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"The idea is simple," Roseanne said from across the training mat. "Chi runs through our bodies in set paths. Cut off the pathway, no more bending. Chi blocking can also cause pain, and even paralyze muscles. The goal is to disable your opponent before they know what's happening. If you do it right, you won't get a scratch."

Lalisa paid close attention, watching Roseanne's face warily. She was always confident in her abilities, but she had already made the mistake of underestimating the omega once before. She was reluctant to do so again. "If chi-blocking techniques are so effective, why aren't they more widely practiced? I've never faced anything like it before in combat."

"Just because it's effective doesn't mean it's easy, or safe. When you fight another bender, how close do you usually get?" Roseanne stepped forward onto the mat, shortening the space between them. "Close enough to touch?"

Never one to resist a challenge, Lalisa stepped forward as well. "Sometimes. When I decide to toy with someone."

Roseanne seemed to stare straight through her. "To block someone's chi, you need to get close every time. You have to put yourself within arm's reach of the person trying to kill you, and you have to do it fast." She gave Lalisa a slow up and down. "If I told you I was going to paralyze you the same way I did before, do you think you could stop me?"

Lalisa thought about her answer. Chi blocking is a clever trick, but it has a weakness. If you know it's coming, you can't be taken by surprise. "Of course. I'm expecting it this time."

"All right." Roseanne made a circle, coming to a stop behind her. Lalisa remained facing forward, but she trembled as Roseanne's fingertips trailed down her spine. "I'm going to hit you right here." They pressed in near the middle of her back, indicating the spot. A moment later, warm lips grazed the base of her throat, right where it ran into her shoulder. "When I come at you, try to block me," Roseanne whispered against her skin.

Lalisa shuddered. "You aren't going to start from behind me, are you? That wouldn't be fair."

"If you cared about a fair fight, you wouldn't be here." Roseanne removed her hands and lips, returning to her previous position on the other side of the room. "Okay. Do whatever you can to protect yourself. That includes using your bending."

A wrinkle formed in the middle of Lalisa's brow. She gave her all when someone invited her to spar, and except for a few fights where Bambam had gotten lucky, she always won. Somehow, sparring with Roseanne felt different. She didn't normally care about her opponents, but the prospect of injuring her pregnant lover was more unsettling than she had expected. "Fine," she snapped, annoyed by her own hesitance. She could feel the ghost of Roseanne's lips against her shoulder as she dropped into a defensive stance, and she didn't like it. "I'm ready."

Roseanne threw herself into a handspring, moving so fast that Lalisa could barely track her. She stared in awe before remembering what she was supposed to be doing. She summoned her chi, feeling it burn as it coursed through her arm and extended out from her fingertips. But though her form was perfect, the effort behind it was half-hearted. A weak stream of fire shot in the right general direction, but it only took a hard thrust of Roseanne's legs for her to outpace it.

Lalisa narrowed her eyes. She didn't want to hurt Roseanne, but she didn't want to make a fool of herself either. The next blast was much stronger. She put more force behind it, but fear got the better of her. Fire singed the floor where Roseanne's feet had been, a split second too slow. Before she could correct her timing, Roseanne launched into the air. Her body twisted and arched, and Lalisa felt a stab of fear. She realized with sickening certainty that she was about to be paralyzed, either because she couldn't hit Roseanne, or didn't want to. Both prospects were strangely terrifying, and her stance faltered.

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