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Dolunay point of view.


"Ipasa mo!"

When I was still in elementary, playing soccer with my classmates, Lilith accidentally kicked the ball too hard at me and it hit my head, causing me to fall and everyone laughed.

"Luna! Okay ka lang?"

Feeling dizzy, I managed to answer, "Oo, ah."

Lilith quickly apologized, and I understood it was unintentional since she wasn't familiar with the game and was still learning.

"Sure ka, ha? Sorry talaga." she said and extended her arm to help me get up.

Later in the match, I accidentally tripped Lilith when my only intention was to steal the ball from her, and everyone rushed to help her while scolding me for the incident.


I stood there silently, watching as they helped Lilith. I felt confused because when I fell, no one came to help me, but why was it different for Lilith?

We had the similar incident, but Lilith didn't have any bruises, while I had scratches.

But why did we get different treatments from our classmates?

My classmates suggested stopping the game since Lilith couldn't continue playing. They continued to blame me for the rest of the day and I went to the clinic alone, asking the nurse to treat my wound.


Am I feeling jealous?

After school, we went home together, and I invited her for dinner.

"THANK YOU!" at home, I thanked Dad as he scooped curry for me.

When he served Lilith, he gave her a lot and told her to enjoy.

"Why does she have so much while I don't?" I asked.

Dad replied, "Don't be rude to your guest, Dolunay."

You know, sometimes it's hard to admit certain feelings, especially when it comes to someone you consider a friend.

Lilith and I share so many memories, laughter, and even a few bumps along the way, but somehow, I started noticing the differences between us, and lately, I've noticed this annoying feeling deep inside me that I refuse to acknowledge...

Why can she effortlessly glide through situations, untouched by the same struggles that leave me bruised and bleeding?

I would always tell myself,

It's not jealousy, she's my friend, after all. But, deep down, I've always questioned myself,

Why does she get the royal treatment while I feel like the leftovers?

I deny it to myself, convinced it's just a passing emotion, but the truth is, there's a part of me that resents the seemingly untroubled path Lilith walks ever since I helped her.

I want to be genuinely happy for her successes, for the way things always seem to work out in her favor. Yet, there's this envy that I can't quite ignore.

Now, here's the crazy part. I found out she's been struggling too! Like, seriously? How did I not know? You'd think I'd be sympathetic, right? But no, it's like this messed-up satisfaction that she's not all perfect. It's like, I want her to go through what I go through.

I know, it sounds mean. Why would I want my friend to suffer? But there's this twisted part of me that likes it. Maybe it's because, for once,

she's not the privileged one...

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