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Lalisa's heart slammed inside her ribcage, but the second Roseanne slid against the underside of her shaft, her entire world dropped between her legs. She had thought she'd been hard before, but the slick heat coating her cock had her close to bursting. Only the tattered shreds of her pride held her back. She couldn't bear the thought of coming across her own shivering stomach. No self-respecting alpha would embarrass themselves that way with a willing omega hovering just inches above them.

She tried to lift her hips and bury her length in Roseanne's warmth, but it was useless. Her body refused to obey even the simplest commands from her brain, and angry tears burned in her eyes each time her efforts failed. Her instincts screamed for her to fall into a rut, but she could barely flex her fingers against the mat, let alone thrust. All she could do was tremble, and even that wasn't a conscious choice.

Worse still, the words she had let slip echoed through her head over and over again. 'Fuck me.' Never before in her life had Crown Princess Lalisa begged someone to fuck her. It was always the other way around. She had made Roseanne scream the same short sentence more times than she could possibly count, but somehow, the cunning little omega had put the awful words in her mouth and turned them all around. Lalisa knew she was being manipulated, but there was nothing she could do. She didn't want Roseanne to stop. She wasn't sure she would survive if Roseanne stopped.

"Mmm, Lalisa..."

Lalisa usually loved the way Roseanne moaned her name, even more than she liked being addressed as Mistress, but this time, it only served to mock her. Her teeth clenched in anger, and so did most of her muscles—at least, the few she still had control over. Even though she was furious, her cock kept leaking with desire, coating Roseanne's shimmering pink folds and the pretty red bud of her clit. Pressure pounded along its length, growing stronger with each pass.

"... want you inside me..."

That suggestion should have been a relief, but Lalisa found herself dreading it. She both wanted and didn't want Roseanne to take her in. The base of her shaft was already swollen with the start of a knot, and she was afraid she might spill over. I can't. It's bad enough that I'm tolerating her little power trip. I refuse to let her make me come so easily.

"...and you're already so hard..."

Lalisa hissed as Roseanne's entrance grazed the head of her cock. Pearls of fluid formed at the dripping slit, and their shared wetness rolled down her shaft, coating it until it gleamed. She watched in awe, unable to look away as Roseanne's opening clasped her aching tip. Her hips tried to jerk again, but the paralysis held. She couldn't move, no matter how much she needed to. Roseanne was the only one who could join them.

At first, Lalisa feared she might need to beg again. Her gut churned with disgust, but in her current state, another 'please' wasn't beneath her. With swiftly growing horror, she realized she would say whatever Roseanne wanted as long as it shortened her suffering. But this time, Roseanne made no attempts to draw the words from her. She already seemed satisfied in her victory as she began sinking down.

The sensations were nearly overwhelming, and a gasp skated across Lalisa's shaking lips. Fuck. She's so hot. Tight. I'm going to... But she couldn't come. Not yet. Not when Roseanne had only taken two inches of her inside. With the small range of motion she still had, she dug her nails sharply into her palms and bit her lower lip, trying to distract herself. The pain helped, but not much. Her length still throbbed, and soft spurts pulsed from the tip.

"Don't," Roseanne murmured. She lowered herself another inch, and Lalisa tasted the tang of blood in her mouth as her lip split between her teeth. "Don't you dare come yet. Not until I do."

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