Hungry..very hungry but for food this time

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Jade's POV

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Jade's POV

I almost salivated on the spot.

"Good day my white beauty, seems you were very tired. Did you get fully satisfied with our group activities last night"

I tuned to look at Tarak with my eyes wide open at his joking tone.

He had a beautiful big and wide smile, god he is gorgeous.

"Well yes I did go to sleep satisfied thank you, how about yourself?"

I decided to ask back while I had curiosity to see if he would bring the topic of me eating an emerald early today.

I don't know why I would think that but I did.

He looked at me with shiny eyes as if he knew what I was thinking.

He is very very observant and can be very inconvenient in his observations when I'm trying to keep my secret.

"Yes I was satisfied as always with you but I always want more if you are offering"

Then he winked at me and gave me a quick peck in the lips.

This sneaky snake.

Always taking any and all opportunities presented to him.

"Maybe later if I'm feeling hot enough but right now I need some of that delicious food please"

"Are you done my love, I want my morning kiss as well"

"If my lovely is giving kisses I want one too"

"My little fox is hungry and has herself as well as little cubs to feed, please give her some food first. Anyway if she has to kiss someone next it will be me since that snake already stole her all morning from me and even the first kiss"

"And what makes you think that Winston? I didn't steal her from you"

"Yes, yes you did. And that is unfair. I would never be hugging that wolf instead of my little fox, not even in my sleep"

" look Winston we all know you hugged me while sleeping, we all saw it and I felt it. It is pointless to deny it"

"I would never confuse your body, wolf or your scent with my little fox"

"Hey I'm not judging, i even had my leg over Harvey and I know he is not my lovely"

Harvey's face went beet red at that coment. Well I guess they woke up how I had fixed them.

I almost started laughing but that would give me away and this is just too funny.

I wish I had seen their faces. I look up at Tarak and see he is smirking at me knowing it was all my doing but he stays quiet, letting me have my fun.

That's a good sneaky snake, after all I had put him to hug Winston.

Wonder how that would have played in this little family discussion.

"Ok, ok I want to hear all about this later but I really am hungry and I need food please."

My stomach was beginning to cramp from pain and that is sooo not fun.

"Yes lovely, come on Harvey let's give her food"

They both went to serve me like scolded kids, even their ears went down in shame.

Even Winston's who was included in the argument knowing I'm hungry.

I'll eat first then make them feel better after but it's not nice leaving me hungry after all the fun I gave them last night and my cramps of hunger are not fun to experience either.

We all sat down in a fur we had set on the floor and I got my plate first.

It was stew with meat. I also had extra meat in the side that was roasted instead then cooked in the stew.

I started digging then they did right after me.

I moaned as soon as food got in my mouth. Ohhhhh soo good.

It was delicious everything was just in point. Including all the spices and salt.

I had learned early on that I became even more sensitive to salt after I got pregnant so I like my food with even less salt than before.

Still a healthy level according to what Harvey said before.

I honestly don't know how many times I got my bowl refilled, everything was just delicious and I was truly hungry.

Even ate some fruits after my food. One thing I have noticed is the amount of food they cook now is always more now and it makes sense since we all eat until we are full and my males truly do eat a lot.

I remember once they had asked me if I was ok with them eating until they were full when they were with me or if it was better for them to eat while they were out hunting.

Apparently that's another thing a female can ask of their male if they don't like to see them eat? I don't know I just reacted as calmly as I could and told them it didn't bother me if they ate until fully satisfied when they were with me.

It can be awkward at times for me to act like I know every weird or uncommon thing they consider natural to ask.

Anyway I did my morning routine and even shifted to my fox form while inside the house and went to lick all my mates faces.

That got their tails and ears back to the land of the living and Tarak didn't loose the opportunity to rub all my little fox body with his hands.

He apparently was very much obsessed with my fluffiness and at the same time I didn't mind since I got a free body massage.

Soon enough I had all my mates just rubbing me everywhere but in a very loving way and not the usual sexy way.

I felt contentment and I looked up and saw my mark on all their chests.

So many sexy chests now had a real life tattoo of my sexy foxy self.

I was in the exact same spot on all of their chests, making it clear they all loved me with the same amount of devotion.

I won't lie, it made me feel a little guilt to know they all loved me so much, when their marks all had a different spot on my body, well chest but still.

I shook it off, I have to. There is never going to be fully fairness between all of us. Not with one of me and 4 of them and possibly well very like more of them in the future.

But I do love them all and I try as much as I can and to the best of my abilities to show it to each one of them individually just how much I do love them.

Transported to the beast world as a female beastWhere stories live. Discover now