9|𝙏𝙬𝙞𝙣 𝘽𝙞𝙧𝙩𝙝𝙙𝙖𝙮𝙨!

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This will be in your and Mike's perspective(and third person, of course).

Your alarm goes off. You reach your hand over mikes back to your nightstand, and you shut it off. Your eyes open to your bright room, the sun shining through your window.You squint your eyes a bit before fully opening them, and you rub them. You look at Mike, and he's still sleeping. You smile at him, thinking about how much you loved him and how much you loved each other last night. You kiss his forehead, and you get off of the bed, leaving Mike slumped, and you go into your personal bathroom to take a shower.

After your shower, you brush your teeth. In the middle of gargling mouth wash, Mike opens the door. "Hey, [y/n]"
He greets you, rubbing his eyes. You could tell he had just awakened.
"Morning sleepy head." You smile, reaching for his head to tousle it. He smiles and hugs you, wrapping his arms around your waist. You look up to him, realizing something.

"Wait a minute..." Mike is unsettled by your concerned expression.

"You okay? What is it?" He asks. You notice his voice sounds a bit deeper than yesterday.

"You definitely grew like an inch or two. You're taller than last week.." You say, resting your head on his chest still standing.

"You've just now noticed..seriously?" Mike smiles and lifts your head up, wiping toothpaste from the corner of your mouth. He kisses you softly, placing his hand on your face.

"Sorry I wasn't focused on your height," you say sarcastically. "You're just so handsome, I can't really focus." Mike smiles and kisses your cheek.

"Wait, why didn't you sleep in your room?" You ask Mike.

"Well, this isn't my place... this is your place." He sounds more tired.

"We both live in mansions, and in both of our mansions is a room for each other, correct? You have your own room in my house, yknow.." You bop his nose.

"True, but.. we had sex so I figured why not sleep with you in both terms, of course." You laugh at his corny joke

"You were fine with it yesterday. Did that change?" He asks.

"No, it's okay, I just wondered if you realized that you did have a room in here."

"Okay. I'm gonna actually go in my room and change, though." He smiles at you and leaves you in the bathroom.

After 20 minutes, you check up on Mike. You walk down your hallway, opening the door on the right. "Hey, you okay?" You see Mike wearing black jeans and a white t-shirt with you on it, saying, "Happy Birthday. "

"It's cute." You say. He turns his head, and he holds up a t shirt with him on it, saying the same thing.

"Made you one, too." He tosses it at you, and you put it on. Since it was you and Mike's birthday, you needed to get him a gift.

"Okay, I need to go out. If you leave, lock the doors and the balcony door. The spare key is on the kitchen counter, by the way." You shut the door and then quickly jog down the steps. You knew exactly what you were going to get him.

When you finally arrived at the mall, you went to the first store you could think of. Foot locker. You bought Mike 2 pairs of Nikes. Air force 1"s and Nike panda dunks. You also bought some nike clothes to match. After buying his shoes, you said, "Thank you," to the kind woman at the register and walked out of the store. After. Abit of clothes shopping and colone shopping, you come across a special store. You look at the sign. The store was called 'La floré'. You walk into the store, struggling with all of the bags in your hand. In the store is jewelry locked within glass. The colors were gold, silver, copper, and plenty more. There were rings and all kinds of jewelry, but one caught your eye. In the left corner of the store was a short pillar. On top of the pillar was a red pillow and a glass sealed container with a golden chain inside of it. You walk up to the register. There was a guy with a blue cap on and some sort of white and blue uniform.

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