In the beastworld

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On a normal day Jade was just finishing her lunch break at work when she received an email from her favorite reading app, everything seemed like a normal email so she decided to just open it quickly. She got these emails occasionally like surveys or updates from her saved authors and just like suspected but this one was a poll with questions and options a,b,c answers.

It was going to be used to see the results for a new story that was being written, she was standing picking up her stuff and in her phone like always she was going to go to the restroom to brush her teeth with her backpack but she was not putting her phone away to keep track if the time and to do the poll at the same time.

She was immersed in the questions that were in a beauty and the beasts type of story but they were trying to get a different type of female lead instead of Bai qingping. Awesome was her first thought,

The questions were the following/ the questions were regarding appearance and stuff

Body type :
1.- Human a.) skiny b.) voluptuous c.) fat d.) muscular
2.- Beast? Type of beast? a.) Female beast normal (with one heat per year without being able to transform) b.)female beast unique  with a beast form (smaller than a male looking like a cub almost)
If 2b please write type of beast preferred:

Should female lead have a special ability if its a beast? 1. Yes 2. No

Well all things considered i thought the poll was going to be much longer of with more details then this,  huh oh well i just answered quick because i cant wait for something different and a new read  so i chose 
Body type: 2b fox  and yes

Well that was easy i thought to myself brushing my teeth. When i was done i put everything in my backpack including my phone, i went to go pee but as i put my pants down and sat in the toilet seat i fell straight down onto my butt, my naked butt no less i look up to the sky  like WTF and when i realize im looking at the sky instead of the roof of the bathroom i do a double take as i look around i see that i'm in a forest with beautiful but huge trees and i look all around but yes it's all just trees i'm in the middle of a forest soo green so beautiful.

But the small problem is that I'm completely naked and although it's not nighttime and not cold, who in their right mind will be in a forest naked. No one , well at least not me. All my things are gone i have nothing then out of nowhere a screen like appears in front of my eyes and i hear a little voice

"hello jade you chose to have abilities but i'm not just going to give you things for free im going to give you some of the abilities that you will be able to gain and the price that you must pay if you want the ability"

While this is happening i look around and see nobody else is around me and the small screen says on my sight at all times , i still gave enough brain cells and read enough books to know what is happening , i've been transported somewhere and my best guess it has to do with the otherwise ordinary email poll that i replied to. Well that's pretty cool i didn't expect a system though that is a surprise and different, then i hear the voice again

"In the screen you will see what you are able to gain/purchase this screen will disappear and only appear when you have some currency as you will no be granted any abilities for free"

In the screen i read

Strength increase 1 rabbit
Speed increase 1 rabbit
Plant knowledge basic 2 rabbits
Weaving knowledge basic 2 rabbits
Beauty increase 1 boar
Hygiene knowledge basic 1 deer
Ability to have a heat 3 times per year (when not currently pregnant) cost 1 deer
Ability to choose litter gender 1 green cristal (pick male litter/female litter /mix litter  females and males)
Ability to have painless birthing 1 green cristal

Well this looks incredible it looks that it goes from least expensive to most expensive, and I can increase strength and speed as well as beauty which will be incredibly useful if I'm in the forest and in the Beauty and the Beast novel no less and the last abilities are incredible, more like indispensable in this world.  Then the voice speaks again after it seems to know I finished reading

" you are in the beast world as per your selection you are a female fox beast that is able to transform into your beast, you are currently the only one with this ability in the beast world. You will get your heat 1 time per year just like any other female beast until you buy a different ability. The female Bai Quingping has not yet arrived in the beast world, she will arrive in 3 months time. It will be to your advantage how you use it is up to you"

Then as soon as the voice stops speaking the screen disappears.

Well that was a lot of information and just dumped into me like nothing. I look around me but i don't see the screen any more, the voice did say it won't appear again until i have currency so that makes sense. This is a lot to take in and lets not forget I still haven't peed so I run behind a bush and pee quickly and just kinda shake my butt to get dry because there is no toilet paper or leaves that look soft enough to go down there. I stand and go back to where i appeared, well now i know for sure im in the beast world.

Transported to the beast world as a female beastWhere stories live. Discover now