19|Baby reveal

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You were 9 months in your pregnancy, and you and Mike had not known the gender yet. Even though you would have your baby in 1 week, you decided to let the doctors tell your aunt, and she suggested a gender reveal party. Today was the day of the party. You hadn't known what your aunt planned for the party, or would she invite, but Vanessa and Abby definitely were invited. The theme was blue and pink. Mike wore a blue suit and tie with dress shoes, and you wore a pink dress with sandals. Abby was with Vanessa, but they were picking you up. When they arrived outside, you saw Abby and Vanessa waiting in the car. Mike walked with you, opening the passenger seat and letting you in, and he got in the back, with Abby.

"Vanessa, your police clothes, seriously?!" Mike said, shaking his head.

"Uh, well.. I need to watch people in case they do anything stupid, and my shirt is blue, so it counts." She shrugs and starts driving.

When you arrive at your aunts beautiful mansion, you see pink and blue balloons everywhere and people sitting and standing talking to each other. You seen the schmidts, and your family, the [Last/name]'s. They schmidts were always your family since you and Mike were kids. They weren't blood, but they were definitely family. You've felt closer to them recently since you've had their last name for almost a year.

After a bunch of bonding time with everyone, it was time for mini games. After the games, it would be the reveal. The first mini game awaited for you and your husband to play it.

Everyone at the party lined up on the side to watch you and Mike play.

"Okay, so this game was designed by Abby. There's two rows of tires. You walk through the tires, and whoever pops the balloon first wins!" Your Aunt explained. You and Mike lined up on each set of tires and waited for the countdown.

"Oh, I'm so gonna win!" Mike exclaimed.

"Nuh-uh," you took your shoes off, showing that you were ready.


Mike runs first, bhtt you catch up quickly. Through the 6th tire, he jumps all the way to the 12th tire. He pops the balloon right when you catch up. He laughs.

"Yes! I won!" He grins at you.

"I forgot you were a track jumper, plus it doesn't count, i can't really jump while being pregnant.." You say. he only smiles, and you both go to the next game, with everyone still watching.

"Okay, Mike's uncle created this one. It's simple: Since our backyard is the exact size of a football field, we created some yardlines. Whoever throws the football farthest wins." Your aunt says.

"Ladies first," Mike grins. You knew he'd win, though. He was the best football quarterback in your high school, and even in your college, he was still the best on the team.

You threw the ball, hoping to get far.

"Okay, that hit the 30-yard line. Mike, your turn." Your aunt says. Everyone starts clapping for you, and Mikes uncle yells out,"Let's see if my nephew still got It in him!"

Mike chuckles. "Im only in my early 20s, uncle. I still got it." Mike throws the ball, which when he threw, you knew it went further than yours.

"That was an 60 yard throw, so Mike wins. I forgot to mention that each minigame is worth 10 points, so since [y/n] had. A little disadvantage,instead of 0, is that she has 10, and Mike has 20." You smiled, feeling glad you got something

It was the last minigame, but for some reason, everyone seemed more excited about this one. Your aunt put blindfolds on you and Mike, and for some reason, both your father and Mike's father placed you both somewhere, next to each other.

You and Mike were instructed to strip, but they already warned you to wear a bathing suit under your dress before coming to the party, and Mike wore swim underwear.

"Okay, jump in front of you." You aunt says.

"That's all? Just jump?"  You and Mike say at the same time.

"Yup, go ahead." She responds.

You grab Mike's hand, and you jump in with him. It was a pool, but you weren't allowed to take your blindfold off.

"Oh come on, why does this have to be cold water!" Mike says sarcastically.  Everyone laughs.

"Okay, last minigame. There are blue and pink balls around you in the pool, and one golden egg. Find the egg, and open it to see a golden coin, and read the coin for the next step. Go!" You and Mike took your vlindfolds off, looking around. You checked every corner, but you hadn't seen any egg. You swam underwater, only to find a golden egg at the bottom of the pool. Mike pulled you back up quickly.

"Mike, it's down there. Let me get it!"

"Nah, you're pregnant. It could be dangerous, I'll go." He swam underwater. You could see him holding the egg when he finally came back up. He opened the egg, and you both read it at the same time.

"it's a boy," you and Mike look at each other, and back, at the coin, and back at each other. Everyone cheers and claps, and you and Mike hug each other. You softly kissed him, which turned into a Mike out session.

"Your six pack is more defined," you say in between each kiss.

"Mhm, I'm preparing for our moments after you have our baby. " He flirts.

"Guys, no pool sex right now!" Your mother shouted sarcastically. You all laughed, which is when you felt it. Your water broke.

"Mike, my water broke!" You start to feel pain, and Mike quickly reacts. He carries you out of the pool, and someone quickly tosses him a towel. He wraps it around you, and he walks you to the car. He helps you into the passenger seat, and he gets into the driver's seat.

After being put in the hospital room, it was time for labor. Mike held your hand, and the doctors had you start. Pushing through agony, you moaned and screamed in pain. You tried not to be loud, just to not make it worse. Through each push, Mike held your hand tighter.

" 1, 2, 3, push more!" The doctors said. "Keep going!" They encouraged.

The room felt small, and you were hot and sweating. This felt way different than you would've thought.

"Ahh!" You squint your eyes.

After 10 more minutes, you heard the crying sound of a baby. The nurses wrapped the baby in a blanket, and Mike held him.

"Okay, we just need to clean him up, and you'll need to be in the hospital for a few days." A nurse informed.

After 2 hours of cleaning your baby, the nurses finally let you hold your child.

"Did you both decide on a name?"

"Yeah, first name Mike, last name Schmidt." You say.

"Baby, he doesn't have to have my first name if you didn't want that! Our is enough for me, " Mike says.

"No, baby, it's okay. If we have another boy in the future, he can be named something else. This is our eldest. He's gonna be a football star just like you were." You smile.

"Only if he wants to play, which I hope so." Mike says.

"If he does, you'll be a great coach."

Authors note: next chapter is the last part pooks.

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