𝟭𝟬|𝗳𝗻𝗮𝗳 𝘀𝗲𝗰𝘂𝗿𝗶𝘁𝘆

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It's early in the morning, and you and Abby are watching TV. Mike asked you to watch Abby so he could work. You agreed, since you and Abby haven't spent time together with just the two of you in a while.

"Y/n?" Abby looks over at you.

"Yes, abbs?"

"I'm hungry. Can we eat something?" She smiles at you.

"Of course, abbs. I'll make breakfast."
You get up, and you walk over into the kitchen. You put 3 frying pans up onto the stove, and you preheat the oven. You   fry eggs, bacon, and grilled cheese for abby, and you bake tiny cookies. You grab a glass, and you pour orange juice in it. Once the breakfast is done, you place it on a tray, and you hand it to Abby. You sit down next to her, drinking a glass of water

"So, how do you feel about my brother?"
As Abby asks this, you choke on the water.

"Uh, I love your brother abbs. So, Wanna watch SpongeBob?" You change the subject, not wanting to talk about love with an 8 year old. She just smiles and rests her head on your shoulder

A bunch of hours later, itd 9;00PM, and Mike still wasn't home, so you assumed it was a late shift. Abby was coloring in her room, and you were sitting on the couch on Instagram. Mike still hadn't texted you back since the morning, but you didn't worry. That is until you heard a knock at your door. You got up from the couch and walked over to the front door. What scared you was that both you and Mike lived in private mansions, so who in the hell would be at your door. Even if people saw your mansion, nobody ever comes to them. You look through the peephole, but nobody is there. You turn around, struggling it off, only to see a beat up looking animatronic standing behind you. It looked like Freddy, but a brighter brown and more beat up. All of a sudden, the animatronic hits you and knocks you out.

You woke up, your eyes scrunched from the brightness of your chandelier. You looked around, your body hurting. Your hands were shaking, and you felt something on your head. You wipe your head with one finger, only realizing it was blood. That's when you remembered what had happened. You checked your phone. 30 minutes had gone by.

"Shit, Abby!"

You rush to abby's room, opening the door. She wasn't there. That's when you got a call. It was Mike.

"Mike?! Abbys gone!" You inform him.

"Yeah, I know." He doesn't sound scared or shocked. It's like he already knew it would happen.

"What the hell are you talking about Mike, your sister is gone!"

"JUST- fuck. Listen, and listen carefully, okay?" Mike sounds stressed.

"Are you okay?"

"It's my fault she's gone. The - the missing children, they got her."

"Michael, what missing children are you talking about?"

"From the place I work at, please, Vanessa is with me. Please just come to this address so she can explain." XXX

You quickly drive to the address, hoping to find out what's happening. Vanessa opens the door and lets you inside.

You see Mike standing in the room, with bloody cuts all over his arms and one on his leg.

"Oh my gosh, are you okay!?" You rush over to him, giving him a hug.

"Okay, Mike, explain your dream to.us." Vanessa crosses her arms, looking nervous.
"The missing children- they asked if I wanted my brother back, I just-i said yes, and then I realized I had Abby, b-but it was too late. They took her because i said yes." A tear strolls down his cheek.

"Who are the missing children?" You asked.

"They are children who died in the restaurant a while ago. They were killed by William, the owner of the restaurant.  Their bodies were stuffed in the suit, and their souls are trapped in them. But William controls them." You were shocked by all of this, but you had no time to think.

"Okay, explain who this William is so we can save abby."

"Listen, William is crazy, but he's very smart. He is capable of anything. Take these. They should knock out the Animatronics for a while." She gives you and Mike a taser. You notice the weird look on her face.

"You're hiding something, Vanessa. We need to see what he looks like." You look at her.

"Fine." She walks towards you, showing you a photo of a tall yellow rabbit mascot and a little blonde girl standing next to it.

"This is William. He's my father." A tear rolls down Vanessa 's eye, and she looks away.

"Are you fucking serious? You kept this from us, this whole fucking time! We could've kept Abby safe if you had said something!" Mike yells.

"It's not that simple!" Vanessa yells back. You slap her really hard.

"Let's go, Mike." While walking, put, you grab a gun from the desk. You and Mike get in the car, rushing to the restaurant.

Author's note: keep reading! It gets more suspenseful from here.

Author's note: keep reading! It gets more suspenseful from here

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𝑩𝑬𝑯𝑰𝑵𝑫 𝑻𝑯𝑬 𝑳𝑰𝑬𝑺|𝑴𝑰𝑲𝑬 𝑺𝑪𝑯𝑴𝑰𝑫𝑻 𝒙 𝑭𝑬𝑴 𝑹𝑬𝑨𝑫𝑬𝑹Where stories live. Discover now