The Fire Lily Festival: Part IX

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Roseanne practically skipped down the stairs from the royal box. When she saw the cluster of advisers waiting for her, their expressions ranging from intensely nervous to outright panicked, she couldn't help smirking a bit. Almost as one, their eyes widened as they caught sight of the cup in her hand.

"Is that...?" said Counselor Bo, sounding almost awed.

"Yes it is," Roseanne replied, handing it over.

"But we've been trying to convince her for weeks," he said almost reverently as he took the cup. "How did you get it?"

His voice trailed off as he realized what he'd said, and Roseanne had to curtail the impulse to roll her eyes. His fellow counselor—a female beta whose name Roseanne thought was Lia—was not so charitable. "It's all right," she said, patting him on the arm as they began to walk away. "I know it's been a while since your wife was in the mood to convince you to give her a it may be hard to remember how that works, but..."

A fit of giggling overtook Roseanne, making her miss the remainder of the counselor's words, but the thunder of the drums and the sound of the shamisen tuning up spurred her to return to the royal box. The Dance of the Fire Seed—an event she'd been hoping to see ever since she was a pup—was about to begin, and she was going to watch it from the best seat in the house. She was going to have to share that seat with a moody Fire Lord, but Lalisa's scent had told Roseanne that she wasn't truly angry.

A shiver ran through her body, but it wasn't one of fear. She couldn't help imagining that ways in which her mate would keep her promise to make Roseanne pay for her trickery. She could feel herself start to trickle gently into her underwear at the thought: Lalisa's hands, rough and greedy, grasping her hips hard enough to bruise; the alpha's shaft hot and hard as it pushed into her with one thrust; her mate's filthy words and harsh snarls as she used Roseanne's body for her pleasure...

Roseanne stumbled as she reached the top of the stairs, her legs suddenly feeling a lot less steady than they had a moment ago. Spirits, my heat must be close, she thought, feeling the trickle becoming a flood as need swelled in her belly. The nervousness she felt when she thought about what was going to happen that night was steadily being replaced by anticipation so heady that it verged on desperation. All at once she wasn't sure whether she'd be able to wait until the ritual that evening to feel her mate inside of her.

So caught up was she in her feverish daydreams that Roseanne hardly realized she'd reached her destination. She was brought abruptly back to the present when a pair of warm arms slipped around her waist and pulled her down into Lalisa's lap. Her mate was very aware of what she was thinking, if the hardness pressing against her rear and the pleased rumbles emanating from Lalisa's chest were any indication. "You're close, aren't you?" the alpha murmured, her lips brushing Roseanne's ear and making her shiver.

"Yes," she found herself whispering, although she was sure that if the hand wandering along her inner thigh got higher she wouldn't care who might happen to hear her.

"Making me come got you wet, didn't it?" Lalisa asked. The promise in her low voice sent shudders running through Roseanne's entire body, and all she could do was nod. "But you didn't get to come yourself," the alpha said in a tone that could be mistaken for pity. Roseanne knew better, but that didn't stop her from spreading her legs just a bit more, silently pleading for Lalisa's hand to reach her center. As much as she wanted to feel the thick press of her alpha's cock inside of her, she was so needy and throbbing that she would be more than satisfied with a finger circling her clit.

But to her disappointment, Lalisa's fingers didn't venture any closer to where she wanted them, meandering away to trace maddening trails along other, less sensitive parts of her body. "Too bad," the Fire Lord said, and Roseanne nearly sobbed at the grin in her voice. "You're just going to have to wait until tonight. That's your punishment for taking my come without permission."

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