Chapter 12- I Love You...

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⚠⚠⚠⚠So yea you might cry in this part so heads up play a sad song if you really wanna cry like My Immortal and Hello by Evanescense or These Four Walls by Little Mix those make me cry so bad especially as i was writting this....also maybe grab tissues idk I cried while writing this thing but im really emotional.... so yea warning ⚠⚠⚠⚠

Zach's P.O.V***

"JONNY!!" My voice echoed as I fell and grabbed him by his shoulders. Claire and Owen ran to my side. Owen put two fingers on his neck to check for his pulse.

"Is he okay?...Please tell me he's okay!" Dread was on my mind because Owen stayed silent.

"Oh god" I heard Claire say with a shaky voice.

"No pulse..." I fell sitting down with my eyes open. I wasn't saying anything. I wasn't moving. I wasn't doing anything but sitting there and looking at him. Owen closed his eyes and lowered his head. Claire gave me a hug.

"Oh, Honey im so sorry" I didn't react. I stood up and pulled him into my lap.

"Jonny...I'm so sorry...I should've listened to you...I should've payed more attention to you. I should've helped you close the doors." I began stroking his hair. interlacing my fingers through his black soft hair.

"You're hair is so soft...Just like it always is." At this point my eyes began to water and the pain and reality hit me.

"Please don't leave me. I need you, you make me who i am. you make me stronger. I need you Jonny please dont." My tears hit his cheek.

"Do you remember when we first met?" Claire and Owen were back at the truck waiting for me.

"We met at Starbucks. You were grabbing your drink and I was to. You turned around and I was behind you. You bumped into me and spilled your coffee on me. I got mad but then I saw your face. you rushed to grab paper towels and instead of cleaning the floor you tried to clean my shirt." I chuckled and a few more tears slipped by.  They landed on his face and I wiped them away.

"Afterwards I bought you a new drink and we sat down and talked. The moment I looked into your eyes I knew it was you but i was scared. then a few weeks later I asked you and you said no the first few times but then you said yes. When you said yes I was beyond extremely happy. I used to be so scared of things but when I'm with you that fear goes away." My voice shook as more tears fell.

"Jonny I love you so so much and now is not the time to leave me. " I leaned down and kissed his cheek.

"I wrote a song for you baby. Do you wanna hear it?" I started singing it softly

"I'm older but you're wiser than anyone can see. You're Patient like no other has ever been with me. Your eyes take me to places I've never dreamed about. Your voice is the only music I can't do without. There can't be any doubts now we're just to far ahead to look behind." I Leaned down and kissed his lips one last time. I couldn't hold the tears back and I hugged him closer than I ever have and hid my face in his shoulder and started crying. I grabbed his hand and held it tight. His hand falling limp. I hear the truck doors close. I hear footsteps approaching and then feel a hand on my back.

"Come on kid we need to go." Owen's voice rang in my ears. His voice was sympathetic.
"Im not leaving him here" I say with my face still covered.
"I know but we can't carry him and we need to go" He walks back to the truck. I look up and inhale. I look at his face again.
'If I was in his position he wouldn't give up on me' I think to myself. I stroke his face gently again as the tears fall again and then I lean down and kiss his lips again.
"Please don't go I wont let you go" i say and kiss him again.
"Come on baby wake up" I say and kiss him again.
"Come on Jonny. Please baby. Wake up. Come on. I love you." I kiss him again and then loose hope. He's gone. When those words hit me my heart shatters. Tears fall. Im interrupted Indominus's roar. Owen shouts from the truck as I look back.
"Zach we need to leave now!" I nod and then stand up. I bend down and Grab Jonny as his limbs swing numbly around. I walk to the back and then through the open doors I lay him down.
"Is he...?" Grey asks me. I nod my head as I hop in.
"Yea. But im not letting him get eaten by that monster." I say angrily as I shut the doors and Owen drives off. The small window opens and I hear Claire's voice.
"Zach im so sorry honey. Everything is gonna be fine. He's in a better place"
"I know he's in a better place but I want him here with me in my arms...where he belongs" Grey hugs me and I feel his tears begin to wet my shirt. I hug him back and squeeze him tight. My own tears slipping by.
"Its okay Grey it's okay." I notice Jonny still has my black jacket around his waist and I crawl over. The car swaying back and forth side to side. I untie it and then pick him up and place one arm inside the sleeve and same with the other arm. I place the hoodie right and then smile as I place his hands on top and notice his face full of peace. I hold his right hand and then once it really hits me I loose it.
"Why did you leave me like this?" My voice cracks as I burst into tears again. I throw myself onto his still warm body and hold him tight. My tears staining his shirt. I inhale his scent once more as the tears keep flowing. Small screams leaving my mouth as the pain of loosing my Jonny settles in.
"DONT LEAVE ME LIKE THIS" I yell in between sobs. Grey comes back up to me and cries with me. "I LOVE YOU" I look back and hold onto Grey while still holding Jonny's hand.
"I love you" I say quieter. And finally ait back. Not breaking my grasp on his soft hands.
The rest of the ride was silent. I sat there with Grey just staring at Jonny as his face shined in the light of the moon shining through the Glass. Owen finally stopped the truck and then opened the back doors. Grey and I hopped off and I looked back at Jonny one last time as Owen closed the doors. Once the doors were closed I looked around and saw a mess of cups and tables. In front of us was the Innovation Center. We all ran through the doors and towards the back of the center near the Hammond Creation Lab. We ran through the Glass halls that had the Incubators of the Dinosaur eggs. We walked through and we looked around but saw no one. Claire gasped and then exhaled.
"They evacuated the lab"

So i tried to make it sad...probably wasnt. But oh well. Dont get upset it was my decision to kill off my own Character so from now on the P.O.V will be Zach's. Anyways thank you for reading and sticking with me on this journey please comment below as to what you thought and or if you listened to any sad songs with this or just cried i wanna know. Also give me your opinion on my decision...did you like it? Dis like it? Idk...anyways have an amazing day/night depending on when youre reading this and please share this on any social media twitter instagram and facebook. My Twitter is @/JjstarsOfficial...i think and my Instagram is @/ JonnyMitchell31 so follow me and tag me on shit idk xD love you all and the last two chapters will be uploaded soon! So thank you so much!! Vote comment share!!

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