15|Christmas day

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Small Smut warning(again, sorry. But its short)

You woke up from a sharp pain in your eyes.

"Cmon, wake up, baby," you could hear Mike even though you couldn't see him. You opened your eyes. The sharp pain in your eyes was because of the sunlight reflecting on your face.

"Why did you have to open the blinds.." You say tiredly.

"I'm sorry, but it's Christmas! Also, Abby and Vanessa are waiting downstairs to open the gifts I got you guys."

You sit up, rubbing your eyes. Mike sat down next to you and placed his hand on your thigh.

"You okay?" He asks.

"Yup." You plop back down on your pillow and close your eyes. Mike climbs on top of you, and he pours a tiny bit of could water on your face.

"OH my God! Mike, stop you're making me wet."

"I know what else can get you wet." He smiles, kissing your neck. He continues kissing your neck until you get up.

"Since when did you flirt.." You say, getting off of the bed and walking out of his room.

"Since always," Mike followed you out of the room.

You walked down the stairs, wondering what he got you. You walk in the living room, seeing Abby and Vanessa sitting on the couch.

"Hey guys! I'm just gonna use the bathroom really quickly." You say, and you go into the downstairs restroom. After using the bathroom, you brush your teeth. While brushing your teeth, you look in the mirror. Your eyes widened when you saw the hickey on your neck.

"Mike!" You yell for him. He opened the bathroom door.

"What is it?" He asks.

"Y-you gave me a uhm.." You roll your eyes, pointing to your neck.

"I-uh. I did that?" He closes the bathroom door, whispering.

"Yes, you did."

"I- okay. Was it when we fucked, or-"

"I don't know! You kissed my neck this morning, too." You whisper.

"Right, right. well, okay, just let me do something." He grabs a bandaid from the shelf by the door and places it on your neck.

"There, now let's go."

After an hour of Abby and Vanessa opening gifts, it was finally your turn. Mike smiled as you walked up to the giant Christmas tree, kneeling down to the first gift you saw. You gently unwrap the green ribbon, and then you rip off the wrapping paper. You open the medium-sized boxed, only to see a pretty pink dress. You lift it up, showing it to Abby and Vanessa. You saw that the tag was still on, so you checked the price. It was $2500. You decided to talk to him about it later. The next gift you opened was a pretty diamond earring set that came with a gold heart necklace.

"Aww, it's so pretty. Thanks, baby." You smile at him, and he smiles back.

The next few gifts you opened were skincare and jewelry. Finally, there were two more gifts. For some reason, there was only one under the tree. You quickly opened the gift under the tree, which was a black North face backpack, with rose gold writing.

"Aww? thank you, baby. I wanted this, but I never had time to pick one up." You say.

Abby and Vanessa smile, giving each other looks as if they were keeping something from you. You shrugged it off when Mike asked you to follow him out to his garage. He opened the garage door. You noticed his car and another vehicle that wasn't his. It had a ribbon on it, and it was a white jeep. You stood there, not knowing why he brought you out into the garage.

"What are you waiting for? Go test out your new car!" He smiles and throws you the keys.

"Wait, what?!" You beam with excitement, and you jump into his arms. "You're the sweetest person alive, and I love you so much." You smile at him while he's holding you. You kiss him softly on the lips, and he puts you down.

"I was gonna wait, but I guess I should do it now?" He looks over to Vanessa, and she nods. So does Abby.

"Do what?" You ask, confused.

Mike kneeled down on one knee and pulled a black box out of his pocket. You just stood there, in shock.

"[Y/n], will you marry me?" He smiles at you. As you realize what's happening, tears stroll down your eyes.

"Of course!" You smile, and he lifts you up, giving you a soft kiss. Abby and Vanessa scream and jump around like they were five year olds.

"I can't believe you said yes!" Abby says.

"Of course I did, I wouldn't think about marrying anyone else in this world." You say. Mike gently places a somehow recognizing ring on your finger.

"Wait, is this the ring I picked out from the time we went to the jewelry store?" You ask.

"Yes it is. I didn't think you would remember." He replies.

"Of course I did. I thought this was gonna be for your mom."

"No, it wasn't. That was a cover-up, for you know... this moment." He smiled at you.

"But don't worry. She got great gifts." He assures you.

After two long hours of everyone opening your gifts, Vanessa and Abby were at your place, and you were at Mike's place. Abby and Vanessa said that since you two were engaged, you should be alone together. So here you were, watching TV with Mike.

"Baby, you okay?" Mike asks.

"Yeah, I'm just  worn out." You reply.

"But if I'm being honest, I just.." You climb on top of Mike.

"You just really wanna what?" He asks.

"I just really wanna fuck you now." You start kissing his neck. He wraps his arms around your waist, smiling at you.

"And why is that?" He asks, looking down at your lips.

"I don't know, it's just that I need you right now. I don't know how to explain it."

"Don't worry, I get it. You want my dick."

Mike kisses your neck, biting your sweet spots.

"I want you to be the dominant one." You tell him.

"Don't worry, I was already planning that." He slowly kisses your stomach,mrewchingmdown to your vagina under the covers. He pulled down your underwear, starting to lick your pussy. You jumped slightly as he teased you. He came from, under the covers, leaning towards your face. He kissed you a few times, before entering his cock inside of you.

"Fuck, you feel so good inside of me." You smile, placing your hands on his back.

"I love being inside of you, baby. "

Authors note; gonna cut it off there because I don't feel like writing another weird scene two times in a row(from last chapter.)


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