14|Christmas eve[the early gift]

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Shut warning!

It had been a month since you went to the mall, but it was Christmas Eve, so you wanted to pick up some extra gifts.  You ordered Abby's gifts online, and since you wanted to go, you went to the mall earlier. You got Mike and Vanessa more gifts, and you got Ray a gift card as a thanks for his help.

It had been a few hours later, and you were finally done with wrapping up everyone's gifts. You had a 14-foot Christmas tree, so fitting the presents under it was pretty easy. While putting the last present under the tree, you got a call; It was Mike. You picked up your phone, holding it to your ear.


"Hey, how's your day?"

"Good. You?"

"Good, thank you. Baby, can I drop off Abby so I can finish wrapping the presents for everyone at my place?"

"It's funny, you ask, because I just finished wrapping everyone's gifts that I bought. But sure, bring her over."

"Thank you, I love you."
You hang up the phone and decide to put christmas cookies in the oven for Abby. Some were snowmen, some were gingerbread, and some were santa cookies.

About 30 minutes later, the doorbell rang. You answered the door, seeing Mike and Abby. Abby ran inside, and Mike stepped forward and kissed you.

"Oh wow, those are a lot of presents."

"Yeah, most are for you, but there's plenty for Abby and Vanessa."

Mike's expression changes. His eyes aren't as wide. They get lower in some way. It was that look he gave when he was going to say some stupid or flirty.

"Oh yeah? Well.. besides presents, what else do I get?"

He tilted you chin up a bit, smiling. He looked at you, and then your lips. You already knew where he was going with that sentence.

"Exuse me! Language. Abby is here, remember?" You warn him.

"She's too worried about those cookies over there," Mike says. "Oh, and Vanessa will watch Abby tonight at your place, so you can come to mine. Okay?" He adds.

"Okay." You smile, and he smiles back. He leaves and closes the door behind him.

"Alright Abbs, what do you wanna do?"

"No. Absolutely not! I can't believe you didn't think of inviting Vanessa.." she crosses her arms. You didn't understand, though.

"I'm sorry, what do you mean?" You squat down.

"Just call her over! It's an emergency!" Abby yells.

"Okay, jeez." You call Vanessa to come over.

About 20 minutes later, she came.

"Hey guys!" She's weirdly happy.

"Uhm, hi. This was an emergency, according to Abby." You say sarcastically. Vanessa smiles.

"Yeah, I know. She does this all of the time. But anyway, what shall we do?" Vanessa asked.

"Pillow fight!"

Abby ran towards Vanessa with a pillow and started hitting her out of nowhere. You'd didn't know how she got it so fast, but it was whatever. Vanessa slipped and fell on the floor, but Abby just kept hitting her.
You saw that as an opportunity and ran into the living room to get your own pillow. You got a normal white pillow, but you made sure it was soft so it didn't hurt Abby. You ran back into the front area and snuck up on Abby, softly hitting her with the pillow. She started laughing and she fell. Vanessa then took your pillow and hit you, and you fell. Eventually, she, too, grew exhausted and relaxed on the floor next to you and Abby.

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