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Roseanne trembled as Lalisa finished tying off her ankle, trying and failing to flinch away from the fingers crawling up her calf. As flexible as she was, the chains were far too short to allow any extra movement. She was completely trapped, unable to change her mind.


Her heart hammered as Lalisa's eyes claimed every inch of her. They burned wherever they traveled, and another humiliating surge of wetness spilled from deep inside her when the Princess's hungry gaze fixed between her legs.


But it was already too late. Lalisa was climbing onto the mattress, onto her, stripping off pieces of clothing as she went. Roseanne swallowed when she noticed Lalisa using small wisps of fire on the seams where she couldn't be bothered to tug. Before, being naked while Lalisa remained covered had highlighted her own vulnerability. Now, she wished the alpha had kept her clothes on. Lalisa was somehow even more intimidating without them.

"Don't get too distracted, pet," Lalisa purred, noticing her stare. Roseanne tried to look away as the Princess prowled over top of her, but part of her stayed frozen with fear. Lalisa was all predator, sleek muscles rolling beneath her pale skin. For such a slender woman, she was built with an intoxicating amount of power. "I want you focused on me. Your purpose here is to serve me, remember?"

Roseanne did remember. The words cut into her belly and made her clit throb every time Lalisa said them, every time she even thought them in her own head. She hated that she wanted to please such a selfish alpha so much. Her instincts had made her weak, and she would have to endure the punishment. "Please, no," she gasped, finally managing to get the words out. "I don't want to—not like this."

"Oh, really?" Sparks jolted through her skin the second Lalisa touched her, so hot and sudden that she almost thought the Princess had bent them into existence. She whimpered as a teasing hand trailed along her stomach, tracing almost tenderly over the strip of skin that connected her hipbones. "You aren't a very good liar. Let me check."

She tensed as Lalisa's fingers finally delved between her legs. The touch only remained gentle for a fleeting moment before finding a rougher purpose. Lalisa's thumb pressed down painfully hard on the firm bud of her clit, trapping it until it gave a needy twitch. She cried out before she could stop herself, and her hips would have jerked forward if her legs hadn't been bound so tight.

"You're so swollen already. Dripping, too. I bet if I went further down..."

"No," she mumbled, but she doubted Lalisa even heard her. Her traitorous body released a flood as soon as Lalisa's fingertips toyed with her entrance, more than enough to cover the alpha's hand and stain the sheets beneath. She closed her eyes, biting her lip and waiting for the pain to come. Nothing had ever been inside her before except for her own fingers, and she doubted Lalisa would be considerate.

"Oh yes," Lalisa murmured. Her eyes were half-lidded, almost black with lust, and Roseanne winced in shame as she sent another river spilling into the Princess's palm. "Mmm, I've never felt an omega so ready for me."

Two of Lalisa's fingers pushed inside of her, but instead of the sting she anticipated, there was only a delicious stretch. They slid forward without any difficulty, and her burning blush grew worse when she realized her inner muscles were actually trying to pull them deeper. She chewed the inside of her cheek to stifle a scream as Lalisa formed a wicked hook inside her, curling against a spot that had her seeing stars.

The choking, strangled sob she made instead was still enough to catch her tormentor's attention. Lalisa laughed, a low and throaty sound that somehow made Roseanne's suffering worse. The curling continued, adding more pressure against the swollen place inside of her. "And so responsive, too. You know, not all alphas are kind enough to bring their omegas such pleasure. Many of us just take what we want..."

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