6. Midnight talk (Crushing friends)

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~Y/N's POV~

Me and Mattheo have been friends for 2 years now. We met when we both got detention. Me for pranking Snape and him for skipping Snape's classes. After that we kept talking. We both got into detention for a lot later. Old habits die hard.

I won't deny he's handsome─ no, excuse me: hot, no one can, but I don't think he sees me that way, so I keep that for myself.

Right now, Mattheo and I snuck out of our dorms to hang out in the astronomy tower. We're leaning against the railing, while looking at the stars and smoking.

I take a drag from my cigarette. I can see something is on his mind. "What're you thinking of?" I ask.

"What if Snape didn't give us detention at the same time, so we never would've met?" he answers.

"Well, we've practically the same minds, so we would've met another way, probably..."

He chuckles. "That's true. We would've been pulled to eachother like magnets."

I nod. "We were destined to be best friends..."

We're silent for a moment and just gaze the stars. Mattheo is the one who breaks the silence: "What if... What if we were destined to be more than friends?"

The question catches me off guard for a second. "You mean...lovers?" He nods. 

"You've been thinking about that?" I ask.

He chuckles again. "You really have no idea, have you, Y/N?"

"W-what do you mean?"

He puts out his cigarette and turns to me. "I think I'm in love with you, Y/N. I have been for a while now. You're just so... Beautiful and nice... You're the only one who doesn't hate me because I'm his son."

I smile. "You have no idea how happy that makes me, Matt. I think I'm in love with you too."

He smiles and cups my chin. "May I?"

I nod. His lips softly brush against mine, after a few minutes he pulls back. "You're perfect, Y/N," he whispers.

"And you're more than 'the Dark Lord's son', you're Mattheo Riddle. No one should ever blame you for being born in the wrong family," I tell him.

I'm back! Sorry for taking so long to write this chapter, but I had a bit of a writers block on this one. Yes, I know it's short, but I'll try to make longer ones in the future.

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