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The next morning, Lalisa woke with an uncomfortable ache between her legs and a warm body flush against hers. She shoved the sticky covers away from her tangled limbs, blinking in surprise as she acclimated to her surroundings. Morning sunlight filtered in through the window, revealing that she was in her own bed, but the omega—Roseanne? I think that's what she said her name was—remained fast asleep in the circle of her arms. The girl's lips had curved into a relaxed smile and the expression on her face was almost peaceful.

Lalisa wasn't sure whether to be pleased or annoyed as she gazed down at the sleeping girl. The previous night had been pleasurable, but that pleasure hadn't come without a price. She wouldn't be able to pour a contraceptive draught down this one's throat and toss her out like the others. Her father was expecting results, and results he would get. The pliant little omega had already taken more than enough of her come to conceive. It was only a matter of time.

The thought was both appealing and repulsive. She hated the way Larce had manipulated her, but at the same time, imagining how Roseanne's slender body would look while it was swollen with her pups was a strangely pretty picture. She let her eyes wander along the girl's naked form, admiring the angry bruises she had left across its landscape. The vicious teeth-marks in the middle of Roseanne's neck might even be permanent if the omega approved of their coupling. And from the way she reacted, there's no doubt she approved.

The smell of the sleeping omega's heat hadn't faded, and the already-hard shaft of Lalisa's cock gave a needy throb as she inhaled more of Roseanne's scent. Typically, one night was enough to sate her hunger for anyone lucky enough to receive a summons to her chambers, but this girl... Something about her was intoxicating. Her mind flashed to the previous evening, when she had watched Roseanne flip across the stage and twist herself into impossible shapes. This one had caught her attention at first sight and held it far longer than anyone else she had ever taken.

She allowed one of her hands to run along Roseanne's side, feeling the sleek muscles there. Perhaps I should claim her again, she thought, her resolve already weakening. The flesh under her palm was warm, and she wanted to feel more. I have a duty to sire heirs for the Fire Nation, after all. Her heat hasn't ended, so she's probably still fertile. More than one brat might mean an agni kai in another few decades, but that's a problem for father to deal with. Her lips curled into a wicked smile. He won't know whether to be furious or thrilled with a whole litter.

In the end, it was looking at Roseanne's face that convinced her to act. The omega's expression was soft and beautiful in sleep, but it would be even more entrancing twisted up in a mixture of pleasure and pain. She debated inwardly over whether to wake the girl, but in the end, she decided to be generous. The poor thing was already sore and bruised, so a little gentleness was in order.

Since Roseanne was lying more on her stomach than her back, Lalisa tipped her the rest of the way until she was flat on her belly. The girl moaned and buried her face into the pillow without moving, still unconscious. The sound sent another throb of want down the length of Lalisa's cock, and she hurried to mount the swell of Roseanne's ass, hands running eagerly along the omega's smooth sides. She could just barely feel the outline of each rib and the neat seam of her waist narrowing in before arriving at the lovely flare of her hips. They felt wonderful in her grip, and she couldn't quite stifle a groan as she fitted her fingers on top of the striped purple handholds she had left behind and gave a testing rock of her hips.

Roseanne's ass was just right to grind against—soft, warm, and firm all at once. Steady pulses of wetness dripped from the head of her cock, and she didn't bother brushing away the thin streams as they spilled across her pet's flesh. The extra gleam across Roseanne's skin added to the appealing picture, and Lalisa began having ideas. Sometime soon, once she had done her duty, she would have to indulge herself and find out how pretty her omega would look covered in come. But first, she had a job to do. A somewhat enjoyable job, but a job nonetheless. She resisted the temptation to keep rocking and spread Roseanne's thighs apart, gazing down at the prize she was about to claim.

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