Falling in love

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Harvey got even more red, who knew that was possible. He hugged me " I don't mind if we spend more time together before we mate, thank you Jade. I promise I will be the best mate I can be for you."

He looked hesitant to continue talking, but he did after a while " Jade, I'm really happy you want me as your mate, but you also need stronger males. I'm not strong enough to protect you by myself." he looked ashamed at his admission.

I hugged him tighter, "Don't feel bad Harvey, I will get more males, it would be unfair of me to expect you to take care of me all by yourself."

I meant what I was telling him, I knew in this world things were different and although I wanted to get stronger. I didn't know how strong I could actually get, or if it was even possible for me to take care of myself. After all, I know that this world could be very dangerous, especially with ferals, and I don't think ferals are all good like some would like to believe. With that thought the feral scorpions came to mind along with fire city, I shivered at that thought. I most definitely need to stay away from there.

We both stopped talking after that. We stayed quiet immersed in their own thoughts. Eventually I fell asleep, comfortable and warm, leaving all the worries for another day because I wasn't gonna fix anything over thinking.

I woke up the next day in the morning pretty happy and refreshed. I had a great sleep,I'm ready for the new day. I stretched and got up getting dressed in my clothes, Harvey was already gone from the bed. I made another mark where the other mark that I had put on the side of the bed before was before  I forget because I knew that could happen.

I walk to the other room and I looked around there, Harvey was gone. Maybe he went hunting for breakfast. Then I had an idea, a crazy idea but I had to take my chances and take opportunities when I could. Now that I'm alone, I went back to the bedroom. I put the skim down to cover the door, then I took my clothes off back really quickly.

I took a deep breath then I shifted into my fox form, that felt really freeing. My eyesight became sharper, I forgot about this I could also hear more clearly. I could smell everything, well the smell is mostly of plants and herbs. I think I could actually even smell some garlic. I wonder if Harvey has some garlic somewhere around here, pretty sure he does. It must be good for something I keep sniffing around. Oh my God I can't believe I smell coffee, it must be coffee beans. I'm going to ask for Harvey to make some coffee for breakfast. I love coffee, I thought I was gonna live without coffee for the rest of my life here but I guess I was wrong. Those are the little miracles. i'll look for sugar canes, although i don't know how to make sugar im pretty sure with enough experiments we could figure it out. Then i'll have sugar for my coffee.
I stretch, oh that feels sooo good. I start looking at myself now that I have more time without worries. Wow I am really really fluffy, I don't think I'm a normal fox. Well, it makes sense since I am so white, maybe I'm a snow fox pretty sure that's not what they are called. But that would explain why I don't get so cold, I would usually be really cold when I was a human. Anyways, I try to walk here.

As I'm putting my skirt up all the way then I look back and I see my tail. Oh my I forgot to put my tail away, I close my eyes and I focus really quick. I will my tail to go back inside wherever everything goes, please beast god work! It would be horrible If I just couldn't do it again.  I wonder if Harvey can make his tail go away, or if he has ever tried to. I'll tell him to try that later when I can tell him about my fox form.

I put my clothes back on and then I start walking like nothing ever happened back to the  room just in time to see Harvey walking in through the door with his skin bag and what looked like some fruits.

"Good morning Jade, I'm Sorry i was gone when  you  woke up a make came to ask  me to go check on his female." he looked sorry.

Silly man why would i get mad at him fir that " its ok Harvey, there is no reason for me to be angry or mad. is everything ok with the female now?."

"Yes she is ok, she was just having some pains because her estrous is coming."

"Thats great news, she will be able to hab cubs  soon." while we are on this subject i batter take advantage if this great opportunity "Harvey, do you want cubs?"

He made a choking sound while his ears and tail were moving everywhere, he also looked super red. "we-well I never thought a female would be interested in me, but if you wanted i-i would love to have cubs with you Jade."

Awe he looks nervous but I'm glad to know he does want a family, because I want a big one and baby leopards would be adorable. "I'm glad you do Harvey, because I want lots of cubs and a big family."

His tail was doing a happy dance,he looked pretty excited as well " then we will have many cubs Jade."

"Yes we will Harvey. Can we go out? I would like to explore the forest some more. We might find more food like the yellow stone fruit." I just want to go out to explore. There is no use in trying to make more furniture or things for the house since I don't plan for us to stay here and I don't want us to have excess things to carry.

"Sure Jade i don't see anything wrong with that, you like to stay active. I noticed that yesterday when you wanted to hunt."

He is very observant and he is right but i'm doing it because i really enjoy being in the nature that surrounds us here. "Yes i do Harvey, I love the outside"

We then went outside and started walking towards the forest. As we walked we talked about things that we liked to do, he shared some of his life before i met him and how he used to live in beast city. Thats where he learned everything about being a healer. It was nice being able to spend time with him just talking about several things an getting to know each other more.

He really is a really sweet man, very kind as well. We were not even looking for things, we were just talking and walking, i was really enjoying myself more than I had in a very long time. We laughed and enjoyed each other's presence. Without much thought we spent the whole day like this when it was starting to become dark. Harvey hunted a deer while I was on top of a tree where he put me to watch safely.

I paid attention to how he hunted and how he used his surroundings to his advantage. I was not ready to try that yet but I believe I will be eventually. I will need to be in my fox form though I find it impossible in my orc form. After that we went to the river where he cleaned the deer and skinned it. We went home and he cooked it just roasted over the fire. He used fragrant wood and it tasted pretty good. I think my taste buds changed as a beast woman everything is much stronger in flavor. I wonder if this has to do with being able to shift into an actual fox, and if it does then this is how the males taste everything.

Afterwards we went to the river following the routine of going to sleep after. Just like this we spent several days, in peace with no rush just enjoying each other's company and getting to know one another better. Without thought i started to fall in love with him, with his kindness, his endless patience to show me and teach me. Hell he even taught me how to make clothes and just like that my wardrobe expanded by a couple of pisces. Given I was not so great but it wasn't too bad, they were wearable.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Finally , we are going somewhere. I always find the start of a story so time consuming but it's necessary to explain and expand.

Exiting things are going to start coming if you know what I mean 😏 as well as some twists to this story..

I hope you continue to read, any suggestions are welcomed.

Thank you for reading

Transported to the beast world as a female beastWhere stories live. Discover now