9. Stay (Lovers)

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This one was requested by @AnonymousR6  (I hope I got that right)

I have a shit brain and barely remember anything from the final battle, so there will be mistakes! Sorry for that!

~Y/N's POV~

I sigh as the newest Defense Against Dark Arts─ no, they call it 'Dark Arts' now, teacher starts talking again. While my twin brother is away saving the world, I still need to be in class. Yes, you heard it right, I'm Harry Potters sister. The strange thing is that the prophecy only involved him and not me. He got all the attention, while I just had to stay quiet and do nothing. It's no surprise I'm not the model student. I often sneak off to see my boyfriend, Mattheo Riddle, a Slytherin and his son.

After class I am about to walk to the Gryffindor common room when a voice boomed over the castle. 

"I know that you are preparing to fight. Your efforts are futile. You cannot fight me. I do not want to kill you. I have great respect for the teachers of Hogwarts. I do not want to spill magical blood. Give me Harry Potter, and none shall be harmed. Give me Harry Potter, and I shall leave the school untouched. Give me Harry Potter, and you will be rewarded. You have until midnight."

Everybody's eyes widen, girls start screaming and teachers start getting students to safer places. Everybody has to go to the Great Hall by house. I go to the Gryffindor table and look for Mattheo at the Slytherin one, but he is nowhere to be seen. Fuck, this could only mean one thing. He's with his father.

~Mattheo's POV~

After my father made his big announcement he walks to me.

"You will be my right hand in this battle, son. Together we will be powerful, together we will win this battle."

I nod, even though I'm sure I shouldn't. The Hogwarts army is strong, they will defeat him and most will survive... Right?

After my father leaves to get his army prepared I sigh. I really wish I could be with Y/N. I want to hope she won't fight and go somewhere safe, but it's Y/N, she'll fight, no matter what.

When midnight comes and there's still no sign of Y/N's brother my father's army attacks. People fight all around me. I fight too, but I don't want to kill. My eye falls on Y/N fighting with her brother, but my attention quickly gets pulled away when Harry's best friend, Ron, fires an attack at me. 

"The water spell? Seriously?" I taunt, since there are enough people around me who can snitch on my father. "Scared to kill, Weasley?"

"I could say the same about you, Riddle. It seems like you don't kill much either," Ron hisses. "Rictusempra!"

"Protego!" I roll my eyes at his futile attempts to attack. "Bombarda!"

The spell fires him against the wall and Hermione runs to him. "Ron!"

Another wizard of my father's army focuses on them, giving me time to look for Y/N. My eyes widen when I see her standing across of him, trying to protect her brother.

My father grins evilly. "Foolish girl... You think you can stop me?"

"Maybe I can. You won't win, Voldemort, even if I die," she says. 

"Whatever you wish. I won't use the killing curse on a fool like you... I'll let you bleed to death." My father's grin widens. "Sectumsempra!"

She doesn't run or flinch, giving no sign of fear. My eyes widen and I run to her. "NO!"

~Y/N's POV~


Mattheo falls down in front of me. The whole battle stops, even Voldemort is quiet. I drop to my knees and hold him in my arms.

"No. No, no, no, no, no, no... Mattheo, please, stay with me, come on, you have to live," I tell him, over and over again. Tears are streaming down my cheeks.

I feel Harry put a hand on my shoulder. "Why did he do that? He's the enemy..."

"He isn't! Why could nobody see that?!" I shouldn't shout like that, but my emotions are becoming too much. "He didn't choose to be born in this family! He didn't choose to to fight us!"

"That's why he barely killed anyone..." Ron mumbles.

I look at Mattheo's lifeless eyes. I don't want to lose him.

"Wait, Harry, didn't Snape know a way to save him?" Hermione then says.

"Yeah, but he died..." Harry answers.

"But you used it on Draco, right? You must've seen what he did to save him!"

"But what if I screw up?"

"You won't, Harry. You're one of the best wizar─"

Voldemort interrupts her. "No. You will only save my son if you hand yourself over, harry Potter."

I shake my head. I can't lose him to get Mattheo back. "You can't, Harry!"

He kneels down next to me. "Trust me, Y/N, I'll be fine." He then moves his gaze to Voldemort. "I will try to save your son and then I will hand myself over."


Harry whispers a spell and the gash over Mattheo's chest starts to heal. Life comes back in his eyes and he is finally breathing again.

"Y/N? You're okay? I'm okay? What happened?" he asks, confused.

Tears are once again streaming down my face, this time from happiness. "Bloody hell, I thought I lost you! Don't ever do that again! Just let me die!" I say as I hug him.

Harry steps to Voldemort. "I saved your son," he says. "Do what you have to."

The Dark Lord grins. "Harry Potter. The boy who lived, has come to die..."

"Wait, he traded my life for his? Y/N, he can't do that!" Mattheo tells me.

"He told me to trust him, Mattheo, so I do."

As Voldemort casts the killing curse and I don't dare to look.

First everyone gasps, but then they all cheer, at least on our side. 

"How?" Voldemort asks.

"Love. Love protected me once from you and the sacrifice I made of saving your son instead of living myself was enough love to protect me again."

"Well, then I'll just do it again! Love won't protect you forever! Avada Kedavra!"

Harry shouted "Expelliarmus" and the Elder wand flew out of Voldemort's hand, making the curse rebound and finally kill him.

I sighed relieved and ran to Harry to hug him. "You're addicted to that spell, aren't you?"

He chuckled. "It's a useful one, it just helped me defeat Voldemort."

Harry helped Mattheo up, who was still a bit dizzy from the blod loss.

"If you hurt my sister, I'll kill you," he warned.

Mattheo nodded. "Of course."

Mattheo then walked to me and kissed me. "I love you."

"I love you too... But don't ever try to save me from a curse by giving your own life."

He chuckled. "I won't."

Okay! This one was longer!

Thanks for the idea!

If y'all have more ideas, let me know! I'll try to add as much as possible!

Oh, and vote if you liked it!

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