Eating together🦊🐯🐺🐆

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Jade's POV

I waited but not for long before the smell of food started to become more appetizing and Cato walked in through the door. It was funny first his arms were full of furs, some looked quite nice.

but his face was so focused on what he was doing but as soon as he got inside he didn't even look at me, he looked at the food and sniffed the air.

"What smells so good in here?"

I could see his saliva starting to come out a little and his tail was going wild, I'm glad I'm not next to him right now or I might get hit with the wagging happy tail.

He looked as if he was ready to pounce, that is until Harvey stepped on front of the cooking food as if to protect it. It honestly looked funny to me, Harvey was making his role in my family known and respected.

"This is the meat you provided, that I prepared how Jade likes to eat it. You should learn as well in case one day you have to cook for her. "

"Yes I will learn everything I need to take better care of Jade"

Right now Harvey was the protector of my food, and he looked hot. I looked him up and down feeling the huge urge to jump him. I felt myself getting nice and slick ready to pounce on him.

But as soon as I stood up two things happened, my blood and arousal slid down my led as a big red reminder and second all their eyes snapped to me and their dicks stood up in attention ready to serve their duty.

"Little fox you smell so tempting right now."

"Jade do you want to play?"

Cato was the only one that stayed quiet.

But just then the grumbling of my stomach louder than ever happened breaking them all of their focused concentration. Harvey went to check the food, Winston brought me the wet skin and cleaned my legs putting the cotton back in place and making me sit down.

"We can't satisfy you yet my little fox, but as soon as you are done bleeding we will make sure to breed you together as you wanted. Cato can keep an eye outside to ensure no threats occur."

I nodded in agreement and I was happy he had already planned for it. Harvey stiffened by the meat but didn't comment.

And Cato put the furs next to me on the nest,they all smelled clean which was perfect since I needed clothes. I went thru the furs to distract myself of my hunger and their softening dicks, huhhhh such a waste of a good erection.

"I will do as you wish me to Jade, here I brought this furs just how you wanted."

" Thank you Cato, I appreciate it. I will mate with you as soon as my heat passes."

"It's ok Jade, whenever you decide I will be here."

I nodded and gave him a small peck on the lips as a thank you. He looked shocked but happy.

There were orange tiger skins, black bear I think, deer, sable, wolf, fox I shudder at that one. A red panda one which made me wonder if there were any beastmen types I didn't know of.

But then I saw a giant rabbit fur. I knew what it was from thanks to all the novels but the softness of it was amazing, it was soft and warm and silver shiny. I wanted this one as a blanket I didn't want to cut it.

I wished the nest had this fur over it making it softer and more comfortable but it was not great thinking what it would mean asking for it.

"Do you like this fur? I can get more for you Jade it's not that hard to get."

Cato, the least person I thought would speak volunteered immediately after seeing my focus on that specific fur.

"No it's ok, I like it very much but I would rather if you guys don't go hunting rabbit beastmen on purpose. It's not their fault their fur is to tempting and comfortable."

"Are you sure? It's normal for you to like it many females do. And their population has quite a big numbers."

Well, I expect that since normal rabbits have big litters compared to others if I'm not mistaken I remember a rabbit having 12 kits quite common.

"You can also take a rabbit beastmen as mate if you like their fur little fox"

"Hahahaha I don't think so but thank you Winston"

That would be weird having a giant rabbit as a mate thinking I just want his fur and knowing how much I like to hunt and eat rabbits I could never have babies that looked exactly as my food.

" food is ready Jade, let me serve you some now."

"That's great thank you Harvey"

He gave me my bowl, I didn't want any veggies this time I was just anxious to eat my food. I was about to bite into my food but looked at my men, still without any food.

"Do you guys want me to starve? Why are you not getting your food? Hurry up so we can eat."

"It's ok little fox you don't have to wait for us, you can start eating."

While Winston was busy talking to me Harvey my good man was already serving himself.

" Well if you keep arguing with me instead of getting you food like my beautiful Harvey you won't like what happens next time you want cuddles and I don't listen"

That got him moving, almost as fast as flash. Then I look at Cato and rise my eyebrow at him and that gets him moving immediately.

"In this house we all eat together, we all get hungry and we all eat I am not the only one. You all better understand that if you don't want to keep getting me angry at you guys."

They all nodded with a plate in their hands and their own meat, I started to eat now with everyone eating as well.

Cato's eyes went wide and he started wolfing down all his food true to his nature. I chuckled but wasn't any better the rat was delicious and tender and the seasoning was just right.

We finished the food so fast but I was so satisfied. Winston and Harvey left, they took my dirty things as well as the bowls we used to eat.

 Winston and Harvey left, they took my dirty things as well as the bowls we used to eat

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Transported to the beast world as a female beastWhere stories live. Discover now