2. New Years present (Enemies with tension)

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Smut! Yes, finally.

~Y/N's POV~

Today it was New Years eve. There was a party in the Slytherin common room for the people who stayed behind, which most people did once they heard there was a party. To my luck, also my arch-enemy, Mattheo Riddle. We both hate each other and do anything to make the other's life worse than it already was.

I was in my dorm getting into my dress with my bestie, Pansy. She had a short black dress, which hugged her body perfectly. I picked out a green, looser one. We decided to do some simple make-up and keep our hair loose. There already was a lot of talking downstairs and we didn't want to be the last one to arrive, so we hurried to the common room. Apparently somebody (probably Blaise) stole drinks from the kitchen to get people drunk. I wasn't complaining, though!

After a lot of partying I decided to go outside for some fresh air. I was leaning against the railing of a balcony with a drink in my hand. It was only a few minutes before the fireworks would start (apparently drinks weren't the only thing Blaise stole), when I heard a voice behind me: "Hey, Y/L/N"

I didn't even need to look behind me to know who it was. "What do you want, Riddle?" I hissed.

"Oh, nothing. I just realized somebody was missing at the party," he answered. He walked over and leaned next to me. In the common room the people started counting, which indicated it was almost midnight.

10, 9, 8, ...

"I also wanted to give you your New Year's present..." he continued.

..., 7, 6, 5, ...

"Oh? And what might that be?" I asked. I could feel him smirk.

..., 4, 3, 2, 1, 0!

"This," he cupped my chin and kissed me! I didn't pull back. Why didn't I pull back? I guess because I've never been kissed that good. I slid my hands in his hair and kissed him back. He smiled against my lips and pushed me against a wall. His lips moved down to my neck.

"God, I've been waiting for this..." he whispered. My breath hitched in my throat. How come I've never noticed how hot this guy was? With one hand he kept holding my face, while the other moved to my ass. My breathing was getting heavier. He brought his lips back up to kiss mine again. He pulled back, smirking. "You know I can read minds right?" he whispered.

I rolled my eyes. "Shut up and keep kissing me, Riddle!"

"Oh? We have an attitude?" His lips found my neck again. "How about I take you to my dorm to fuck it out?"

My breath hitched again. I had to process what he just said for a few seconds. He grinned against my neck. "C'mon... I know you want it..."

Did I? I guess so. Ah, fuck it. "Maybe I do..."

Next thing I knew he was pulling me by my wrist between the crowd. He pulled me into his dorm and locked the door behind me. He pinned me against it and slid his hands down my body. He started kissing my neck again. One hand moved up again to unzip my dress, while I started unbuttoning his shirt and slid it off his shoulders. Once he got my dress off, he unclasped my bra and moved his lips to my breasts. He started sucking on one of them and I let out a soft moan. He removed his mouth from my breast and picked me up to place me on the bed. He unzipped his jeans, so he was only in his boxer. He leaned down to kiss me again.

"You're sure about this, right? I don't want you to regret this later," he whispered when he pulled back.

"If I wasn't sure I wouldn't have let you take off my bra or my dress, dumbass," I answered, smirking.

He smirked back. "Still that attitude, huh?"

He pulled my panties off and slipped two fingers inside of my pussy. I gasped and then moaned. He started moving them, making me moan even harder.

"Quiet, love, you don't want to let everyone know what we're doing up here..." Mattheo told me. I bit my lip to do so, but it stayed hard.

He curled his fingers to tease my walls and as he did so I felt myself getting closer. He did too and slipped his fingers out. I glared at him.

"Fuck you," I hissed. He just smirked and took off his boxer.

He grabbed my hips and nudged my entrance. My back arched and a moan accidentally slipped out when he slid his cock in. He let me adjust to his size. Once I was, he started thrusting. I had to bite my lip harder to keep quiet. I could feel myself getting closer and closer again. He let me come and then flipped us over, so I was on top. I knew what he wanted and started moving my hips. He held them to guide me and groaned my name. My first name, this time. After awhile I could feel him twitch inside me. A few seconds later he came too. He placed me back on my back and slipped out.

"I didn't think you'd be that good, Riddle," I said, trying to catch my breath a bit.

"I'm never gonna get that attitude out of you, am I?" he whispered.

I chuckled. "Never."

So, this is probably why most of you read this book, am I right? Don't worry, I have the exact same problem (We probably need therapy)! 

I decided to do a chapter that's bit more fun after the previous one, so we don't get too sad!

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