8|𝙑𝙞𝙧𝙜𝙞𝙣𝙞𝙩𝙮 𝙡𝙤ss

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This is a continuation of the last chapter
Y/n's perspective + 3rd person
"Yes, I love you, and I want you." I smooth my finger down Mike's chest, staring at his lips. He leans in, and just like that, his lips were on mine. Neither of us pulled away. Mike gently put his hand on my face. I moved my hands to his shirt, trying to unbutton it while we were still kissing. Mike broke the kiss, looking at me, putting his hands over mine. "A-Are you..are you sure..?" His voice lowered.
"Yeah, I want you, and I want you to be my first," I say, assuring him.
He proceeds to kiss me, wrapping his hands around my waist. I break the kiss. "Let's go to my room," I get off of the couch, and I run upstairs into my room. Mike follows behind me, closing my room door and pulling me towards him. I pull his shirt off, and he takes off mine. We continue kissing and lay down on the bed. Mike looks over to my wall, where the pictures of us when we were younger hung on the wall in wooden frames. "Aw, that's us at Cole's party," Mike said. "Y/n, you had a huge crush on him."
"Actually, I had a crush on you, Cole was just a cover-up." I say, smiling. Mike grins and continues kissing me.

"Okay, you ready?" He says, looking down on me.

"Mhm," I say unsurely, but I made sure my nervousness wasn't clear to him.
"Ok," Mike unzips his pants. He continues kissing me, reaching for a condom on my nightstand. "Since when did you have condoms?" He asked in between each kiss he gave. "Those were for my anatomy project at work, but who cares," Mike puts on the condom.

"Okay, here I go. If it hurts, let me know, and I can pull out, okay?"


Mike pushes his cock in you slowly, making sure he didn't hurt you. "tha-that hurts a bit, but let me oh fu-" your head dropped onto your pillow as mike thruster in you. You lay in silence, letting him take control.

"Are you okay..? Your not saying anything or..moaning"

You smile a bit "Yeah, I'm okay. This feels good."

Mike picks up the pace. Your pussy clentches his cock, making him push a little harder. He kisses you, spreading your legs to satisfy you. "Oh!" Mike covers you mouth, even though you had no neighbors that could hear you moan.
"Fuck, I love you so much" You say weakly, softly moaning each thrust made. Mike continuously pounds you, hard enough to the point you start shaking.

Your fingers claw his back, feeling his muscle when he moves. Each thrust he made, you pulled him closer, and closer.

"If..if ...never mind." Mike looks away.

"What is it...?" You place your hand on his face. He looks in your eyes softly.

"Its fine. Ill keep going"


Mike thrusts harder, resting his arm on the headboard of your bed. "That feels great, baby," he groans, squinting his eyes. "I'm getting close" you warn.

He stops. "You okay?" You ask him, placing your hand on his face.

"Yeah, it's just..I don't know if you want to..uh..yknow" he looked nervous. He was asking if you wanted to cum, or if you both should just stop there.

"Yeah of course, its not like we have no protection."

Mike continues, going deeper, and faster. "Fuck!" Mike rested his face on yours. You could say nothing except make eye contact with him. His cum didn't reach you, as from blocked from the condom. Mike crawls off of you, laying down next to you. You turn to face him.

"I want to feel yours inside of me someday." You smile, soothing your thumb on his face.

"You will soon," Mike blushes of embarrassment from what he said.
"Well, only if you wanna."

"You know what's crazy y/n?" He speaks again.

"what is it..?" You grin.

"I never thought that me and you...us...would happen. I mean, your my best friend. I've always loved you because you were there for me when I needed you the most, and you felt the same about me." Mike smiles.

"Aw, that's so sweet of you Mike."

"I just never thought that...I would feel even more about you, yet alone you feel more about me." He shakes his head in disbelief.

"Well, of course I feel that way about you.." You laugh. "And I thought you noticed."

"...Noticed what?" Mike looks confused.

"I've had a crush on you for a while, since I was like, 14."

"What!! You have a crush on me?!" Mikes voice is high pitched.

"Well, yeah. I thought you knew already!" You laugh

"I definitely did not," he looks at the ceiling. "Note gonna lie, I had a dream about you a few days ago."

"Oh yeah? What was it about?" You ask.

"Well..uhm.. it was a uh, sex dream." He puts a pillow on his face of embarrassment.

"Oh, wow. Not that I can blame you. I may or may not thought about you like that before, too..it wasn't recent though. Don't feel embarrassed." You rub his arm.

"Okay," Mike flips the light switch on your wall, turning the lights out. "Tomorrow is our birthday, get some rest, okay?"

"Okay. I will," You place your arm on mikes back. "Hey, Mike?"


"I love you so much."

"I love you, and I always will."

Author's note

That scene was painful to write, but I'm okay!

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