13|Mall fun

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This is an important chapter bc it connects to the next chapter. One part of this chapter is important. You'll know the next chapter.

Mike drives to the mall, annoyed because he doesn't want to go. Vanessa forced him, though, and he couldn't get out of it. You sat in the front seat while Vanessa and Abby sat in the back.
When you arrived at the mall, Abby beamed with excitement. She got out of the car and even opened the doors for everyone, which is something she never does. You ask her what store she wants to go to first, and she oddly says a wedding store.

When you finally reach the wedding store in the mall, Abby runs to the glass to look at the showcased wedding dresses and suits. She presses her face against the glass, admiring how pretty the dresses were. She ran to you and grabbed your hand, urging you and the others to go in the store. You rush in the store, and Abby lets go of your hand.

"Abby, what are we even here for?" Vanessa asks.

"Oh, well.. I wanted to pick out a wedding dress and a suit for [y/n] and Mike. Their wedding is soon, right?"
Abby asks curiosity.

You look at Mike, and he looks at you, too. You noticed his cheeks were red, and you knew that yours were red, too. Mike walks over to Abby, and Kneels down.

"Listen. I don't think we're getting married now, but hopefully someday. Okay?"

"No way in hell! I'm letting you wait long.." Abby frowns.

"Abby, language. I'm sorry, but I dont know what to say."

"Mike! Both you and [y/n] are rich, so just buy the suit and dress. " she crosses her arms.

"Abby, I'm your brother, and I love you, b-"

"Okay." You cut Mike off. Abby looks at you, and her expression is different.

"Really?" She's now jumping with excitement.

"Of course."

Mike looks at you, and you smile at him. He walks over to you.

"[Y/n], yknow I don't ever want this to happen, but what if we split up?"
He looks at you sincerely.

"Mike, don't second guess our relationship, I'm sure we can get through hardships. Okay, baby?"

He blushes. You've never called him that before.


After Abby picked Mike's suit and your dress, you both had to try it on. Mike finished first, and when you came out, he stared at you softly.

"Hey, handsome."

"Hey, beautiful."
You wore a white dress with a yellow and pink corsage on your wrist. Mike had on a black suit and tie, and his still messy hair.

After buying the wedding outfits, you ate food because Abby was hungry.  After eating, bby suggested that since it was a month before Christmas, you guys should shop early. Since you thought that was a good idea, you gave Vanessa $1000. You decided to have abby go with her to shop while you and Mike shopped together.

You and Mike stopped at a jewelry store and picked out a necklace for Vanessa. Mike looked over at the rings and decided to fo take a look.

"Hey baby, I'm just gonna go look at the rings, and I'll be right back."

"Okay, be quick!"

You pay for the necklace you bought for Vanessa.

"Baby, come here," Mike calls you over to the rings. "I want you to choose one for my mother."

You walk over, and Mike wraps his arm around your shoulders.

"So...which one do you like the most?"

"Oh, wow. That one is my favorite." You point to a siler ring with a gold heart-shaped diamond.

"And why is it your favorite?"

"Because..I just love how different it is. It has a different shape and two different colors on one ring. It's unique." He smiles at you, and you smile back.

"Hey, I'll take this one." Mike says to the man at the register. The man rings up the diamond ring, which comes up to a lot of money. Mike gets it without a second thought. You and Mike leave the store, and you head to Victoria's Secret.

As you walk in the women's store, Mike is hesitant when following you in.

"Should I even be in this store..?" He asks in a low tone.

"Mike, they're just maniquens wearing underwear and brass. Nothing too crazy. You pull Mike along, picking out perfumes and lotions for Vanessa, and for yourself. Mike grabs a matching underwear and bra set from the stand behind you and holds it up.

"Mike what are you doing with that?"

He doesn't say anything, and he takes it up to the register. You could see him give the lady cash, knowing he bought it. He walked back over to you.

"Sorry, I just thought you could wear this for the next time we.. you know."

You blush, covering his mouth.

You pull him to the side of the store, whispering.

"Mike! Are you serious...?"

"Yeah, I am. And I'll keep saying it until you agree to wear it."

He grins at you, teasingly.

"Fine. Just..let's go."

After a bunch of shopping, you had one last stop to go to. You had got a special pre wrapped gift for Mike from your mall friend Ray. It was a hoodie with you and Mike on it when you were kids. It said, "star-crossed lovers;" under the photo. It was a Christmas gift for Mike, but you didn't want him to see it yet, which was why you got Ray to pre-wrap it. You had Mike find Abby and Vanessa while you picked up the gift.

Ray met you by the food court in the mall and gave you the gift.

"Thanks, Ray. Your a lifesaver."

"Anytime, my friend. Hey, I seen Mike earlier, and he is fineee!"

You forgot Ray was gay, not even to mention he told you several times before. But it didn't matter in the end. You supported him.

"Don't steal my man, Ray." You jokingly tease as Ray walks away. You turn around, seeing Mike, Abby, and Vanessa walking towards you.

"Hey guys, ready to go?" You ask.

"Yes please, I'm feeling hungry, nd i want chef brother Mike to cook!" Abby says.

Mike sighs and rolls his eyes, and you just laugh.

"Okay, let's go."

Author's note:
Next chapter is a time jump! But it's only jumped by a month.

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