10. Tutor {Part 3} (Enemies to lovers)

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WE GOT TO 5K READS! I love you! All of you! Yes, you too!

~Mattheo's POV~

I find Y/N in a pool of her own blood. Scars are on her palms, arms and legs. A bloodied knife is still in her hand.

"Fuck," I hiss as I kneel down next to her. "Be alive, be alive, be alive."

I take her face in my hands and check her pulse. She groans and opens her eyes.

"No, just let me die, Riddle. I'm not worth saving," she mumbles.

"Y/N!" a voice shouts behind me. I glance to the person and see her sister.

She kneels down on Y/N's other side with a very worried face.

"Oh, my god..." she mumbles.

"She's alive," I tell her. "She did lose a lot of blood."

"We need to get her to Madame Pomfrey."

"I'll carry her, it's no big deal. You take her stuff."

I carefully pick her up, making sure to not cause any more injuries.

Hannah walks behind me. At a certain point we have no choice but to walk through the halls full of students. Everybody stares at us, some people point. Theodore runs to me.

"Shit. What happened?" he asks.

"No time to explain. Make sure nobody gets in the way."

He nods and helps us get to Madame Pomfrey easily. When she sees us, her eyes widen and she quickly leads us to a bed where  put her down. I don't want to leave her, but Madame Pomfrey doesn't really give me a choice.

Y/N's sister sits down against the wall, while I pace up and down. "How the fuck could this happen? She was just fine yesterday."

"She's a good secret keeper. I bet she didn't tell you about mom?"

I glance at Hannah. "No, she didn't. I'm not surprised, to be honest. Is your mom that terrible?"

"Y/N's her favourite, but she has way too high expectations of her. It's a lot of pressure."

"Has she ever done... that, before?"

"Hurt herself? No. But I have a feeling it has to do with some bitches who have been bodyshaming her for a while now. God, how I wish she'd have let me beat them up this morning."

"You know names?"

"No. They do stand out. The rich Hufflepufs who show around with their money a lot?"

I nod. "If she wakes up, text me, I have to do something."

~Y/N's POV~

I wake up in the infirmary. I don't remember anything but Mattheo's face and me telling him I didn't need to be saved, before everything went black. Turns out he didn't listen.

"Y/N! You're awake!" My sister is sitting beside me, holding my hand.

"Where's Mattheo?" I don't even know why that's my first question.

"He... had to go somewhere. Why did you hurt yourself?" Hannah's hand softly moves over my bandaged arms.

"I don't want to live anymore. Why should I? I suck."

"You don't, Y/N. Who the hell told you that?"

"I don't know..." I think to myself a bit, wondering if I should tell her or not. "I got messages from an unknown number. They... They told me I was stupid... And ugly... They're probably right..."

"Oh, Y/N..." She carefully wraps her arms around me and strokes my hair. "They aren't. You're smart, Y/N, and beautiful. Don't ever let anyone tell you otherwise."

"I think it was one of those girls..."

"I bet it was... Mattheo had to go when I told him about them... Judging by his personality he went to beat them up."

"Why would he do that? He's my enemy."

Hannah chuckles against my hair. "Is he? When did you become enemies?"

"Well... I think... I don't know..."

"He cares a lot about you. He texted me immediately when you weren't responding to his texts and you should've seen his face when I foud him with you in the tower."

I'm quiet. I never thought Mattheo cared about me.

"Oh, shit! That reminds me, I had to text him when you woke up!" Hannah quieckly grabs her phone and texts Mattheo.

Only 10 minutes later he already runs in, earning a glare of Madame Pomfrey. Hannah's guess was right, he beat at least one person up, his knuckles are still bloody.

"Hey, princess," he whispers as he gently cups my cheek. "Don't ever do that again. I can't lose you."

"I'm sorry..."

"Don't be. The people who should be already payed."

"No, I didn't mean for that, I meant for hating you for no reason."

"You did have a reason. I was a prick when I was younger." 

"Well, I should've stopped when you weren't anymore."

He smiles at me. "Maybe..."

"Oh, for fucks sake, just kiss already!" my sister shouts from where she's sitting.

"Fuck off," I hiss at the same time as Mattheo flips her off.

"Alright, alright, I'll go," my sister mumbles. "I'll go get some snacks."

When we're finally alone, Mattheo smirks at me. "Maybe I just should."

"Kiss me? Whatever makes you happy, Riddle."

He chuckles as he slowly brings his face closer to mine and finally kisses me.

─ About 10 years later ─

"But mom! I was here first!" my eldest daughter, Vicky, shouts.

"No, I was!" her younger sister, Cassandra, interjects.

After the incident Mattheo and I started dating and later we got married. We got two kids. My mom finally realised the pressure she put on me and became an actual good mother. Hannah married Irene and adopted a dog, since they both never wanted kids. Somehow my life still ended up good after the hell it was in school.

"I don't care. Watch something together or don't watch TV at all," I tell them.

"Listen to your mother, girls!" Mattheo says, as he sits down next to me in the couch. His hand slowly trails the marks on my arms. "Ever expected this to happen when you were in school?"

"To be honest, I didn't. I expected to be forced to marry someone my mom chose and live almost the same life as her."

"Well, I think you got someone, better, no?"

"Way better," I answer as I softly kiss him.

Tadaaah! Part three and also the final part!

I really liked this story and I'd appreciate it if you let me know what you think!

Love y'all! XX

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