Chapter 7- Oh Crap! It's Indominus

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Owen Claire and I traveled deeper into the forest. Faint bird and dinosaur roars filled the air. I stepped cautiously through the thick brush of trees and shrubs covered by jungle vines. Owen stretched his arm out signaling us to stop.

"Whats wrong?" Claire said. Owen looked back at her.
"You said they were sensitive to smell. When Indominus broke loose I covered myself in Gasoline and she didn't eat me. The smell bothered her." Owen explained.

"So we should cover ourselves in oil?" Claire asked.

"No, but you need to cover up the smell of the lotion and perfume. Plus covering up will help us avoid her". I nodded.

"What could cover it up?"

"Mud?" Owen shook his head.

"No that doesn't smell".

"How about Dinosaur poop?"
Claire and Owen looked at me.

"That is the wor-"

"Best idea so far!" Owen interrupted Clair. Clair looked at him in disbelief.
"I am not putting dinosaur Feces on me!"
"Fine then...become their lunch." Claire groaned angrily as she started walking ahead Owen looked to me and smiled. I laughed a bit and we both started walking.
"How did you think of that?" Owen asked.
"Well you said that she didn't like strong smell... Nobody and nothing likes the smell of crap so it just came to mind". Owen nodded.
"Once again...Smart kid." I smiled as we continued walking over branches and dead leaves. I started to notice that the air began smelling unpleasant.

"Hey! How about this?" Claire yelled from behind some trees. We got closer as the smell grew worse. When we hopped over the dry roots we saw Claire standing in front of a huge pile of crap. The brown smelly crap with flies over it.
"That is one big pile of shit". Owen said and I couldn't help but laugh.
"So what now?" Claire asked as i stopped laughing.
Owen stepped around it and we formed kind of a triangle around it. The pile stood about 4 feet of the ground and was well....huge.
Owen put his gun down.
"Now we cover ourselves." Owen stuck his hands in with a look of disgust on his face as the poop made a squishing sound. I followed him and closed my eyes then pushed my hands through the warm squishy and thick....substance. My stomach grew sick and i felt like vomiting as the odor explodes from inside. Owen laughed a bit. I looked up and he was covering his arm with the poop. I looked over at Claire as she spread the crap over her arms. I pulled out a handful and started rubbing it on my arms.

"Do we put some on our clothes?" I looked at Owen as i kept rubbing it all over my arm.

"Yep just a bit though. Just enough to cover the smell." I nodded and grabbed more then rubbed a bit on my shirt. I looked over at Claire and she put some on he face. I laughed and after a few more seconds Owen and i finished.
"Okay lets-..." Owen looked at Claire and so did I.

"What?" Claire said confused.

"You didn't have to put some on your face". Owen said with a slight giggle. She sighed and i laughed. Owen handed her a handkerchief and she took it and began to clean her face. She walked ahead of us and Owen and I laughed as we followed behind. The pile of Dino dung now just a big squishy mess.

We continued on our trek through the jungle. We walked in silence, Owen in front then Claire and finally me. Owen stopped abruptly after a few minutes, which caused Claire to stop.

"Hey what is going on?!" Both of them shushed me.

"Listen" Owen said very quietly. I stayed quiet and payed attention. I heard what sounded like a car very loudly. Owen looked back and with my eyes wide open i said very happily.

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