8. Asshole boyfriend─ no, ex (Best friends)

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This one is in a bit more modern universe.

~Y/N's POV~

I hated him. With passion. Telling me how much he loved me and how much he would love to marry me. But then that unexpected positive pregnancy test came and he suddenly didn't love me that much anymore, the asshole. He kicked me out and I went to Mattheo's place.

I knocked on the door and tried not to look too sad when he opened. I failed, he saw right trough me.

"Y/N? Are you okay?" he asked as he let me in.

"Not really, no," I answered, sighing. "In short: I'm pregnant and he left me."

"Your boyfriend? Fucking hell. You won't let me beat him up, will you?"

"No, I won't, I need comfort and my parents are going to kill me if I go to them with the news I'm pregnant, so you were the only one I could think of."

He smiled at me. "Aww, that's sweet, you really love me, don't you?"

I rolled my eyes. "Shut up. I could still go to Pansy, if I have to."

"Oh, no no no no, you're my prisoner now", he said as he pushed me to the living room and made me sit. "I'm gonna grab some snacks and then you're gonna give me the whole story."

He left and after a few minutes he returned with some soda and all kinds of snacks.

"Seriously? No beer?" I said, dissapointed.

"Y/N! You're pregnant! Alcohol is bad for the baby", he responded as he sat down next to me.

"Oh, yeah... I forgot."

He sighed and shook his head. "You're an idiot."

"Shut up." I hit his shoulder playfully.

"No, I won't. So, you're pregnant. It's his, right?"

"Yup. Never slept with anyone else while dating him." I took a chocolate bar and took a bite.

"And he left you? I thought he wanted to marry you and shit."

"Well, marriage and kids aren't exactly the same."

"So, you don't have a place to stay?"

"Well... I could stay here until I find a place..."

"Stay as long as you want. Hell, live here if you want."

I chuckled and took another bite. "I won't burden you that much."

Suddenly Mattheo's phone buzzed. He checked it and rolled his eyes. "Fuck, it's him."

"You gonna pick up?"

He smirked at me and did. He put it on speaker so I could hear what the asshole had to say.

"Riddle, is the bitch with you? She's still got shit here and I ain't calling her."

"Yes, she's here. And don't call this beautiful girl a bitch."

"What're you gonna do 'bout it? Beat me up?"

"I just might. She doesn't need her stuff, I'll buy her some. Oh, yeah, let me just tell you something: don't call me or her again. Don't talk to her again. Don't come near her again."

"Oh, you gonna be all protective friend, now, hm? Well, let me tell you something: don't you dare threathen me, Riddle, you don't want to take the risk."

Mattheo rolled his eyes. "Fuck off, asshole. Oh, yeah, she heard every word you just said. Y/N, you wanna say something?"

I smirked. "I do actually." Every thing I wanted to tell him just flowed out at that moment. "I have no idea what I did to deserve an asshole like you, but I don't even care. You don't deserve me, or a child, or someone who loves you. Hell, you don't even deserve to have friends.  You never loved me and this child doesn't deserve a father like you. Fuck you."

It was silent at the other end for a few seconds. Then he talked again: "Fuck you too, Y/N. You're lucky, I don't ever want to hear your voice again." Then he ended the call

Mattheo wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer. "You okay?" he asked again.

"Nope. Better than earlier, though. I guess I really had to get that off my chest."

He smiled and stroke my hair.

─ A few years later ─

I stayed with mattheo, even after Elyn was born. They have a good bond.

I walked trough the front door after coming back from work as he and my daughter were painting inside.

"What? You want to make the sky purple?" I heard him say.

"It's a fantasy world, uncle Matt! Everything can be like you want!"

"Really? So... I could make you a cat?"

I put my keys away and walked in the kitchen. "You want to make my daughter a cat?"

Both their heads moved in sync in my direction. I sighed when I saw Elyn's face. "Mommy!" she shouted.

"Hey sweetie. Did you take my make-up again?" I asked as I picked her up. "I thought I put that away in the highest drawer." My gaze moved accusingly to Mattheo.

He raised his hands defensively. "She forced me! You can't say no to those puppy eyes!"

I rolled my eyes. "She's four! You really need to learn how to say no to her, Matt."

"No!" Elyn interjected. "If he does this house wouldn't be so much fun!"

"Let's get that off your face, uncle Matt can start cooking dinner in the meantime."

"Yay! Can you make chicken?" Elyn asked Mattheo. "Mom makes terrible chicken..."

"Hey! I'm still right here, you know!"

She shrugged. "It's true, mom, you do."

Mattheo chuckled. "I'll make chicken, just for you, Elyn."

Yes, I'm still alive, don't worry. My inspiration was gone for a while and I was also writing some parts for "Marvel characters x Y/N oneshots" (Harry Potter fans, who are also Marvel fans, check it out!)

If you want to imagine Mattheo with a child, just look at videos of Benjamin Wadsworth with his daughter. They're so cute together!

Please, please, please vote an leave requests! I need ideas, since I'm not made of them!

Mattheo Riddle x Y/N oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now