Meat and prayers ?

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Jade's POV

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Jade's POV

Ok now the preservation of meat that is one thing I always found it harder to do and remember how to do.

"I also wanted to tell you guys about a method I had heard was being used to preserve meat through the cold season. But we would also have to try it out since I'm not completely sure of the process or how to make it all work"

Winston and Cato were now the ones that look the most exited. Harvey just went to wash some fruits for me to snack on.

"If we can find a way to preserve meat for the cold season that would be great, it would save many lives. Especially when prey is scarce in the cold and not everyone can hunt in that type of conditions"

Cato nodded along with Winston's words.

"So the temperature has a lot to do it can't be hot when we try to preserve the meat . Then we need to make a controlled fire outside, with some long sticks in a shape like this (making shapes with my hands) then we add a thing in several places to look like this( showing with hands again) were we put the meat on. Then with a controlled fire. We smoke the meat cold, we make the meat into thin strips and we can rub some spices like Harvey does to add flavor "

They look to be thinking, I have to say I couldn't  explain it as good as I wish I could.

But something is better than nothing, plus all my mates are smart and creative. I'm sure with a little trial and error they will figure it out.

"Very well my little fox, we will try this method before the hot season arrives. Hopefully we can master it before the hot season, then we can use it before the cold season."

I nodded happy they can still try to fuigure it out.

"Is there anything else love? You should try to just let it all out so we can figure things out. I need you to be relaxed and not stressed during this time with the cubs"

I know what he was getting at. They are all nervous about me having female cubs.

I notice how they try to look calm but they are worried. Thankfully I came up with a little white lie.

" I uh I did some thing one of my father beast taught me. I know we are not ready to have any female cubs. Especially since we still have to move and find a more stable home, plus if they are like me we can't protect them now."

I was getting nervous, I hope they don't take this the wrong way

" So I prayed to the beast god and offered an emerald as gratitude if he granted me only male cubs this pregnancy. I prayed to be given more time to prepare before we were gifted female cubs."

I swallowed, I know everyone wants female cubs.

"The emerald disappeared after the prayer so I think the beast god heard my prayers and will grant us more time to prepare before we are blessed with little female cubs"

They all had a mixture of emotions in their faces, it was between relief but sadness and determination and I think a bit of shame sprinkled on top.

I just want them to not be stressed, to give them peace knowing we have time to prepare before we have to get far away from here and get ready.

"We will do better my little fox, I promise we will get stronger and find you a peaceful place for us to live in where no danger can get our family."

"Yesss we will find a better place to live my white beauty. Thank you for usssing your prayersss to protect uss all"

Well I didn't fully lie, I did Use an emerald to choose not to have female cubs.

" I'm not trying to make you all feel bad, I just want us to be safe. We are not ready to have the responsibility of a female cub let alone females. It would bring us too much attention from everyone around us"

"You are right my love, and you have nothing to feel bad about ok"

"Yes little fox, you made the right decision. We are not ready especially since we still have to move, probably far away from here to avoid all the disasters that are coming females are not suited for long travel's especially little ones"

"Yes Jade, I'm sure we will have plenty more opportunities to have female cubs. So there is no need to do it now love"

"They are right my white beauty, it was the right choice. I'm sure that is why the beast god listened to your prayers"

I breathed a little calmer, I know it might hurt their pride and maybe even be a little sad knowing we won't have females yet but I truly believe it's for the best.

The rest of the day passed away quickly thankfully. After the conversation everyone needed a bit of time to themselves to process the dump of information and plan.
We had lots of things to do, I'm just glad I have them all with me.

Winston and Cato hunted and cooked, while Harvey did his last round all around the village to ensure all the females were healthy.

Tarak was more quiet, he got busy making me a new set of clothes, he made like 3 pairs of shorts and some bras that I use as shirts to show off my marks and even made me a big coat from one of the big rabbit furs.

I was just resting. making mental notes, going over everything I had told them.

I knew it was best for me to tell them all I knew while it was still somewhat fresh in my mind to avoid me forgetting anything.

I'm just hoping I told them everything that I needed to.

I had not looked into the system to see the new options available but I felt like I haven't really needed anything else urgently.

I want to settle more down. I do have plans on farming, I think it would benefit many of us. Especially the females, our diets should never be only meats no matter what race? Species? I don't know but we should all have other things to eat.

Plus it gets boring, so I was thinking looking for a place where we can have nice big fields to plant grains and vegetables and fruits.

Maybe raise some animals in captivity would help? I'm not sure about that one yet considering we are all animals ourselves.

I do want to make some differences for everyone in this world, positive things that will help them thrive.

This is a beautiful world and everyone should enjoy living in it. I do want to reinforce the bonds of family.

Where all our children feel comfortable with us to visit and rely on us when they need it. No matter if they are males or females.

I want to know my grandkids and for them to know me. Promote love and respect.

That is one thing I've seen most males and sometimes even females lack.

Transported to the beast world as a female beastWhere stories live. Discover now