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Lalisa glanced down at her ceremonial armor, making sure the deep red and gold trimmings were adjusted properly. Although her slave was naked and shivering beside her, she had chosen to wear one of her finest outfits. She didn't usually break out her armor for anything less than a military-related mission, but this was a special occasion. When she entered, she wanted every set of eyes in the room to be on her and her chosen omega.

Satisfied that she was presentable, Lalisa's eyes flicked over to the trembling girl. Roseanne had drifted into something of a trance since they had left the fitting room. Her fearful expression had turned blank, and for a moment, Lalisa began to regret her decision. Her brow furrowed as she noticed the brilliant purple bruises that wound around Roseanne's thighs, hips, and neck. She does look delicious in nothing but that necklace and my come, but perhaps I was too rough with her. She could barely walk after I pulled my knot out.

Completely ignoring the guards present, she turned and stroked her palms down her pet's lean sides. Roseanne's soft brown eyes met hers in desperation, almost as if searching for comfort. Despite her better judgment, Lalisa offered some reassurance. "You're shaking," she whispered, bringing one of her hands up to play with the loops of Roseanne's long braid. "Why?"

Roseanne tried to speak, but her lips moved soundlessly. While she struggled, Lalisa caressed the subtle swell of her stomach. It had started to fade sooner than usual, but it was just present enough to prove she had done her duty. "You don't need to be afraid of anyone bothering you. No one else will dare to touch you with my scent all over you and my mark on your throat."

"Th—that isn't what I'm..." Roseanne faltered again, looking away, and Lalisa frowned. She stopped toying with Roseanne's braid and cupped her jaw in a firm hand, forcing their eyes to meet again. She waited expectantly, staring until the omega continued. "I'm embarrassed," she said, in such a soft voice that Lalisa almost didn't hear it.

"You don't need to be," Lalisa said, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. "You're mine now, and my opinions and desires are the only ones you should concern yourself with." She stroked the point of Roseanne's cheek with her thumb, admiring the blush there. "My opinion is that you look beautiful the way I left you, and my desire is to show you off."

With that, she turned to the guards, who were doing an admirable job of pretending they hadn't been eavesdropping. "Announce my arrival," she ordered, releasing Roseanne and offering an arm to keep her from swaying. Technically, the girl should enter several steps behind her, but she had been unsteady on her feet ever since their last session. "I wish to speak with my father."

The two guards shared a nervous glance. "The Fire Lord is in the middle of a meeting with his generals, Princess," one of them said, wincing as he spoke. "He left us strict orders that he wasn't to be disturbed..."

Lalisa fixed him with a glare, and he withered beneath it almost instantly. "Did he use my name?" she snapped, fire flashing in her eyes. "Did he tell you specifically that Crown Princess Lalisa wasn't to be permitted in the throne room?"

"N—no, Princess," the guard stammered. "Not exactly, but—"

"Then if you wish to keep your post here, and most of your face, I suggest you open the curtains and stand aside." She wrapped her right arm around Roseanne's waist, pulling her closer and groping the swell of her ass. "Since my father felt it necessary to lock me in my room for almost a week to make sure I produced an heir, I assume he wants to see proof of my efforts."

The guard had nothing more to say. He was obviously more terrified of her threats than any punishment Larce or his superiors might dispense in the future. He scrambled to open the curtains, and his companion did the same, allowing them entrance.

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