The Fire Lily Festival: Part III

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"I can't believe Minnie is going to watch us have sex," Roseanne mumbled, folding her arms around herself and holding tight to her own elbows. Even though it was the middle of summer, hot and humid enough to cause a fine layer of sweat to break out over her skin, she couldn't ignore the slight shivers coursing through her body. Her heart was hammering much faster than usual, and whenever she thought about the first 'practice' session she and Lalisa had tentatively scheduled for that evening, it picked up speed.

"Believe it," Lalisa said, glancing in her direction as they made their way down the hall. "It was your idea in the first place."

"It was not, " Roseanne insisted, a little more emphatically than necessary. "You were the one who suggested it."

"And you talked Minnie into it. Somehow." Lalisa gave her a small smile, tugging her arms down and taking one of her hands. "And people think I'm the manipulative one."

"You were the one who tried to talk me into doing the ritual right as I was about to come," Roseanne said, sulking a bit. Her nerves were already on edge. "I'd say that's pretty manipulative."

"And I've apologized." Lalisa gave her fingers a soft squeeze in what Roseanne interpreted to be an attempt at reassurance.

Roseanne wasn't sure what else to say—Lalisa had apologized, and she knew she couldn't keep holding the mistake over her mate's head—but she was saved from responding when they arrived at their destination. Prince Bambam's door was closed, but she could hear high-pitched squeals coming from inside his rooms, and some of the stress melted from her shoulders as she heard an excited cry bleed through.

"Uncle Bambam! Higher!"

"No, me! Me next!"

Lalisa gave her a look, and the two of them shared a smile. "Should we interrupt? They seem to be enjoying themselves."

"They need to go to bed," Roseanne said.

"We need to go to bed," Lalisa purred, her eyes half-lidded. "I'm sure they would love to spend the night with their favorite uncle."

Roseanne shuddered, partially with desire, but also with an edge of fear. She worried her lip, gazing down at her feet. She couldn't deny that there was something... appealing... about the whole scenario, even if Minnie's participation was grudging. But the butterflies in her stomach were a little too strong, and she wasn't sure which would win out—the tight ball of nerves in her chest or the low throb of heat between her legs.

"I can call it off, right?" she whispered, giving Lalisa a worried look. "We can do it another night, or..."

Lalisa nodded. "Of course." More loud shouts, this time of displeasure, came from inside the room, and she made a face. "But first, let's check on the pups. Bambam sounds like he has more than he can handle." She pushed open the door, stepping into Bambam's rooms without knocking.

The sight that greeted them made Lalisa smirk and Roseanne burst into a fit of giggles. Bambam was on his knees on the rug, Liry hanging from his neck and Minji riding his back like a komodo rhino, squealing every time he bucked. Daehan was sitting to the side in Minnie's lap, watching all of the ruckus with a slight grin as he drew on the pages of a very expensive-looking atlas.

"Give in, traitor!" Minji yelled, beating on her uncle's back with all her four-year-old strength. "You will threaten the Fire Nation no longer!"

"Never!" Bambam bellowed, a bit strangled, as his alpha niece had her hands around his windpipe. "You'll never take me alive!"

"That's not a problem," Liry grunted, attempting to tighten her stranglehold. Bambam was turning a bit blue and seemed to have decided that it was time to call a halt to this particular game, but he couldn't get the words out. He reached up in an attempt to dislodge Liry, but a moment later Minji seized his top knot and yanked on it— hard, if the wince he betrayed was any indication.

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