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Jade had just a common life work 8 to 10 hours a day 5 to 6 days a week just to make ends meet. Her life was not full of luxury or anything that makes stand out from the rest, or at least in the way she lives is somewhat true. In her mind she is always looking at the world with a feeling of disappointment and sadness to see how everyone just lives to work and works to live.

The sad reality is that there are so many "improvements" and inventions to make life a better place. But nobody sees what she is seeing, that the more things they make to make life "convenient" or "comfortable"  they are losing a part of themselves, a piece that makes life be life.
Phones, a great way to stay in touch and connected, just gives you a reason to no hace to visit those you care for and eliminates the need to see them so often because you don't even need to call them, just a text will be enough to let them know you are still alive.

Social media instead of letting you share precious moments and memories to your loved ones and friends, instead its a competition for who gets more likes and views and s way to criticize others and never let those embarrassing moments never be truly forgotten.

Cars, a great way of transportation to go places faster, became just a way to go to and from work as fast as possible without having to wait or see others,most people just followed the same routes without enjoying the views. That's without looking at all the pollution that is causing having so many cars around and the need to constantly get a newer version of the same one you have.

These are the things that go through her mind daily and more if she is being honest to herself, disappointment And depression are a constant in her life,but who will notice? No one because everyone is going thru their own struggles and she is  nothing  special.
Her  only  deprive of the world  around her is reading and reading. She does as much as she can  and not talking about the useful  reading but fantasy  of other worlds,  better worlds her view but again  what does she know  she is just a nobody special.

Hello everyone,

So this is my personal version of the beauty and the beasts manga. I will be making some changes to the story but most of this characters don't belong to me. Hope you enjoy the story this is my first time writing something for others if you have any feedback it will be greatly appreciated.

This story will be mature so please no one under 16 should be reading this.

Transported to the beast world as a female beastWhere stories live. Discover now