1. The fathers (lovers)

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⚠ Warning: abuse

~Y/N's POV~

I woke up in my dorm with Mattheo's arms wrapped around me. I smiled, he could be so sweet sometimes. When he felt I was awake he groaned and nuzzled my neck.

"Do we really have to wake up? I want to keep cuddling with you!" he whined.

I chuckled and distangled myself.

"Sorry, love, but we got to get to class!" I said, while taking my clothes to change. Then I pulled the blanket off Mattheo. "C'mon! We can't be late again!"

He groaned again, but stood up. He walked over and hugged me from behind, softly kissing my neck. "If you weren't my girlfriend I would never forgive you for doing that," he said, teasingly.

I chuckled. "Put your uniform on. If you're late, the teachers will kill you!" I told him.

He sighed and did as I said. Then we walked to the Great Hall for breakfast.

-In the Great Hall-

My best friend, Pansy, was already there. She had kept a seat free for both me and Mattheo. I smiled and walked over. "Hi, Pans!" I said.

"Hey, Y/N!" she answered.

I sat down and immediately started eating. I saw Draco smirking at me. I frowned. "What?" I asked.

"You and Mattheo should really try to be more quiet next time," he said. I immediately felt my face redden, while Pansy burst out laughing. Mattheo sent him a glare.

"You're just jealous because you don't have a girlfriend!" he teased.

Pansy fell silent and Draco looked away. I realized something. "Omg! Pansy, are you dating Draco?" I asked.

"Shhhhh!" she hissed, "not the whole school has to know!"

"You got to give me the details!" I told her.

"I will, I will, just shut up now!" she ordered.

"Fine..." I reluctantly said.

After breakfast it was time for the first class: Defense against Dark Arts, of course, with Gryffindor. Don't get me wrong, I love the people of Gryffindor, but since the Chosen One joined their house they get a lot of points.

We all sat down, when the teacher started talking.

"Okay, everybody, today we are going to learn about boggarts. Does anyone know what a boggart is?" the teacher asked.

One hand immediately shot up. I didn't even need to look to know who it was.

"Yes, miss Granger?"

"A boggart is a creature what will shapeshift into your greatest fear. The spell to defeat the boggart is 'Riddikulus'," Hermoine answered.

"Exactly! Five points to Gryffindor!" the teacher said.

All the Slytherins in the class groaned.

"To teach you the spell, I brought a boggart with me. He will transform into your fear and you will cast the spell!" the teacher continued.

I froze. I didn't want the teacher or my classmates to know what my biggest fear was. While everybody was lining up to confront the boggart, I walked over to the teacher.

"Uhm, sir, is it okay if I skip this one, becau-," I started, but the teacher interrupted me: "No, everybody has to know how to defeat a boggart!" I sighed and got in the line.

After a lot of fears it was my turn. Mattheo was standing behind me. I took a deep breath and walked to the boggart. He transformed into my father. He had an empty bottle of whiskey in his hand and started shouting: "Y/N! You stupid piece of shit! Useless thing! Get me a new bottle!" His words were slurred because of the alcohol. He raised his bottle to hit me and I froze. I couldn't move. Every time he tried to hit me, I froze, because if I ran away or flinched he would only hit me more. A voice behind me shouted: "Riddikulus" and my father changed. I looked away and two strong arms wrapped around me, Mattheo's.

~Mattheo's POV~

"Shh, it's okay, I'm here," I whispered. She cried in my arms. The teacher didn't seem to bother.

"Mister Riddle, your turn!" he said.

I glared at him. "Can't I comfort my girlfriend first?"

"Mister Riddle, now! You don't want to be the reason your house loses more points!"

I hated this teacher. My girlfriend was crying and I couldn't even comfort her. Luckily Pansy took over. I quickly kissed Y/N's forehead and walked to the boggart and he transformed into my father, this time. This was a thing Y/N and I had in common, apparently.

"My son," he whispered, "I have Y/N. If you don't do as I say, she'll die!"

I shouted "Riddikulus" as quickly as possible. Now the whole class knew my fear: my father using Y/N as a thing to get me on his side. I walked over to Y/N and hugged her again. She looked up at me with teary eyes.

"Your fear is your father getting his hands on me?" she asked.

I nodded. "I don't want to lose you..." I whispered.

I softly stroke her hair. "Why didn't you tell me about your father?" I then asked.

She sighed. "I... I was embarrassed. I thought you wouldn't love me anymore..."

I kissed her cheek. "I will always love you, princess..." I softly whispered in her ear.

If this story is relatable for you, I really hope whoever abused you is behind bars or away from you. If you need to talk to someone, but you don't know who: I'm always ready to talk. I was lucky enough to never come in a situation like this, but I'll listen to your story! If anyone called you not important or useless, please ignore them, you're perfect!

Also, the teacher isn't Remus Lupin! You can't hate that man! He's our favourite werewolf, no? I know Hermoine had the boggart class with him, but this is fiction, remember?

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