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This was around 2 months after Mike proposed.

You woke up to the sound of your alarm. It was 6:30AM. Without looking at it, you reached a hand out of your blanket and hit the alarm button to turn it off. you sat up in your bed, rubbing your eyes. Mike was asleep next to you, peacefully. You smiled, looking at him, knowing today was your big day.

After your routine, you decided to tie your hair into a loose bun. You put two white hairclips in the front and left out bangs. You wore Grey sweatpants and a white California hoodie since you didn't need to get ready yet. You took out your soft white wedding dress and Mike's suit and left it in your walk-in closet. Before you left, you turned your alarm back on for 7:00AM to wake up Mike.

The first place you went was to the bank. You cashed out $5000 for getting ready for the wedding. Next, you went to the hair store. When you walked in, it was empty. The workers were there, just no customers. You greeted the workers since you had known them all and let your favorite stylist, Anna, do your hair. You sat in the chair.

"Straightened with bangs, please. Also, if you don't mind, curl the ends!" You were a bit nervous to ask because you didn't want Anna feeling troubled, but Anna simply smiled and said, "Of course!"

After 3 hours of washing and driving your hair, it was finally done. You paid her the money and gave an extra $200 tip. Next, you went to get makeup. You bought lip gloss, mascara, an eyebrow pencil, and blush. after shopping, you made sure to get Abby a plushie as promised for her being your flower girl and Vanessa's little brother a toy train. You got Mike Cologne and Vanessa lip gloss.

You drove to your parents' house, just to make sure everything was in check. When pulling in the driveway, you could see your dad packing food in pans into his truck, and your mom bringing drinks and alcohol to her car. You hopped out of your car.

"Hey guys!" You smiled, and they gave you a hug.

"OH my God, hey honey!" Your mom greeted. Your dad just smiled.

"That's a lot of food you made. Thanks so much for helping." You thanked them.

"Of course, anytime. So the wedding starts at 4:45 pm, meaning we all should get going. " Your dad suggests.

"Oh, wait!" Your mom runs into your childhood home, which was still theirs and yours, but not as much of yours. Your mom rushes back out with something in her hand. She walks over to you and shows you a golden necklace.

"For you. I wore this when your father and I married." She smiles and puts it on your neck.

"Thanks, mom. I love you guys." You give them both a hug, and you all head to your cars/trucks.

When you arrived home, Mike wasn't there. The wedding was being held on a Greenland nearby with an incredible view, so your parents went to the actual wedding to help set up. It was around 12:30 pm, and you had to hurry. You took a 30-minute shower and, afterward, washed your face and did your usual skincare routine. You brushed your teeth and dried your face. You called in your maid of honor, Vanessa, who had to help you put on your dress. Vanessa watched you do tour makeup in your room.

You applied you mascara, and then fixed your eyebrows with your eyebrow pencil and applied your lip gloss, which had a strawberry scent. Your makeup took around 25 minutes. Vanessa then took you into your wak-in closet and quickly unwrapped your dress. She helped you get into it and tightened it a bit.

"'There." She smiled. She put a flower in your hair, and you put mini silver-ring hoop earrings in your ear. Vanessa gave you a pearl necklace to put on.

"I'm already wearing my mom's, I don't need that one." You say.

"You can't deny a gift from Mike, [y/n]." She sighs.

"Oh, that's from Mike? I thought that was in my drawer or something, okay, put it on me, if you can." Vanessa puts it on your neck, right above your mom's necklace, to make sure both are visible. Your mom came into the room, gasping at the sight of you.

"Oh, honey, look at you!" Your mother hugged you, tears streaming down her rosy cheeks. She looks at you, squeezing your shoulders.

"I love you, so, so much. You're taking his last name, right?"

"I love you too, mom. And yes, i am."

After waiting for an hour and a half, it was finally time. Your father came to get you and walked you down the aisle, with your boquet of white flowers. You could see all of your family members sitting in the chairs. Mike's, too. There Mike was, standing waiting for you, blush all over his face. You could see him adjust his tie a bit. You stood tall across from Mike, still being shorter than him. The priest in front of you both spoke.

"We are all gathered here today to witness a beauty and highlight in life of Mike schmidt, and [y/n][last name]. Please, [y/n] give your speech to Mike."

"Mike, you are my best friend. You're my listener, my helper, and my everything. You always have been. I don't mean to offend anyone here, but you're sexy, too. Like when I was walking down this aisle, I dphad no care in the world for anything else, all I could see was you." Everyone laughed.

"But in all seriousness, thank you for being there for me, through and through, and I love you so much." Mike smiled at you.

"Mike, please give your speech to [y/n]."

"[Y/n], when I first met you, I thought you were annoying," you gasped sarcastically. "Yes, annoying is what I thought. But once I got to know you, and i dare say this, I had a crush on you. All the way until 7th Grade. I gave up after, thinking you'd never like me. And of course, I started liking you again when you helped me every day with math work. I could never be as good as a friend as you are, and I'm so glad to have met you at a young age, becausehell if I didn't, I would've missed out on someone great. I love you, and I'm glad you're my best friend and lover." A tear strolled down your cheek, and Mike wiped it gently, mouthing, "don't cry," and smiled.

"Wait, before you g on, I wanted to say a little speech too." Yur mom called out. She stood up, and you nodded.

"I knew my beautiful girl would get married someday, but one thing I always knew more was that it would be her childhood best friend. Through and through, I saw how happy you made each other growing up. It's crazy how I got to see you both grow up. I remember Mike stayed over once, and my daughter got ready for 3 hours before he came. I even remember the way Mike looked at her, as if she was a dream," Everyone smiled and laughed.

" I love you, baby. And Mike, I know you'll treat my daughter right. You've always had, especially as a best friend. And there's nobody else's last name I'd rather have my daughter take than yours. I love you both so much. " Your mom smiled, and everyone clapped. The priest went on.

"Mike, do you take [y/n] as your future and supporter all throughout the rest of your years?"

"I do."

"[Y/N], do you take Mike to be your continuous supporter and take his last name?"

"I do."

"You may kiss!"

Mike softly kissed your lips, with his hand on the side of your face. You threw the boquet into the crowd, and Vanessa managed to catch it.

"Yeah, It's, [Y/N Schmidt] baby!" Abby screamed.

Mike couldn't do anything but laugh.

Author's note: best thing I could write I guess.

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