White fang 🐺

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Jade POV

Before the sun even started setting we saw a tribe come into our view I was glad we made it safe and sound. Before we got any closer Winston looked at me then Harvey and slowed down.

As soon as we arrived we were noticed and a big group of wolf beast men gathered around us. Some were in their beast forms but some where in their human.

Like expected they were all good looking. They were different colors. I could see black, grey, brown, wheat, they all had different shapes. It looked amazing.

I had always loved dogs but this wolves looked beautiful but you could see the power in their size and body. They looked amazing.

Then the leader I assumed came to the front. He was a big male and surprisingly had 3 stripes on his face. I saw some females coming in the arms or on top if their mates to see the commotion.

"Hello, my name is Cato and I am the leader of my village. What brings you here Winston?  your trading party already left?"

Winston transformed back to his human form and immediately I jumped down from Harvey and stood in front of Winston covering what for my eyes only.

If there were only males watching it would be ok but with the females watching I was not letting them see what is mine.

I looked at him with a bit of anger for trying to let them see what belongs to me. He looked at me and his cheeks got a little pink and his tail was still.

"Don't be showing what is mine to others. Especially females or you won't like what happens next ok."

"I'm sorry Jade, I won't let it happen again"

"You better not or next time I'll walk around the tribe bare for all the males to see."

At that he looked at all the males around us with some hostility and pulled me closer to him. While the males looked hopeful and happily with the possibility.

"I promise I won't do it again."

"Good, I'm glad you know how I felt now."

I grab a skirt and put it on him careful not to let what is mine show and give it a little squeeze.  His cheeks that were turning back to their color got pink right away but he looked happy if his wagging tail said anything.

I turned around and greeted the leader after our little show. He looked shocked to find that Winston had a female.

"Hello Cato my name is Jade, this are my mates Winston who you already know and Harvey. We came because I wanted to visit the tribes around the area. I was curious and bored.  I hope you don't mind having us in your tribe for a couple of days."

He looked shocked that I had talked  to him personally and was actually not bitchy. Well I'm not a mean person I've just never been the super social type.

I took his time in shock to study him he was handsome his hair was mid length but was peculiar because the top was so black it was shiny but the tips are super white in a perfect line separating the colors. It was interesting, I wonder how his wolf looks.

It's a shame I'm pretty sure he is mated but I would have liked to know him better and who knows what could have happened. Too bad that ship has sailed. I looked around more and noticed that there was more males here with one stripe in their face, I even saw a few with two stripes.

But I couldn't see anyone else with three stripes, that makes sense it was surprising enough with the leader having them. I was a little shocked if I'm honest.

Winston let me look till I was satisfied then he pulled me to his side and nodded to Harvey who turned around and transformed quickly putting his skirt in.

I nodded happy and went and kissed him as a reward for under my preference. The tribe leader finally snapped out of it.

"No there is no problem you can stay here as long as you want. Will more males be joining you?"

Huh smart man, that was a good way to find out if I had any more mates.

"No this are all my mates for now, but if I find someone I'm interested I'm sure you'll find out."

I was being honest I'm sure news fly around here. Plus so far I had just liked him and I'm almost 100%sure he is taken.

"Let me take you to a house that is empty, you and your mates can use it while you stay here. "

"Thank you"

I nodded grateful and started waking with Winston and Harvey following with what we had brought. I could have mentioned Harvey was a healer but since we won't be here for too long it's pointless.

I wonder if he told the beasts in camel hump that he was going away for a while? I well I'm sure he did what he had to before we came.

We arrived at a nice little house smaller than Harvey's but it looks just like all the ones around here. It has a roof, walls and a door that is all we need.

"Thank you again for welcoming us and even providing a place for us to stay. I appreciate it"

"Females are always welcome in our village, if you decide to stay here we would have no problems with it either."

"Well thank you anyway. Now if you excuse us we will get our things ready to rest. My males and I need to rest since we have been traveling all day since early."

"Of course. I if you need anything my house is that one."

He said while pointing at a house not too far from where we would stay. The houses were spaced but still close enough to each other. I'm sure if someone decided to have a good time with their mates other would hear all of it.

Pros and cons to hearing better. I wonder if I can upgrade that as well it would help while hunting but a pain while living so close to others.

"Ok thank you."

With that he left and we got inside. We put our things down. I took time and looked at my mates. Harvey looked tired really tired but Winston looked fine. Their difference in strength showed now more then ever.

I felt bad for Harvey but if he wanted to get stronger I'm sure this would only help him and would make it better for him before Winston started training him.

" let's drink some water but then I think me and Harvey should go get some straw to make a nest and wood for the fire while you go hunt Winston. That way we can finish faster and then we can sleep.Tomorrow I do want to explore around more so I need you both well rested so you can be with me. "

"Ok my little fox"

"Ok Jade, I think that is a good plan."

"Well then let's get to work."

We drank water and before Winston left I hugged him and gave him a kiss.

"Thank you Winston I love you. Please be safe ok"

He stiffened up a little then gave me a kiss.

"I love you my little fox. Don't worry I'll be safe."

I nodded and let him go. That was a good way to drop the L bomb and not make it a huge deal. I know I love them they know I love them but it's nice saying it to them and hearing it back.

Transported to the beast world as a female beastWhere stories live. Discover now