10. Tutor {Part 2} (Enemies to lovers)

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Part two!

There will be some non existing characters here, and if you don't like the names, just change them in your head!

⚠ Warning: self harm

~Y/N's POV~

I put on a sweater and pants, since it'd be colder this late at night at the beach and unlike a lot of other people my sister and her friends don't judge.

It doesn't take me long to find them. They aren't the quietest.

"Hey, Y/N!" the oldest and most responsible of the group shouts when she sees me.

"Hey, Irene! How drunk is Hannah already?"

Irene chuckles. "Compared to other times, your sister's quite alright. How's life?"

"Well, I'm forced to tutor Mattheo, mom still hates me and my schedule's fucked up, but aside from that I'm fine."

"Oh no! You gotta tutor Riddle? God, that sounds like hell."

"No, it's worse. I could really use this night out."

"Sit down and chill, forget about that asshole!"

I smile and sit down next to her.

After a few hours Irene and I got the rest of the girls back to their dorms. Luckily they were able to walk.

The next morning I wake up, feeling better than expected. I guess the fact I decided not to drink much really helped. At least, I felt good until I saw mom's name on my phone. I rolled my eyes and picked up.

"Y/N! You gotta be more responsible of Hannah! I heard she got drunk again yesterday! And you were there too! She's going to ruin the whole family's reputation! You should do better than her, Y/N! If I hear you're with her and her alcohol, I'll get her out of school! Well, now I got that through, I gotta go, Samuel is taking me to one of those fancy resorts where they make you look pretty and such! Bye!"

Again, she hangs up once she's done speaking.

"Yes, mom, go there, you could use it..."

I change into my uniform and get to the Great Hall for breakfast. My sister looks like she got thrown in the Black Lake and the squid had toyed with her a bit.

I sit down next to her. "Hey, sunshine, don't you look amazing this morning?"

She groans. "Shut up. Mom called. I didn't pick up. I guess she called you later?"

"She did. Told me I need to be more responsible. I think I've been very responsible yesterday."

"You were. You didn't drink and kept me from drinking more than I already did."

I chuckle. "You should teach yourself not to drink so much again, Hannah."

"Y/N, where's the fun in that?"

I am about to answer when my phone vibrates.


Snape just came up to me

Says we need to have another session today

I sigh. I actually hoped I'd be free of that hell today.


Library again?


I hope you checked the recipes last night

I'll kill you if it's as bad as yesterday

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