Chapter 15- Survival

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~~~Jonny's P.O.V~~~

Zach and I sat at the airport surrounded by everyone who was at the park. The
paramedics helping the people in distress. I had a bandage around my head and my leg. Zach had one on his arm. Grey and Claire sat quietly in front of us. Owen was out and about helping people. A nurse came up to me and took out the IV needle in my arm. The put a cotton ball and bandage tape around it tightly. She smiled at me and then walked away to be of more help, dragging the metal bar with her. I rested my head on Zach's shoulder replaying the event that happened two days ago. How did such a happy trip on the safest park in the world turn into such a huge disaster? Zach grabbed my hand and started gently stroking it. I looked at Claire who looked around the large building. Zach placed a small and gentle kiss on my forehead and giggled. I wrapped my arms around his slender body. I look back over to Claire.

Claire sat up anxiously. I lift my head and look over. I see Zach's parents walking over to us. Karen had her hand covering her cries.

"Oh my god it's your parents!" Clare says to the boys.

They look in their direction and shoot up out of their seats. They run over and Claire and I stay standing. I look around with sadness as I realize that my parents weren't here. The hope I had of them finding me was slim and now, was gone. My parents never liked me. Since I came out as gay they rejected me instantly. They wouldn't care what happened to me. My eyes water up and then Karen goes to hug me. She wraps me tight and so do I.

"Oh sweetie its okay" she says in her soothing voice.

"I know parents don't even care to look for me!" I say as I begin to cry into her shoulder. I should've seen that coming but the thought of them hating me so much that they wouldn't care if I died hurts more than them not accepting me.

"Jonny!" I hear a familiar voice call my name. I look up and see Kitty with her arms open. She runs up to me and then gives me a huge hug. I hug her backs and she giggles.

"Kitty I thought you left!"

"Nah I stayed here waiting for ya. Why'd you take so long ha idiot?"

"Well he did almost die like twice maybe?" Zach tells her as he wraps his arm around my waist and holds me tight.

"You two are so freaking cute I love it!" Kitty says jumping a bit.

"Well you're about to love us even more!" Kitty and I look at him confused. He grabs my waist and I notice his hands shaking.

"Zach what's wrong?" I say to him. He just looks at me and smiles. He spins me around

"Okay um, mom, dad, Claire. Uh now that we're here I have something I'd like to say" he says nervously. They all stay quiet including Kitty, and pay close attention to Zach.

"I've been meaning to say it sooner but I think now is the perfect time" he turns to me and look at him confused.

He stares straight into my eyes not breaking contact.

"Jonny...I've known you for a while now and I love you and everything you say, do, and even think!" I blush at this comment.

"When my mom said to come to the park I didn't want to come because I thought Dinosaurs weren't cool. I told you about it and you made me go. Then I invited you and you came." Owen walked up to us as Zach grabbed both of my hands. Most people in the building were now quiet and listening to us, watching.

"You helped me get through it and well I loved every minute of it, well not all but you know" I giggle "why? Because you were right there beside me all the time. When You found me after the Gyrosphere incident I was so beyond happy. Then a few hours later I thought I had lost you. We found you on the road, dead, when the thought hit me and realization set in, I couldn't handle it. I couldn't handle being alone with out you. You make me who I am. Jonny-" he gets on one knee and I gasp. "-I can't see a world without us being together. I can't see me with anyone else. You are the moon to my stars, the siren to my song. Your voice is the only music I can't go without hearing each day." He reaches into his pocket to grab something, the entire building was dead silent, eyes set directly at us.

He pulls out a small blue box and opens it revealing a small Gold ring. My eyes widen and I gasp and so do people in the crowd.

"Jonny will you be the peanut butter to my jelly and live with me for the rest of our lives. Will you marry me?" Overwhelming joy took over and I nodded my head eagerly as happy tears streamed down my face.

"Yes yes yes a million times yes!" The crowd erupts into applause a and cheers as Zach picks me up and kisses me. He spins me around for a moment and then lowers me down. He grabs my hand and slips the ring onto my finger. My face is hurting from all the smiling. I turn to look at Karen who is smiling. She chuckles and pulls me into a tight hug.

"Welcome to the family, officially". I smile and then look at James who is nodding in approval. I smile and then Claire taps my shoulder I turn to look at her but she points forward. My smile drops and my eyes widen.

I see my mother standing there with tears in her eyes. I walk over shyly. My head tilted down.

"Mom I can ex-"

"Don't" she stops me with her hands.

"I was going to tell you that I came here to pick you up but, now I guess I won't." She turns around and starts to walk off.

"Momma!" She stops and turns around.

"Please don't go!" I say, my voice shaking. Zach comes up behind me.

"Jonathan, this isn't right! A man can not marry a man!" She points to Zach and I. The tears start falling again.

"Miss Hernandez will all due respect ma'am-'

"No Zach, stop its not worth it"

"No it is I'm not staying quiet any longer." He turns to look at my mom once more.

"Okay look, I love your son I really really do. I promise you I won't ever do anything to hurt him." She nods again.

"I don't care it's not natural, I will not have a fag as a son" those words stabbed my heart and I cried again.

"Momma please don't".

"You're not going to be my son if you marry him"

"But momma I LOVE HIM!"  She straightens up and looks at me angrily.

"Expect your stuff to be outside of the house on Tuesday." She turns around and I run and grab her hand trying to stop her.

"Momma!-" she throws my hand back.

"DO NOT TOUCH ME. You're not my son anymore" she stalks away angrily. I stand there in shock, numb. I stand there staring at her leaving me behind. Zach hugs me from behind as I turn around slowly. Tears falling down my face but not as much.
Zach wipes them away with his thumb.

"Come on baby don't cry, she's not worth it." Karen comes up to us and hugs me even tighter. James throws his arms over Karen and I. Claire hugs me from behind and Grey from my left side. Then out of the right corner of my eye I see Owen come close and hug me.

I start to realize that this right here is my family. They all let go and finally Zach hugs me once more. He kisses me strongly. I kiss him back. The tears stopped falling.

"Don't worry Jonny, you can stay with us sweetie" Karen says with a smile.

"Thanks Karen" she smiles at me.

"Call me mom if you like" I chuckle.

"Fine, thank you mom". I look back at Zach and hold his hand tightly.

"So what now?" I ask him.

"Now, we stay together, for survival." He leans in and kisses me. I can never get enough of the feeling of his lips pressed against mine. I look down after our kiss. I spin the gold ring around my finger.


So? Did yall like the story?!?? Omg I can't even begin to say how proud I am of this story! Thank you so much to all of you that stayed with me from the very beginning. I wish it could've been longer but that's all I got. Now I have a few ideas for more stories to keep an eye out for those! Please vote comment and share!! Please I love you all thank you so much for all your amazing support and love for this story...💕💕❤️❤️❤️😭 don't cry because it's over smile because it happened.💯🔚✔️

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