Chapter 9- Zach and I

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Owen stepped out of the car, as did Claire. The night sky being interrupted by the bright lights of the Velociraptor enclosure. A man approached Owen and Owen punched him in the jaw.
Zach Grey and I 'Ooo'-ed together. Kitty had been dropped off at the hotel for the evacuation. Owen and Claire talked to this man for a while.
"What do you think is up?" Zach asked me.

"Well thats they guy who wants to use the Raptors to kill Indominus." I told him as the man waved his hands and the army people started loading things onto trucks. He said something to Owen and they didn't talk for a while. The man then had a smile on his face and took Owen into the paddock as Claire came back to the truck.

"Okay so Owen agreed to let the Raptors hunt her but he has to go with. They have cameras strapped to the Raptors so that we can see what happens. I need you to step out of the car."
"Why?" I asked her. She opened the back door and I got off.
"Becauae We're going to a different truck to keep us safe". Zach got off and then Grey. I nodded and she sighed and closed the door. The paddock was near a cliff and surrounded by forest. Claire started walking to the paddock as I looked around.
"Hey Zach?" He looked over at me.
"Yeah?". I grabbed his hand.
"Come here real quick. Grey can you follow Claire?" Grey nodded and I pulled Zach aside behind the truck. I rested my back on the truck and he stood in front of me.
"Well I just. I wanted to say thank you for bringing me. And I also wanted to ask you something" He looked at me confused.

"Where you jealous when Kitty said that she saved me?" Zach covered his mouth then looked away for a moment before answering. He drew in a deep breath.
"No" I looked at him with one eyebrow raised.
"No no I was not jealous".
"Then why'd you squeeze my hand and look like you were gonna kill her? Babe theres nothing you nees to worry about" I stood up and wrapped my arms around his neck.
"Im gay, and that means that I like guys, you're a guy, but youre my guy and thats how I like it." Zach laughed and I did to.
"There's no need."
"You know this is so weird cause its usually you that gets jealous and its me saying that to you." He put his hands on my waist and I rested my head on his shoulder.
"Hm?" I said with my eyes closed. He suddenly let go of me and pulled back. I opened my eyes. He looked at me and we locked eyes.
"I love you, so fucking much. I want you to know if anything ever happens again, I will always find you". I smiled.
"No matter what?" he chuckled.
"No matter what". I leaned up and we locked lips once more but this time I felt his tongue slip through my lips and I opened them. Our kiss was passionate and heated. Every kiss took my breath away. We parted slowly and just started at each other. Zach then groaned. I tilted my head in confusion.
"Whats wrong?" I asked. Zach pushed me against the car and smiled.
"I wish we were alone". He said seductively and smirked.
"Oh yea? Why's that?" I asked back in the same tone.
"I have a slight problem" he grabbed my hand and lowered it to his pants. He put my palm on his zipper and I felt the boner he had and well he wasn't small. Ive seen him naked but we never engaged in any sexual acts. I looked up at him as my breath hitched. His face in a smirk. Then I thought of something.
"I see that slight is an understatement". I grabbed him through his jeans and he moaned quietly as I began to move my hand up and down. His breath getting faster and faster. I turned him over and pushed him against the car. My hand kept moving around palming him through his jeans. His head tilted back as he let out a breathy moan. I applied more preassure.
"F-fuck". His moans getting louder.
I got on my tip toes to get close to his ear and whispered.
"You know? It is too bad we're not alone". I bit his ear lobe slightly as I pulled my hand away, turned to side and began walking away towards the Paddock with a sly smile on my face.
"Son of a bitch Jonny!" I heard Zach yell. I started laughing so hard I couldn't walk anymore.
Zach came up to me and playfully punched me which made me laugh harder.
"God I hate you! Your- Oh My God I will get you back!" He said playfully. I looked and saw that his boner was still slightly there.
"Im sorry you just made it to easy!" I went up and hugged him.
"Oh come on Zachy it was just a joke dont get all butt-hurt about it!" he looked at me and kissed me again.
"I love you, you big freaking tease." I laughed again.
"At least warn me next time!" I shook my head laughing.
"No can do sorry babe". I stopped laughing and then we held hands and walked towards Grey and Claire.
Grey ran up to us.
"Guys! The Raptors are right there!" he pointed towards a huge cage. Owen was inside the cage.
"Can we go see it?" Grey asked. He looked at me.
"Zach go ahead and go with your brother I'll catch up". Zach let go of my hand and went with Grey to go look at the Raptors.
Claire came up to me.
"I just wanted to thank you for helping me find them". She said with a smile as she stood next to me. Zach and Grey were talkimg to Owen through the metal bars.
"Well yea I mean I love them they' You're also family Claire and even though it wasn't the best time, I still had fun looking for them with you and Owen"
"Awe thank you that means a lot!" she gave me a hug and I hugged her back. Zach and Grey started walking back.
"Whats up?"
"Its time". Zach told me. I turned to Claire.
"Alright then". She opened the truck doors and inside were a few weapons and some stools.
"See? Totally safe" Zach got in and then helped Grey up then me

"Okay so just stay here and if you need anything just open that window" she pointed to a window behind us. We sat down on the stools.
"Okay so um, put your seat belts on" we looked around but there was nothing.
"Umm...fine just
..hold hands" She closed the doors and the only lights were the moon beams coming in from the windows. We sat in silence. Outside we heard motorcycles and cars.
"Nothings get in here right?" Grey asked in a scared tone.
"Hey, do you remember that ghost in the old house?". Zach said before I could say anything.
"The one in the Garage?"
"Yea" Grey Replied
"I protected you right?" Grey nodded and smiled.
"You made a battle axe out of a paper plate and a ruler." I chuckled a bit.
"Yea see? Nothing's gonna get you while im around".
"But you're not always gonna be around." Grey said in a sad voice.
"No im not" Zach lifted Grey's chin.
"But hey, we're brothers and we're always gonna be bothers and we'll always come back to each other" Greys eyes got happier.
"Yea, I promise" Grey and Zach Hugged and I looked at them in awe. He became a better brother. That time together must have done them good.
I opened the window and saw Claire open up a Laptop then Connect to the security cams on the Raptors.

~~this one is short cuz someone asked if there would be a just us scene so i tried but i didn't want to stay so from the movie. Therefore I'm dividing this chapter up into two parts. Part two well be posted layer as well as chapter 10 And chapter 11 xD ok i gtg write that bye! Vote comment share please! Let's get this to 2k!!~~

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