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It had been 3 weeks since your marriage. You and Mike were doing perfectly well, and everyone was okay. You and Mike were more sexual recently, and you've spent more time with him.

You sat on the couch eating your hot doritos, thinking about what you should do.  Mike didn't know what to do, either, but he was at work, so you'd figure it out on your own. You opened safari on your phone and searched up mansions that had more than 8 rooms. You and Mike wanted to buy one together, and you wanted Vanessa to move in. Abby needed a play room. You and Mike both needed offices. So there needed to be at least 6 rooms. you scrolled through your phone but jumped hearing Mike and Abby open the door.

"Jesus, you two scared me!" You said. Mike gave you a long hug, and then a kiss as if he didn't see you yesterday. Abby ran upstairs to her playroom.

"So, you're staying at my place tonight?" You ask.

"Yeah." Mike plopped down on the couch.

"So, I was thinking we should look for mansions! While you're here."

"You want a mansion again? We both have our own already, baby."

"Yeah, but if we're gonna move in together, we need offices, extra rooms, and yknow, I wanted Vanessa to move in."

"Okay, I support you on anything you want, baby. How about we look now?" Mike suggests. You smile, and you sit next to him. Searching and searching for countless hours, you had finally found one. It was a huge white mansion, with glass windows so you could see how many floors were on the house(technically more than just a house). It was a 3 floored mansion, not a 2 floored one. You could see a glass chandelier, and how big the main entrance was. The description said 15 bedrooms, 2 dining rooms, 1 basement, 3 kitchens, and 12 bathrooms. Including an elevator. It was 29 million.

"Let's get this one, only if you like it too." You smile.

"Sure, why not," Mike smiles and kisses your forehead.

After contacting the seller of the place, you set up for a tour the next morning.

It was 8:35 p.m., and you were ready to sleep. Mike went upstairs after you set up the tour an hour ago, and it was just the two of you and Abby. You went upstairs, and went in your room. Mike was lying on the bed watching TV. You decided to take a shower and grabbed your towel from your closet.

After your repeated night routine, you changed into your pink pajamas with rabbit patterns. You walked over to Mike, who was still lying down,  and you sat on his lap. He wrapped his arms around you, resting his head on your chest.

"Your pajamas are cute." He whispered.

"Thanks." You laughed.

"So, I wanted to talk to you about something." He sat up on the bed.

"What is it?" You ask.

"I wanted to, uh.." He hesitates,"i wanted to know if you wanted to try and make a kid?" He smiles nervously.

"Of course, I've always wanted one." You smile.

"Really? Wow, that's great." He smiles, and then he places his arms on your shoulders and places you on the bed in a lying position. You get on top of you and reach down to unzip your pants.

You place a finger on his mouth. "Nuh-uh. Abby's here!" You whisper.

"Right.." Mike lies down next to you, "sorry."

You glance at him for a second, and then you give in.

"Fuck it." You say.

"What?" He questions.

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