4|𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝘀𝗹𝗲𝗲𝗽𝗼𝘃𝗲𝗿

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It was finally Friday, so you had the weekend off from work. It was 4:00, Mike did have work tomorrow, but not today. You were bored out of your mind, not knowing what to do. You get up from your bed, and you grab your phone from your nightstand and call Mike. He picks up instantly.
"Hey, what's up?"

"Nothing much. Just bored.."

You could hear Mike sigh.
"Bored?" He sounds annoyed.

"Yeah, sorry..uhm are you..okay?" You ask Mike in a concerned tone.

"Yeah..just tired. But since you're bored, I guess we can maybe have a sleepover?"
Your face lit up. You were happy because this is the kind of person Mike always was. Even if he wasn't in the mood or not feeling well, he still always considered others.

"Of course! You always have good ideas. Anyways, come over in an hour. I want to go shopping."


"Yes, seriously!" You say demanding.

You hang up the phone, and you ready know what to do. You run upstairs to your room to find the perfect outfit to go out with Mike in. It wasn't a date, but you were going shopping together. You scramble through all of your hanging clothing, and you find a white tank top with grey sweatpants. You grab the outfit, and you throw it on your bed. You then pick our your white airforces as a shoe to match with your shirt. "Oh, I forgot!" You say out loud, and you walk over to your desk, grabbing your golden necklace and put it next to your fit. Along with your skincare products, you grab your towel, and you head to the bathroom to take a 30-minute shower.

After you're out of the shower, you were going to apply your skincare. First, you put on a peeling mask. After 5 minutes, you turn the faucet on and wet your face, and the door opens. You scream, only to see Mike startled.


"JUST GET OUT!!" Mike leaves the bathroom going downstairs. You decide to skip the skincare because of that awkward incident.

After changing, you go downstairs to see Mike waiting for you by the door. "Where's Abby?" You ask.

"Oh, she's in the car." Mike responds, and he opens the door for you to walk out, closing it behind him. Mike rushes to the car and opens the passenger seat door for you, and you get in. He shuts the door and gets into the driver's seat. Mike starts the car, and he pulls out of the driveway. While he's driving, you apply makeup on your face. Mike glances at you for a minute.
"You're too pretty for makeup [y/n]." He says intensely.

You smile. "I know."
You hear Abby Sigh

"Mike..stop flirting already..."
Mike pulls into the parking lot of target. He turns off the car and turns his head towards the back seat

"pfftt..im not flirting."

Abby rolls her eyes. "Yeah right"
You all get out of the car and you grab abbys hand while cars pull into the parking lot.

When you get in the store, Mike grabs a shopping cart. Abby runs off towards the toy section to get what she wanted. You push the cart in the snack isle, and Mike walks next to you.
"Oh!!" Mike yells and grabs five giant bags of chips. He got Doritos, Lays, Popcorn, Hot Cheeto puffs, and Pringles.

"you don't need all of that..." you say.

"Yeah..but i WANT all of it. Pleasee?" Mike uses "that look" on you.

You give in."Fine."

"THANK YOU" Mike hugs you, long and gently. "Hey [Y/n]?"


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