Chapter 2- As The Jurassic World Turns

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The elevator dinged and Zach and I stood there awkwardly as the doors slid open. I smiled and looked up at Zach who had a smug, proud grin on his face. I rubbed my neck and blushed, my breathing heavy. I looked around at the hotel lobby that was a pretty normal looking hotel lobby with red, white, and even some brown patterned chairs, some wooden, some leather, and some made of fabric. The ceiling was not that high above and the floors were marble. The lobby was big enough to hold a gift shop, a food bar, an actual bar, a starbucks, and a fancy looking restaurant. The front doors that lead in have an isle in the middle with plants and a sign above saying "Welcome to Jurassic World Marriott Hotel".

I looked around for Grey as we stepped off of the elevator. I walked slowly scanning the area as I tried to slow my breathing. Zach walked with no worries, his chest slightly puffed up in pride. I scoffed playfully and then looked at the gift shop. I had a feeling he would be around there, so I walked towards the small store and surely there he was, looking down at a small map of the park. I cleared my throat, my breath now steady. He looked up and smiled, he was gonna talk but stopped, keeping the smile on his face.

"Whats wrong?" I asked him. Zach came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"You seem... I don't know, flustered, and your neck is a bit bruised, it's small though" . I blushed and quickly put my hand on neck. My mind remembering what had happened in the Elevator only minutes ago.

"Oh no Grey it's not a bruise it's- uh- it's nothing really don't worry about it I just-" I blushed harder.

"Don't worry, I know what it is, I'm not stupid Jonny"

I chuckled and looked up at Zach, he had a surprised/ embarrassed look. I smiled and put my hand down and leaned into Zach's touch.

"Okay, well come on! I have chosen what I wanna see first." He points to the Mosasaur feeding show icon on the brochure and I nod my head. I looked up at Zach, who had let go of me.

"Where is Zara?" I ask him. He shrugs when I hear her British voice from behind.

"Boys wait for me! I'm on my way hold on". She ran up to us in heels, almost falling a few times. We waited for her as Grey put the map back on the brochure rack. She arrived and then straightened up.

"Shall we" she said to us in genuine excitement.

When exited the hotel the cool air hit our faces in a short burst of wind. We headed towards the Monorail which would lead us into the park. The long white monorail train was almost full, but Zach, Grey and I Managed to find seats together. Zara sat behind us.

"You know Zara, I really like your accent, Like a lot!" I said as I turned and smiled at her. She smiled and took her sunglasses off revealing her green eyes.

"Thank you! I like your hair and shirt" i looked at my shirt and said.


"Excuse me?" I chuckled a bit.

"It means thank you in Japanese" She opened her mouth silently saying 'oh' and nodded.

"You can speak Japanese?"

"Not completely, but yes a little bit, just enough to start and hopefully carry a conversation"

"That's really cool actually, where'd you learn?"

"I learned in high school they used to teach Japanese and also from movies and YouTube". She laughed a bit.

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