10. Tutor {Part 1} (Enemies to lovers)

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This one will be a story with some chats in. Here you go!

Yes, I know phones actually don't work at Hogwarts, but all these stories are fanFICTION, you see: FICTION.

~Y/N's POV~

Potions class. Boring as ever. My mom wanted me to be the best student, so she taught me all she knew herself. I don't even know why I still go to Hogwarts. Another sigh escapes my lips as Snape announces we're going to have to work with partners. I'd be paired with a dumbass and that dumbass would make us fail. Now, if I were with Hermione from Gryffindor that wouldn't happen, but Snape hates Gryffindors and never puts them with a Slytherin.

He says he puts them together randomly, but I'm quite certain he didn't.

"Miss Y/L/N, you will be paired with Mr. Riddle."

Fuck, not Mattheo. He's my greatest enemy. 

His stupid smirk is on his face as he walks over to my table. Oh, how I wish I could just smack it off.

"Hey, Y/L/N. Good to see you again."

"You're gonna sit here and let me do all the work, understood? I can't handle another bad grade, or my mom will kill me."

She actually would. She hates it when I don't have perfect grades. She wants me to be as amazing as her.

He chuckles. "Yes, ma'am."

Snape gives us the assignment and everybody starts working. When we are done he checks and we pass.

After class Snape tells me and Mattheo to stay behind a bit and have a chat.

"Y/N, it seems like Mr. Riddle here does a lot better when he works with you. I would like to assign you as his tutor," Snape explains.

For fucks sake, the universe really hates me today.

"Professor, I don't have time for that. I have a busy schedule and I can't get behind with schoolwork."

"I know that, but I will warn the other teachers they cannot give you much homework anymore. You are an outstanding student in each class, so I don't think they'll mind. You will meet in the library for a first session on tuesday." Before I could interject Snape continues. "I have checked your schedules, you're both free at that moment"

I try to surpress a sigh. "Fine then..."

Snape nods and we both get to leave. 

When we are out of the class Mattheo says: "Give me your number."

I spin around on my heels and glare at him. "And why in the bloody name of Salazar would I do that?"

He chuckles. "Don't worry, princess, not to flirt. I want to be able to reach you. I have a feeling you won't let me talk to you in public, so I'll text you."

I sigh. He has a point. "Fine. But, I swear, if you text me stupid shit, I'm gonna block your number and smash your phone."

"Sure you will."

I roll my eyes as I write my number on a parchment.

"Thank you. I will see you later, princess!" With that he walks off.

I go back to my dorm and sit down on my bed. I don't need to wait long until I already get a massage.


Hiya, princess

Just gotta check it's you

Fuck off, Riddle

And if you call me princess one more time I'm gonna break both your arms

Yeah, it's you

Before I can text something back, my mom's name pops up. No use to ignore her. I pick up and hold the phone to my ear.

"Hey, Y/N. Your professor gave me the news. Oh, I knew you'd be so much like me. Tutoring others! See, I told you you were going to be the smartest of your class! I am so proud of you! Oh, I gotta go. Samuel is taking me to some muggle shop. He says it's expensive! Bye!"

She hangs up once she's done speaking.

"Yes, bye. Love you too, mum. If only you'd love me," I mumble.

Samuel is her 3rd husband. My father was her first, but she left him for a richer one, who left her for someone prettier. I've never even met this Samuel. Mom says he's a muggle and he can't know about us. I bet she just didn't even tell him I existed.

I sigh and lean against my headboard. My life sucks, yet nobody sees it.

On tuesday I walk to the library and surprisingly see Mattheo already sitting there.

He smirks when he sees me. "Hey, prin─" he starts, but changes his mind when he sees my glare. "...Y/N!"

"Shut up. Let's just get this over with, shall we?"

He nods, his smirk not disapearing. "Of course, ma'am."

I go over the information of the potions he mostly failed, and, hell, that's a long list Snape gave me. I sigh and run my hand over my face, trying really hard not to give up just yet.

"Really? Most of these are the easiest to make. How do you fail those?"

He shrugged. "I guess we aren't all potion masters."

"You failed the Forgetfullness potion in your first year. How did you get in your 5th? You know, don't answer that, you'll have your reasons."

I let him write down all he remembers about the potion and sigh when there are barely words on the parchment. This'll be a long night.

At almost 11 PM I return to my dorm. I close the door behind me and try not to throw my bag across the room. I take a deep breath and calm myself down. My phone vibrates and I see a chat of my sister.

Co-hater of mom

Come to the lake, we're having a girls' night

My friends and I are already there

We got drinks

Alcoholic, obvi


I won't tell mom

I chuckle a bit at the last message. Mom has a favourite: me. And unlike you would think, that isn't fun. She expects me to follow the rules, while my sister often doesn't. We both hate mom and often find support with eachother in moments when mom is at her worst

Co-hater of mom



I can see you're already drunk

I'm on my way


I need to get my mind of things and a girls' night sounds fun.

I'm already starting on the second part while I'm posting this. So, don't worry, it'll be there soon!

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