Bonding time with Harvey

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Now that I had clothes I decided to woman up and be brave. I went with Harvey after he told me that he had to go look for some herbs he was running low on. I think it's a great opportunity to try and see if I can find anything familiar and explore this beautiful world since this is my life now and maybe I will get lucky and get to hunt something as well.

We went out and headed to the other side of the lake, everything was so green and beautiful. but i noticed that everything seemed bigger than usual like the trees, the flowers were at least 3 to 4 times bigger than on earth and the grass was thicker and taller. But honestly it makes much more sense since i look at Harvey especially in his beast form it suits his size, even in human form he is about 6'3 so in animal form he is much bigger. It makes sense that everything would have to be bigger to accommodate its inhabitants.

We kept walking and Harvey had a skin bag where he was collecting herbs everytime he found what he was looking for. We talked about the plants. He would go into detail what the uses of the ones he was collecting were. I honestly couldn't remember half the things he said but I was glad he was talking to me. He seemed more relaxed, like he was in his element which he is. I have no medicinal knowledge and that fact hit me harder once I listened to him talking about how he could cure so many different symptoms just with a couple of herbs he was finding in the forest. So different from earth even a cold required so many different pills and teas or syrups.

So now my biggest conclusion today is that I definitely need Harvey as my male, I decided that I would tell him of my intentions today. But ask for us to spend at least a week together to learn more about each other so we can have more trust and feel more connected to one another. I think that is not too bad, it's not too long of a time but will get us more connected towards each other.

We kept walking and I stumbled into a treasure, well not treasure but something that will make food today more better. I think I just found potatoes, huge potatoes they were the size of watermelons, not the oval shaped ones but the seedless round ones. Still pretty big to be potatoes but i smelled them yes they are potatoes. I asked Harvey if this was edible to make sure i wasn't making mistakes and he said yes that they were called yellow stone fruit but that not many in the village liked them.

Well that's all the confirmation i needed i dug some up about 6 and Harvey put them in his bag. I kept looking around. Maybe I could find more stuff to try to make a simple stew. Not far away from the yellow stone fruit there were some carrots, I dug one out, cleaned it as much as i could with my hands, blew on it and bit it yup tastes just like carrots. Bigger everything was bigger which is fine by me since here everyone has a bigger appetite, i dug more out and Harvey put them in his bag. I was lucky enough to find these. I found what looked like ginger root and Harvey got some since he said they were medicine.

I asked if he had a stone pot where we could cook some food, he looked at me with some confusion but nodded. Figured sincere is the healer he has more things than others. We walked back towards the lake which I think is actually a small river and I took a quick rinse. Not really a bath since I didn't have soap but I figured it's better than nothing. I told Harvey to take a quick bath with me, he got all red again but didn't resist me too much he put his back on the side we would come out and took his skirt off.

Me being me enjoyed the show instead of trying to give him any privacy after all, I'm buying the goods so I must check they are in good condition. I giggled to myself from my own thoughts but that just made Harvey stop

" you don't have to be afraid Harvey i promise i don't bite. Now come in here the water is incredible"

It was i didn't feel it too cold it was just nice and fresh, i started dipping myself more once he got in he tried not looking at me too much but i caught him picking while he scrubbed himself too.

He has a slim waist but had muscles I could see while he moved, and nice firm butt cheeks. A great show just like men like nice bodies females do too and that is one thing I think men from earth didn't really take in consideration. Now before we get carried away, or more like i before i jump him here i got out and he followed. I let him have a nice long look, yes Harvey this will be yours soon enough.

I put my clothes back on and Harvey did the same. I decided I would braid my hair once it dries so it doesn't get tangled. We started walking together having conversations about simple things, and while walking I built my courage to ask him if he could teach me how to hunt rabbits. Well that was my starting point. At least later I wanted to hunt bigger prey.

"Harvey, do you think you could teach me some things?"

He honestly looked surprised. " What would you like me to teach you Jade?"

I'm pretty sure he noticed I wasn't the best student in medicine.

So fair question " well i was honestly thinking like, if you could teach me how to hunt"

now he looked scared " i mean like rabbits or rodents something small, i just wanted to learn. So do you think you could teach me? Please"

i made the best please face i could opening my eyes as wide as i could.

He looked like he wanted to object but I kept making my cute face and even added a little pout to be on the safe side. I was counting on my characteristics as a Fox to convince him and I think it was working.

He got pink again, sooo cute " ok Jade but only small animals, I have to make sure you aren't in any danger while we do so as well. So if it gets dangerous we will stop right away ok? I don't want you to get hurt."

I nodded right away. I wasn't going to scare my teacher away. "Sure we can stay safe, I'll listen to you, can we start today?,we do need to make food"

He thought about it but then nodded. I'm guessing since we are outside he thought the same as me better get it out of the way.

"Come this way i know a spot where we might be able to find prey without so many dangers"

I followed like a good student. This is so exciting. Maybe I can actually get some increase in strength or knowledge. While I kept thinking we got to a beautiful spot about 20 minutes away walking.

I see harvey putting his bag down by a big rock then tells me quietly

" i'm going to shift, i'm not the best or strongest hunter but i don't think teaching you how to catch small prey should not be too difficult"

aww my sweet Harvey putting himself down again " I really appreciate you teaching me Harvey, in my eyes you're already the best teacher"

i'm starting to enjoy making him blush, but it shouldn't be so easy. I will have to make sure I never let him feel unappreciated.

Transported to the beast world as a female beastWhere stories live. Discover now