Chapter 11- The Search

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~~ Most of you probably hate me. Everyone who voted for ending B has won congratulations!! ~~

*Zach's P.O.V*

After Jonny and I hugged I turned to Grey and we both went up to the window laughing slightly.

"Did you see that?!"
"I Can't Wait to tell mom!"
"Oh God please no do not tell your mother about that, Ever!" Claire said in panic. I chuckled and sat back down. I looked around and my smile was immediately gone. My eyes widened and my breath got faster as I didnt see Jonny. Fear and worry ran through me as i looked out the flying doors.
"Jonny?...JONNY!!" I yelled as I crawled to the edge. My voice breaking at the end. My body flooding with fear as i looked hopelessly out the back. I saw a shadow appearing closer within the mist and I dreaded seeing another Raptor. The sound of a motor filled my ears. Owen came riding out of the mist.
"OWEN!" Grey and I yelled.
"CLAIRE, OWEN STOP THE TRUCK!" Owen and Claire stopped simultaneously. Owen got off the bike and Claire out of the truck. Grey and I jumped off as well.
"Whats wrong?!" Claire asked worryingly.
"Where's Jonny?.."
"That's just it I think he fell!" i said. My voice shaking
"We need to find him!"
"Okay okay calm down Zach, we will find him!" Claire assured me as she put her hands on my shoulder.
"About how long ago did he fall?" Owen asked. I was about to answer when I was interrupted by Indominus's roar coming from behind. We saw two Raptors stop in their tracks about 25 feet away from us. They looked at us before running into the bush.
"Uh he fell out about...uh 10,15 minutes ago?"
"How come I didnt see him?"

"I dont know!"

"Okay can we stop please and find him!" I turned to look at Claire and she sighed and smiled. I nodded as a reply.
"If we're gonna go we need to be careful because there's still dinosaurs out there and Indominus might be the alpha of them all." Owen went to the back of the truck and hopped on. Claire and I looked at each other in confusion. Owen came back down off the truck with a few tasers.
"This won't kill them but it'll lead them off". He handed one to me and one to Claire. He pulled his gun forward from the sling on his shoulder.
"Stay behind me you'll be fine".
"Wait we can't go on foot!" Claire said.
"Why not?"
"Well we have the truck we'll find him faster and its more safe!"
Owen was about to speak but Grey cut him off.
"Uh..guys?" we turned to look at him. Grey had a look of terror on his face as he pointed to something.
"Look" we all turned our heads and I saw a small dinosaur with its head turned sideways. It had two frills on its head and was all green except for its neck. It's neck was a mix of yellow, red, green, and orange.
"What is that?"
"Dilophosaurus!" Grey said.
"Those spit venom right?"
"Yea" Grey responded as we backed up slowly. It looked straight and hissed. The neck frill spread open like a cobra as it roared and hissed. We all screamed and ran towards the truck Owen and Claire in front, Owen driving. Grey and I in the Back. Owen started driving back down the road. After a while he stopped driving. I opened the window and looked out at Claire
"Oh my god!" I heard Claire say.
"What's Wrong?" K asked. I waited for a reply but nothing.
"Claire Whats Wrong?!" I asked a bit louder. I followed her eyes and looked forward to the front window. Out ahead of the Truck i saw a body on the floor.
"Oh no no!" I shot up and busted the door open and jumped off. I darted towards the front and saw Jonny lying in the road seemingly lifeless.

~~Jonny's P.O.V~~

I started walking down the road. Limping and leaning on my stick for support. I walked in silence as slight pain shot up my leg continuously. I sat down on a rock to my left. The cold air stiff around me. I heard the roars of distant dinosaurs. Then from behind me I heard small chirps. I turned around and looked into the jungle but saw nothing except darkness. I turned back to the road and then heard the Chirps again. I turned around once again but nothing, again. This time I kept my eyes there and then I noticed a small dinosaur running below me. They were tiny Microceratus. They had small frills and beak-like mouths. I petted one below me and then they scurried off. There was about ten of them. Each a variety of colors ranging from Green to Burgundy. They were about two feet tall and stood on two back legs. After they disappeared into the brush I got up and continued walking for a bit. I stopped after Five minutes and sat back down. My ankle was feeling better but my body was still in pain from the fall. I threw the stick back into the woods as I would no longer need it. I looked left and right but heard and saw nothing. I looked up and saw the full moon illuminating the sky. The crickets around me and the cold damp air clinging to my skin. Suddenly the Crickets stopped chirping. I heard thundering footsteps approaching from the left of the road. I stood up and ran quietly into the jungle and hid behind a tree. I saw as Indominus appeared and was walking down the road. Her footsteps thundering. Her white skin looking blue from the moon. She stopped a bit ahead of me to the right and leaned up and let out a loud roar followed by gekkering. He sounded like a raptor. She stood there and then the brushes started moving up ahead. Three Velociraptors appeared and approached her. They started Gekekring and growling. Talking to each other. She looks forward and The raptors start to walk. I start backing up slowly. Indominus was about to start walking but I stepped on a branch and it snapped. I fell down and went inside the bush. I heard Indominus Growl and then start walking into the jungle. Her footsteps dangerously close. I closed my eyes and layed there paralyzed. Her footsteps stopped and I look to my right and see her staring at the bush im in. My breath shakes and she roars. I yell and it all happens so quickly. I sit up on my knees when i feel her foot scoop me up and kick me out i fall and she tries to step on my but i roll out of the way. I stand up and start running. I feel her getting closer so I try running in a zig zag and luckily I get a bit farther but not by much.
Her stomping sounds farther and farther. I look back and no longer see her. Then from my left I feel a large body jump on me. I look up and see a Raptor as i tumble to the floor. We roll to the edge of the road and it tries snapping its jaws on my head but i luckily moove out of the way. I squirm around and then find a large rock. I hit the raptor in the head as it yelps and falls down. I forcefully hit the raptor on its leg and brake it. I hear Indominus roar and then lay there still playing dead. She approaches and i hear the Raptor roaring in pain. I hear Indominus growl and then the sound of bone crunching and breaking fills my ears. I look over and see Indominus eating the raptor. I close my eyes and hold my breath. She gets close as I feel her sniffing me. She moves me with her hands but i don't move or respond.

She roars and then leaves. But before i open my eyes and start to sit up when her tail slams me back down. My head hits the floor and I knock out.

~~~Okay i know that you can't technically kill a raptor or escape it but its my story and i choose to live...ish...i had to give an explanation for why Zach found Jonny lying almost dead....well there it is. Now in the next chapter you'll find out if he lived or not. Okay so thank you so much its at 2K now! Wow a few maybe two ish chapters left and the book will be almost complete maybe 3...anyways thank you vote comment and share! Oh and btw the updates might be slower cause well school started and i have a prefirst this year and so im really busy but i will upload chapter 11 and 12 maybe 13? Idk soon tho....yea soon...~~~

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