main raptor stood in front menacingly. Another raptor, Echo came from our right. She stood dangerously close to my arms as she hissed. Delta burst through the doors behind us and roared. She walked around and stood to the right of us. We were surrounded by the Dino's

"So this is how it's gonna be huh?" Owen said to Blue.

He held his hands up and lowered his gun. He dropped it to the floor as Blue stood staring at him.

"It's okay girl I'm not gonna hurt you." He stood up and slowly raised his left hand closer to her.

She moved her head forward with a hiss and Owen backed up a bit. Then continued. Claire Grey and I stood in awe looking at him tame the raptor. He reached her head and trailed her bottom jaw then up to her head. I felt the ground shaking a bit and began hearing footsteps approaching slowly. Owen got closer the the back of her head and then pushed a button on the strap around her neck. He pulled her camera off and then Blue looked at him. Her eyes went from thin slit shaped pupil to an almost oval. She hissed and Owen smiled. They were interrupted by a old menacing roar. Blue through her head back and we looked up. Indominus's foot stomped out from behind a building. Blue turned around completely. Indominus stomped her way closer. Blue made a sound that seemed scared. Indominus made a few calls in her raptor mimicking voice. Blue looked back at us and then tilted her head in our direction. She turned around and let out a loud roar. Indominus roared back and then stomped forward and whacked Blue with her large claws. Blue went flying into a building her back hit a piled and her head and tail smashed a window. She fell down as her body limped. Dead. Claire gasped and I let out a deep breath. Grey pushed his back against me and I wrapped around him protectively. Delta and Echo roared at Indominus.

"Get ready to run" Owen told us.

He turned to Indominus and then whistled. Delta and Echo ran and leaped onto Imdominus's back, clawing and biting at her. Claire dragged us to a small concession stand full of toys and plush stuffed Dino's. Great and I crouched down behind the counter near the back wall as Claire sat in front. She looked out as we heard roars and gunshots.

"25...50" Grey counted beside me.

"We need more!" He said. Claire and I looked at him confused.

"More what?" Claire asked him.

"Teeth...we need more teeth."
I sat confused. Claire looked around and then shot up to a first aid kit. She opened it and brought out a large stick. She turned to look at us.

"Okay I have an idea but I need you to stay here" we nodded not double thinking it.

"I'm going to be right back, everything is gonna be okay" she told us as Owen's gunshot rang loudly against the roars.

"Everything is fine."

She looked out and then jumped over the counter. I sat up and looked out. She ran under the giant Spinosaurus skeleton and I looked over at the battle. Delta was on the ground and Echo was on her back. Indominus looked back and snapped her jaws on Echo's back. Indominus dragged her off and threw her back. I didn't see what happened but I heard a loud noise and everything lit up bright orange for a bit. Delta climbed on her back and started again to desperately claw and hurt her. Blood already covering her scars. Indominus grabbed Delta and threw in my direction I sat down as I saw Delta fly across. I looked into the direction of Claire and saw a small shadowy figure run in from the left. I tried to get a closer look but Owen dragged me down. He got in front of us and hushed us. We stayed as quiet as possible. Indominus's growls were all we heard. Her snout came into view first and then she rammed her head into the wall. We shot down and then her arm busted through the side wall. Owen dragged us back to the other end. Grey and I letting out screams of terror. My heart pumping faster and faster. Grey was in between Owen and I and I held on to him tightly as he continued screaming. Toys falling on us as her claws got closer and closer.

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