𝟭𝟮|𝗦𝘂𝗿𝘃𝗶𝘃𝗲𝗱 𝗙𝗻𝗮𝗳

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You awaken to the sound of beeping monitors and bright lights above your head. You could hear chattering within a distance.

"She's going to be okay. She's just in that room."


You hear someone walk in whatever room yout in. You look to your side, only to see Mike standing there. He rushes over to you, hugging and kissing you.

"Hey baby, you're going to be okay."

You close your eyes, trying to think about what happened, and remember it all.

"Is Abby okay?" You say weakly.

"Yes, yes. Abby's fine. She's worried about you, actually. And so is Vanessa." Mike holds both of your hands, and a doctor comes in.

"Hello. I'm Doctor Linda. Is she [y/n]?" She asks Mike, holding a clipboard, pointing it in your direction.

"Yes, she is."

The doctor asks Mike a few questions about any health issues. He surprisingly answered everything correctly. When he said you didn't have any allergies, he was right. When he said you've never gotten sick before, he was right. The doctor took you blood pressure and all of those basic things before speaking.

"Okay. Sweetie, your friend will be able to be let out tomorrow morning. Just fill out these papers, and I'll give you guys' blankets and food."

Mike fills out the paperwork and hands it to the lady. She walks out of the room.

About five minutes later, she came back with two blankets and a bunch of snacks. She gave Mike a white blanket and gave you a pink one. She then gave Mike hot cheetos, crackers and cheese, and some orange juice. She gave you crackers and cheese, salad, and water.

Mike eventually fell asleep, and you sst there watching hi doze off, smiling. You were glad he was there with you to support you through everything.

The next morning, Mike had waken you up and said it was time to go home. He said the doctors had already dressed you, so alm you had to do was put on your shoes. You sat up from the hospital bad, and you put in your shoes. Mike helped you up, knowing you might"ve been a bit sore. He signed you out of the hospital, and you both left. He helped you in the front seat of his car, closed the door, and got in the driver's seat.

"Okay, let's go."

When you arrived at your house, Mike helped you out of the car. He had your keys, but he didn't use them. He just rang the doorbell. Vanessa opened the door, and Mike went inside.

"HI, oh my gosh! I'm so glad you're okay!" Vanessa said, hugging you tight.

"Oh- watch the injury." You say, sore from Vanessa's tight hug.

"Oops, sorry."
Vanessa, let's you in. You see Abby, and she turns around, shocked to see you. She ran into your arms, giving you a big hug.

"Hi abby!" You greet her.
She starts crying.

"Why didn't you just stay strong?" She says. You didn't understand.

"She means when you passed out on our way to the hospital." Mike says.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Abby. Sometimes, it happens to people who get hurt, okay?"


"Hey guys, I'll be back. Gonna get snacks so we can have a sleepover." Vanessa says, opening the front door.

"No need, [y/n] saved a lot from our last sleepover." Mike says, so Vanessa closes the door. Mike helps you to your room, and he tells you to stay there and rest until the sleepover is fully set up, so you rest until their ready.

30 minutes later, you're called downstairs. You head out of your room downstairs. Mike and Abby are eating nachos, and Vanessa is baking something. You don't know what she's baking, though.

After a few hours of dancing and food fights, you all sit on the couch to relax. You turn on disney movies to entertain Abby.

The next morning, you wake up to the smell of bacon. Nobody is on the couch, except for Mike, who is sleeping on the coach beside you. You get up from the couch, and you go into the kitchen. Vanessa is frying food, and Abby is eating.

"Morning. What are we gonna do today?" You ask.

"Mall fun." Abby says, looking at you.

You don't know what that is, but you hope it's something good.

𝑩𝑬𝑯𝑰𝑵𝑫 𝑻𝑯𝑬 𝑳𝑰𝑬𝑺|𝑴𝑰𝑲𝑬 𝑺𝑪𝑯𝑴𝑰𝑫𝑻 𝒙 𝑭𝑬𝑴 𝑹𝑬𝑨𝑫𝑬𝑹Where stories live. Discover now