4. Detention (Friends)

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~Y/N's POV~

Mattheo and I have been friends ever since we came to Hogwarts. He's seen me in my worst moments and my best. Also the other way around. He saw me cry over that one movie, I saw him angry at, well, everybody. He saw me smile on my birthday, I saw him smile when I did.

I am walking to my next class and like we're a Siamese twin, Mattheo's walking next to me. We're talking about random things no one would think of.

"No, but seriously, would we still be best friends if I was a dementor?" Mattheo asks.

I roll my eyes. "I'd risk getting my soul sucked out to get to you, so yes."

"And if I... was bitten by a shark and every month when it's midnight I transform into one?"

"Yes, but only if you don't bite."

He gasps dramatically. "Me? Bite you? Never!"

I chuckle. "Would you still be my best friend me if I were a... muggle?"

"Of course! Though I would keep my life as a wizard secret..."

"Oh, no, you can't! You'd have to tell me, secrets don't work in a friendship!"

"Oh, c'mon! I can't walk around and tell muggles we exist!"

"Hmm, maybe that's an exeption..."

Suddenly, a voice interrupts us. "Maybe, but if you're late again, you'll have detention, ms. Y/L/N and mr. Riddle! 20 points from Slytherin! Ten for each," professor McGonagall says.

"Sorry, professor," Mattheo says politely. When she's not looking he turns to me. "Your fault."

I gasp. "No, yours!"

"Nuh uh."

"You can't 'nuh uh' me!"

"Ms. Y/L/N and mr. Riddle! Get to your places now!" professor McGonagall shouts.

We quickly get to our places, so we don't lose more points. The professor starts teaching and Mattheo passes me a note.

I'm right, it's your fault - Mattheo

Nuh uh - Y/N

You said I couldn't 'nuh uh' you, but you can 'nuh uh' me? - Mattheo

Yes - Y/N

You're annoying - Mattheo

Being annoying is my job - Y/N

Why do you only do your job when I'm around? - Mattheo

Because it's part of the job. I NEED to annoy you - Y/N

Can't you quit your job? - Mattheo

No - Y/N

"Y/N Y/L/N! Mattheo Riddle! Focus! Final warning!" professor McGonagall shouts.

"Sorry, professor," I quickly say, while Mattheo just smirks. I glare at him. "You want to get into detention, don't you?" I whisper.

"It's gonna be with you, so it'll be fun!" he whispers back.

I smirk. "Who says I'm gonna be with you?"

He smirks back. "We're like one person, of course you're gonna be with me. If I get in trouble, I'm making sure you get blamed too."


"Call me what you want, I won't change my plan."

"Fuck y--"

Professor McGonagall is right infront of our desk. "Ms. Y/L/N and mr Riddle! Now it's enough! I'll see both of you friday evening here again for detention!"

"But, professo--," I start, but she interrupts me again.

"No. Excuses." She walks away to start teaching again. "Now, let's continue."

"I hate you," I tell Mattheo.

"Aww, I know you don't..." he responds.

The next friday Mattheo and I are waiting for professor McGonagall to arrive infront of the classroom.

"You seem angry. Is something wrong?" Mattheo asks, mockingly.

"Hmm, what would be wrong? Maybe it has to do with the fact that you put me into detention?" I answer, glaring at him.

"You can come in now," professor McGonagall says after a few minutes of waiting. Once we're sat she gives us a paper. "You'll be writing lines. 'I will not interrupt the class again'. You can stop when I say so."

I sigh and take my quill to start writing.

After a few minutes a person appears in one of the painting. "Minerva, you do remember there's a teacher meeting in five minutes?" the person says.

"Oh, no! I forgot!" she turns to me and Mattheo. "I'm sure you can handle it here alone. When I get back I want to see atleast one roll of parchment full."

We both nod and she leaves. We sit in silence for a few minutes, but then Mattheo walks over to my table and leans on it.

"Please say you're not angry anymore, princess?" he asks.

I put my quill down and look at him. "I am, Mattheo. I didn't even do anything wrong."

"I can argue with that. You were talking too and you were the one who kept passing notes back."

I sigh. "Maybe... But, you were the one who started talking."

He smirks. "Yes, but you didn't have to talk back."

"I did. it's how a conversation works."

"Who said I wanted to start a conversation? Maybe I just wanted to give my opinion?"

"You're annoying."

He chuckles. "Yeah, I saw how much you liked doing that job, so I decided to apply too."

A small smile appears on my face.

"Look! You're not angry anymore!" Mattheo says.

"Oh, shut it, Riddle!"

"No, I don't think I will..."

 A sweeter one this time. I hope you guys like it! I know I took awhile to write this chapter, but I've been busy as hell, lately!

Oh, yeah, we also reached +50 reads for this book already. No big deal, I guess... No, that's a lie, I am SO happy right now! I never thought this one would do so well! I started writing like a month ago and this makes me super happy! Thank you! ❤❤

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